ADM Flashcards
ADM 1020
Who has the ultimate authority to issue, modify, or approve policy and procedure?
The chief
ADM 1020
How often is P and P reviewed at a minimum?
ADM 1020
P and P is divided into ________ manuals.
ADM 1020 (Grammatical construct of P and P)
__________ and ___________ are mandatory.
____________ is permissive.
Shall and will are mandatory
May is permissive.
ADM 1020
Who can recommend changes in policy?
What form does the person complete for changes?
Any employee
DE form 72
Who must sign any directive affecting P and P?
Chief or DC
ADM 1020
When do temporary directives expire?
45 days
They must be incorporated into the P and P prior to the 45 days.
ADM 1033 (Span of control)
Normally no more than _________ employees should be under the immediate control of supervisor.
12 employees
ADM 1033 (email)
Check email at a minimum
Officers __________
Supervisors __________
Officers - Daily
Supervisors - 3 times a day
ADM 1050 (training records)
Terminated, resigned, or retired employees training will maintain original records for ______ years
3 years
ADM 1053
How many training hours at a minimum is required annually to avoid having POST certificate suspended?
24 hours
ADM 1053
In order to comply with ACA standards, how much more hours of training are required above the standard per POST?
16 Hours
ADM 1053
How many times a year are we required to qualify with firearms?
What P and P covers the code of conduct?
ADM 1100
ADM 1100
If you are acquainted with an inmate, you must do what?
File a written report with the supervisor.
ADM 1100
Don’t act as a bailer for anyone in custody except for whom?
ADM 1100
Personal items allowed in the housing units are:
1) Personal hygiene (pocket size)
2) Snacks (fit in pocket)
3) Water in a clear plastic bottle
4) Transparent plastic bags
ADM 1100
Failure to report a person sleeping on duty is considered what?
Neglect of duty
ADM 1100
Failure or refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test is considered?
ADM 1100
if caught in a public place or off duty under the influence of a controlled substance will result in?
Immediate suspension pending investigation.
ADM 1100
All media inquiries will be directed to who?
Chief or designee
ADM 1100
While on duty or under “color of law” do not publicly express an opinion on?
Racial, religious, political, or controversial subjects
ADM 1100
Anyone introducing a telecommunications device into the jail can be charged with a _________
ADM 1100
Making a telecommunications device available to an inmate means you could be charged with?
Category E Felony
ADM 1120 (Levels of discipline)
Discipline Action Rank
1) Oral __________
2) Written reprimand ___________
3) Suspension ___________
4) Reduction in classification ___________
5) Termination ___________
1) SGT or above
2) LT or above
3) Chief
4) Chief
5) Chief
ADM 1120
Oral warning are documented how?
When can they be removed from an employees file?
Memo form
9 months
ADM 1120
Chief may impose leave without pay for a max of _____ days.
City manager approves LWOP over 5 days
ADM 1140
Any complains not resolved by a supervisor will result in?
A brief of complaint
ADM 1140
An employee can file a complaint against another employee by doing what?
A memo
ADM 1140
Investigations will normally be completed within ______ days of complaint unless extended with the chief’s approval.
60 days
ADM 1100
Who investigates minor complaints such as sick leave?
First line supervisor
ADM 1140
5 different findings in any complaint investigated by internal affairs
1) Unfounded
2) Not sustained
3) Sustained
4) Exonerated
5) Misconduct not based on complaint
ADM 1140
How much notice is required before an investigative interview with an officer?
48 hours
Unless waived by the officer
ADM 1189
Who can remove an officer from duty?
Chief, DC, LT, AOD, or the supervisor.
- The chief decides about admin leave
ADM 1180
Early warning system is activated when?
1) 3 or more formal complaints within 12 month period
2) 2 or more vehicle accidents within 12 months
3) 10 or more UOF incidents within 6 month period
ADM 1189
EW notification forms will be purged after _________ ?
2 years
ADM 1331
Beanie cap is authorized to wear during what timeframe?
November 1st - March 1st
ADM 1331
Winter uniform dates?
Winter - November 1 - March 31
Summer - April 1 - October 31
ADM 2010
An accidental discharge of a firearm or taser not resulting in injury in a non-enforcement circumstance requires what?
A memo
ADM 2010
For the restraint board, range of motion exercises are performed every ________ hours.
How many minutes for movement of limbs?
2 hours
10 minutes
ADM 2010
Restroom break is given once every ______ hours while on board or erc
- Females released from board
Males can be offered a urinal with medical assistance - includes giving water as well
ADM 2010 ERC
Use beyond 2 hours required approval from who?
Facility doctor
- not to exceed 8 hours total
ADM 2010
Documentation required if we apply spit hold?
If we leave spit hood on that arresting officer applied.
1) Use of force
2) Incident report