Adlerain Therapy Flashcards
Goal directed view of human nature
What is the focus of Adlerian therapy?
Motivated by social relatedness rather than sexual urges.
- Purposeful and goal directed - Consciousness rather than unconscious. - Reeducation individuals and reshaping society.
Viewing the word form the first person. The first person frame of reference or structures of consciousness.
- Subjective Reality.
- Perceptions, thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, convictions, and conclusions.
- The meaning we attach to this subjective understanding is far more important that objective reality.
Individual Psychology
- From the Latin (Individuum) meaning indivisible. Avoiding reductionism. Understanding the whole person in the context of his or her life.
- Interconnected components moving towards a life goal.
Holistic concept
We cannot be understood i parts; rather all aspects of ourselves must be understood in a relationship.
Basic assumptions of Individual Psychology
We can only think for and act in relation to our life goal. We can be only be fully understood in light of and knowing our purposes and goals of which we are striving.
Fictional Finalism
An imagine life goal that guides a persons behavior.
- Connecting themes and rules of interaction that give meaning to life events.
- Our perceptions regarding self, others and the world.
- The individuals characteristic ways of thinking, feeling, acting and living.
- The diving towards long term goals.
Social Interest
Is the action line of ones community feeling and involves being concerned about others as one is about oneself.
- identification and empathy with others. - The central indicator of mental health. - Once our social interest increases our inferiority and alienation diminishes.
Community Feeling
Embodies the feeling of being connected to all of humanity -past, present, and future - and to be involved in making the world a better place.
- Those who lack community feeling become discouraged and end up on the useless side of life. - If our sense of belonging is not fulfilled, anxiety will result.
Universal Life Tasks
- Building friendships (Social task).
- Establishing intimacy (Love-Marriage task).
- Contributing to society (Occupational task).
- Impairment in one or more of these areas is often an indicator or a psychological disorder.
- Fundament to human living.
Birth Order
- Is not a deterministic concept, but does not increase an individuals probability of having a certain et of experiences.
- The birth order itself is less important that the individuals interpretation of it.
The oldest child
- The centre of attention when the only child.
- dependable and hardworking, serves to keep ahead.
- Feels no longer unique or special when the new child arrives.
- May feel life her love and attention is robed by the newcomer.
- Will therefore become the model child.
The second child
- Shares the attention with the only child form the time she is born.
- Believes she is in a race and generally under full steam.
- Points out the weak spots of the older child
- Strives to succeed where the older child has failed.
- Often the opposite to the firstborn.
The middle child
- Often feels squeezed out.
- Convinced of the unfairness of life and feel cheated.
- May adopt a keeping the peach role and act as mediator.
- Often adopts a poor me role.
The youngest child
- The most pampered.
- May develop helplessness
The only child
- Shares some of the characteristics of the oldest child.
- May not learn to share or operate with her children.
- Deals with adults well.
- Mat become dependent on parents as they have pampered the child.
The main therapeutic goal
- For the client to develop a sense of belonging and to assist in the adoption of behaviours and processes characterised by by community feeling and social interest.
- A collaborate process.
- Not curing a sick person, though working together to better society and reiterate the person back into the community.
- Moves away from the pathology.
- fostering social interest.
- Hoping clients overcome feelings of discouragement and inferiority
- Modifying clients views and goals
- Changing faulty motivation
- encouraging the individual to recognize equality among people.
Family constellation
Parents, siblings, and others living in the home, life tasks, and early recollections.
Early recollections
ER’s are defined as stories of events that a person says occurred one time before he or she was 10 years old.
Lifestyle assessment
Learning to understand the goals and motivations of the client. Targets for therapy are then set.
Private logic
- This is explored by the client and includes concepts about the self, others, and life that constitutes the philosophy on which an individuals life style is based.
- The conclusions based on this private obi do not conform to social living and therefore problems arise.
- Our conditions and beliefs get in the way of social interest.
- We think, then we feel, then we act: Emotions and cognitions serve a purpose, a goo deal of time in therapy is is set discovering and understanding this purpose and reorienting the client toward effective ways of being.
Phase 1: Establish the Relationship
- Collaborative approach
- Clearly defined goals
- Person-To-Person contact rather than staring with a “problem”
- Listening
- Responding
- Faith, hope, caring
- Attention to the subjective experience of the client rather than techniques.
- Provide structure and assist in goal setting.
- Assessments as interpretations
Subjective interview
The counsellor hips to the client to tell his life story as complete as possible.
Objective interview
Seeks to discover information about a) how problems in a clients life began b; any precipitating events, c) a medical history, including current and past medications, d) a social history, e) the reasons the client chose therapy this time, f) the persons coping with life tasks and g) a lifestyle assessment.
Family constellation
The clients evaluation of conditions that prevailed in the family when the person was a child or young, birth order parental relationship, family values, extended family and culture.
Early Recollections
- One-time occur aces usually before the age of 9.
- Small mysteries that can be woven together into a tapestry - can lead to an understanding of how we view the world, ourselves, and others. Our life goals, what motivates us
- Metaphors for our current views.
- Used as a proactive technique:
- To assess the clients convictions about self, others and ethics.
- Asses the clients stance in relation to the counselling session and relationship
- Verify the clients going patterns.
- Assets individual strengths assets and interfering ideas.
- Understanding translated into constructive action.
- A serial form of awareness.
Clients underlying motives for behaviour the way they do in the hear and the now.
Involves shifting rules of interaction processes, and motivation.
- Entails showing faith in people, expecting the to assume responsibility or their lives and valuing who they are.
- The universal therapeutic intervention for Adlerians.
- A fundamental attitude rather than a technique.
- Discouragement is the basic thing that hinders people from functioning. Encouragement is the antidote.
Making a Difference
- Making a difference in the lives of the clients.
- A wide range of techniques can be used, provided they are wishing the theoretical framework of the model.
- Motivation modification rather than behaviour change.
- Holistic changes in the useful side of living.