Adolescence Flashcards
Females start puberty average at ________.
10 years
Females start puberty as EARLY as _________.
8 years
Females start puberty as late as ________.
13 years
For boys, puberty consistently start ______ later than girls.
2 years
Breast budding starts between ages ________. (Average age of 11)
8 and 13
Breast budding is completed between ages _________. (Average of 15)
12 and 18
Growth spurt usually starts at about ______; peaks at age _____.
10 1/2 years; 12 years.
Growth spurt usually ends at age ______.
Noticeable growth in stature stops at age _____.
The average girl of ____ has already reached 98% of her adult height.
Pubic hair begins to grow between the ages of _______ on the average. Growth is completed by age 14.
11 and 12
Growth of testes and scrotum usually begins between ages ________.
10 and 13.5 years
Straight pubic hairs occurs between _______ in males.
10-15 years
Penile growth spurt occurs normally between ages __________.
10.5 and 14.5 years
Height spurt occurs relatively later in boys than in girls; average increase in height is age ______; he normally adds 3-5 inches to his height in a year in which he grows the fastest.
Occurs relatively late in adolescence and often a gradual process.
Voice change
________ changes occur prior to the first ejaculation.
Early voice
Transition into a ___________ after the appearance of axillary hair and the period of maximum growth.
deep tonal voice
“Tasks” of adolescence
Early adolescence
10-13 years old
Middle adolescence
14-16 years old
Late adolescence
17-19 years old
Starts to move to peers
Early adolescence
Declares independence
Late adolescence
Continues effort to establish separate identity from parents
Middle adolescence
Often becomes idealistic and altruistic
Middle adolescence
Establishes a set body image
Late adolescence
Vacillates between clinging and rebellion to family
Early adolescence
Strives for independence
Early adolescence
Maybe confused, preoccupied with body, wonders ‘‘am I normal’’
Early adolescence
Interested in dating, exploring sex
Middle adolescence
Loves more realistically, develops commitment
Late adolescence
Loves intensely, “desperately”
Middle adolescence
Continues to develop abstract thinking
Middle adolescence
Peer group becomes less important, more selective of friends
Late adolescence
Develops more consistent framework of values, morals and ethics
Late adolescence
Able to think abstractly
Late adolescence
Defines life’s goals
Late adolescence