Administration Flashcards
Suetonius- divided Rome into 14 districts ‘Divided the city into districts … annual magistrates should take by lot’
controlled by annually elected magistrates for each lot
Res Gestae, acquired new territories,
Tacitus allowing him to extend the Pomerium
‘The emperor … widened the sacred precincts of the Capital’
Public services
Suetonius, appointed a fire brigade
‘Nightly watch to look out for fires’
Strabo ‘instituted a company of freedmen … watch out against conflagration’
Suetonius, instituted civil protectors to watch over the districts
‘protected by wardens chosen of each neighbourhood’
Suetonius, changed, removed and added new laws beneficial to Rome
‘some laws he abrogated, and he made some new ones’
Velleius Paterculus : ‘old laws were usefully amended, new ones he made for the general good’
Res Gestae: ‘Three times I revised the senatorial role’,
revising the property requirements from 400,000 sesterces to 1,000,000
Did also do things to seemingly appease the senate, not just be contradictory to their goals
Suetonius: ‘banned the publication of acts of the senate’
Edicts of Cyrene- evidence of administrational control in the outermost provinces of the empire
Strabo- shows how Romanised members of certain provinces became at the time due to Augustan influence
new roles within the senate
Suetonius: ‘devised several new offices; such as surveyors of public buildings, roads, public aqueducts and the bed of the Tiber’
Velleius Paterculus, two new praetorships created:
‘two additional praetors to the existing eight’
Tacitus: leading senators could act as ‘Prefect of the City’ (Prefectus Urbi)