Administration Flashcards
ACE Inhibitors
- monitor potassium levels if taking diuretic
- administer epinephrine for angioedema
ARB Inhibitors
-monitor potassium levels if taking diuretic
Calcium Channel Blockers
- use caution with digoxin and beta blockers
- contraindicated in heart failure, heart block, bradycardia
- do not consume grapefruit juice
Alpha Adrenergic Blockers
- monitor heart rate and blood pressure
- take at bedtime to minimize effects of hypotension
Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonists
- monitor CBC
- monitor heart rate and blood pressure
- monitor for weight gain, edema
- do not skip dose
- take at bedtime to minimize effects of hypotension
- contraindicated with anticoagulants and liver failure
- use caution in CVA, MI, diabetes mellitus, major depression, chronic renal failure
Beta Adrenergic Blockers
- hold medication if SBP less than 100 mmHg or pulse less than 60 bpm
- monitor diabetic patients for hypoglycemia
- contraindicated in heart block or bradycardia
- do not administer nonselective beta blockers to clients with asthma
- protect from light
- continuous heart rate and blood pressure monitoring
- use caution with hepatic or renal disease
- use caution in electrolyte imbalances
- assess apical pulse for 1 min prior to administration and notify provider if less than 60 bpm
- maintain therapeutic digoxin level (0.8-2 ng/mL)
- monitor for signs of digoxin toxicity
- monitor for hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia which may precipitate digoxin toxicity
- digoxin immune FAB for toxicity
sublingual: at chest pain administer tablet and rest for 5 min, if pain not relieved take second tablet and call 911, if pain still not relieved may take up 3rd tablet; keep covered and replace every 6 months; may use prophylactically before exercise; erectile dysfunction drugs cause life threatening hypotension; wear patch 12-14 hr then remove
rapid IV push (1-2 seconds) close to body, flush with normal saline
- incompatible with heparin
- may be given PO for maintenance dose
- monitor for respiratory depression
-when used for life-threatening emergency, has no complications
- do not administer with grapefruit juice
- multiple drug interactions
- take in the evening when cholesterol synthesis increases
- monitor liver and renal function labs
- low fat and high fiber diet
Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor
- take in the evening when cholesterol synthesis increases
- monitor liver and renal function labs
- low fat and high fiber diet
- take 2 hr before or 4 hr after antilipemics
Beta 2 Adrenergic Agonists
beta blockers will reduce effects
-contraindicated with tachydysrhythmias
- monitor therapeutic levels (10-20 mcg/mL)
- avoid caffeine intake
- monitor for toxicity
- activated charcoal for toxicity
Inhaled Anticholinergics
- maximum effects may take up to two weeks
- do not use for treatment of acute bronchospasms
- contraindicated for peanut allergy
- use extreme caution with narrow angle glaucoma and BPH
- diabetic clients may require higher doses
- administer with meals
- do not discontinue abruptly
Leukotriene Modifiers
- do not use for acute asthma attack
- take daily in the evening
- take packets within 15 minutes of opening
- do not mix oral granules with liquids
- monitor characteristics of cough and lung sounds
- promote fluid intake
- monitor characteristics of cough and lung sounds
- promote fluid intake
- monitor characteristics of cough and lung sounds
- promote fluid intake
- monitor blood pressure
- take at night
- assess for hypokalemia
- teach management of anticholinergic effects
- monitor blood pressure
- take at night
- assess for hypokalemia
- teach management of anticholinergic effects
Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors
-contraindicated in intestinal disease due to gas formation
- hold 48 hr before/after contrast media
- contrindicated with severe infection, shock, hypoxic conditions
-use caution with impaired renal function
- short acting
- administer before each meal
- risk of hypoglycemia
- extreme high risk of hypoglycemia in renal, hepatic, adrenal disorders
- can cause disulfiram like reaction with alcohol injestion
-exacerbate heart failure
Short Acting Insulin
-only regular insulin is given IV
Intermediate Acting Insulin
when mixing regular and NPH, draw up regular first (cloudy before clear, clear before cloudy)
Long Acting Insulin
-administer at bedtime
- administer for unresponsive client
- monitor blood glucose levels
- overmedication can result in signs of hyperthyroidism
- initate therapy with low doses
- take in early morning
- monitor tyroid levels and cardiac system
- administer with food at the same time each day
- drink 3L of fluid
- avoid products containing iodine
- monitor for signs of hypothyroid
- discontinue prior to radioactive iodine reuptake testing
- monitor growth patterns and administer individualized dose
- discontinue prior to epiphyseal closure
- administer subcutaneously
Desmopressin and Vasopressin
- monitor urine output, specific gravity, blood pressure
- prevent hyponatremia due to water intoxication
- education regarding nasal spray administration
Epoetin Alpha
monitor Hct and Hgb, do not agitate vial, subcutaneous or IV administration
Filgrastim and Pegfilgrastim
monitor CBC
- do not agitate vial
- subcutaneous or IV administration
- administer within 6 to 24 hr after chemotherapy
- subcutaneous administration
Iron Preparations
- dilute liquid preparations with juice or water and administer with plastic straw or syringe to avoid staining teeth
- encourage vitamin C intake to increase absorption
- avoid antacids, coffee, tea, dairy, whole grains which decrease absorbtion
- use z-track for IM injections and do not use deltoid muscle
- administer subcutaneous, IV, oral depending on medication
- avoid NSAIDS, aspirin, or other medications which increase bleeding
- pregnancy category X
- contraindications include thrombocytopenia and vitamin K deficiency
- monitor aPTT/PT/INR
- protamine sulfate for heparin toxicity and vitamin K for warfarin toxicity
- bleeding precautions
- monitor for bleeding
- contraindicated in thrombocytopenia
- use caution with peptic ulcer disease
- administration must take place within 4-6 hr of symptom onset
- continuous monitoring is required
- clients will begin anticoagulation therapy to prevent repeat thrombotic event
- contraindicated for intracranial hemorrhage, active bleeding, aortic dissection
- use caution with severe hypertension
prolonged use can cause hypophosphatemia, can decrease medication absorption –> take other medications 1 hr before or after, renal impairment should only use aluminum based preparations, do not self prescribe for longer than 2 weeks