Colonial Policy and administration of India Flashcards
What was Britain’s colonial policy between 1919 and 1947 ?
- engineering concessions in order to keep the empire and resist the rise of nationalism.
What did the Secretary of State and the Viceroy create a system of ?
created a system of limited government, establishing a ‘dyarchy’
Terms of the Government of India Act 1919 ?
- Viceroy remained control of major areas like defence and foreign affairs and his council remained purely appointed body
- Legislative Council was split into lower house ( Legislative Assembly ) of which 104 of its 144 members were to be elected and upper house ( council of state ) of which 34 of its 60 members were elected
- Provincial councils run by elected Indian ministers took responsibility for local government , health, education and agriculture.
Why did the British introduce these reforms in the act ?
- as a concession to critics of British rule in the India Congress and to weaken support for them
- first step towards a system of dominion self government.
What was the Simon Commission ?
- did not include Indian representation and reviewed the India Act.
What did the Simon Commission recommend ?
- a federal system of government be created across India, incorporating both provinces under direct British rule and the princely states
- provinces be given more power
- defence, internal security and foreign affairs should remain in the hands of a British viceroy, ensuring overall British control.
What caused the Round Table Conferences ?
- opposition from the independence movement in India led to the movements
Result of the Round Table Conferences ?
No agreement was reached
What did the British reject during the Conferences ?
- British rejected self governing Dominion status
Why did the British reject self governing Dominion status ?
- due to their prejudice for non’ white leaders and peoples
- concern for India’s strategic and economic importance to Britain.
What did the Government of India Act, 1935 do ?
- created a federation of India
Terms of the Government of India Act, 1935 ?
- making the provinces completely self governing ( although provincial governors were still appointed by the British
- franchise from 7 to 35 million people.
Why was the gov of India Act, 1935 opposed by the Congress Party ?
it fell short of the independence enjoyed by the Dominions and because of a desire to be completely free of British rule
Why did the princely states reject the 1935 Act as well ?
as they wanted to maintain their independence from the rest of India
What did Congress controlled ministries do in opposition to Indian participation of the war ?
- members of Congress - controlled ministries in the provinces resigned from office
What happened as a result of ministries resigning from office ?
Britain imposed direct rule and dealt with independence protests against the war with severe repression - especially the arrest of independence leaders
Situation in India by 1947 ?
- clear that British colonial policy had failed
- independence movements had succeeded
- India became two independent states.