Adler Latin Flashcards
I shall be what you desire me to be.
Ut voles me esse, ita ero.
Pg. 535
It is not to be doubted.
Dubitari non potest.
Pg. 538
Can you get me some money?
I cannot do it.
Potesne mihi parare pecuniam?
Facere non possum.
Pg. 540
I am delighted that you are in good spirits.
Te hilari animo esse, valde me juvat.
Pg. 335
Where do you come from?
I come from the garden.
Unde venis?
Venio ex hortulo.
Pg. 346
No man is wise at all times.
Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit
Pg. 384
What have I to do?
Quid mihi faciendum est?
Pg. 151
Where is my dog?
Ubi est canis meus?
Pg. 152
Do you desire to go anywhere?
I desire to go into the country.
Cupisne ire aliquo?
Ego rus ire cupio.
Pg. 157
The stars remain fixed in their abodes.
Sidera sedibus suis inhaerunt.
Pg. 157
What is he writing him?
He is writing him to come to the city.
Quid ei scribit?
Scribit ei, ut in urbem veniat.
Pg. 158
Cur, quam ob rem?
Pg. 166
I must write.
Scribendum est mihi.
Pg. 171
We must work.
Laborandum est nobis.
Nos oportet laborare.
Necesse est laboremus.
Pg. 171
The barrel, hogshead
Cupa, ae f.
Pg. 175
Will you do me a favor?
What one? In what respect?
Visne mihi gratum facere?
Qua re?
Pg. 183
Do you know this man?
I do not know him.
Novistine hunc hominem?
Eum non novi.
Non est mihi notus.
Pg. 183
Do you wish to become aquatinted with him?
Yes, I desire to become acquainted with him.
Vin’ eum noscere (cognoscere)?
Cupio vero eum noscere (cognoscere)
How many languages does he know?
He knows all the languages.
Quam multas scit linguas?
Omnes linguas scit.
Linguarum omnium sciens est.
Pg. 191
Do you know latin, greek, english?
Scisne latine, graece, anglice?
Pg. 191
Are you learning latin?
I am learning it sir.
Discisne linguam latinam?
Vero, domine, disco.
Pg. 191
Have you been to the market?
I have been there.
Fuistine in foro?
Pg. 234
At what time did you come into the city?
(We came) yesterday evening.
Quo tempore venistis in urbem?
(Venimus) heri vesperi.
Pg. 256
I am accustomed to drink as soon as I have eaten.
Ego, simul atque edi, bibere soleo.
Pg. 278
As soon as he heard this, he departed.
Quum primum haec audivit, profectus est.
Pg. 278
As soon as
Simul ac (atque), simul ut. Ubi, Quum primum (with perf. indic.)
Pg. 278
Yesterday my father departed.
Heri pater meus profectus est.
Pg. 278
Did he teach you the latin language?
He did teach me.
Docuitne te linguam latinam?
Pg. 488
What does your master teach you?
He teaches me to read and write.
Quid te magister docet?
Docet me legere et scribere.
Pg. 488
Remember me.
Memineris mei.
Facito, ut me memineris.
Pg. 489
The heat
Aestus, us m.
Pg. 493
To make use of, to use
Utor, uti, usus sum (re)
Usitari (re)
Usurpare (rem)
Pg. 494
What use is it to philosophize about the matter?
Quid opus est in hoc philosophari?
Pg. 495
For what? Whereto? for what purpose?
Quo? quorsum? Ad quid? Ad quamnam rem? Cuinam rei
Pg. 495
What does this horse serve you for?
I make use of it for riding.
Ad quid (cui usui) est tibi hicce equus?
Adhibeo eum ad equitandum.
Pg. 495
To employ, make use of (for a certain purpose)
Adhibeo, ere, ui, itum (aliquid ad rem)
Pg. 495
It is better
Melius or satius est, praestat
Pg. 503
To get rid of debts
Debita dissolvere
Pg. 508
I hope no longer.
Spero non amplius.
Pg. 508
I wish it were possible that, etc.
Velim fieri posset, ut, etc.
Pg. 298
Ubi, ubinam
Pg. 137
Wither, where to?
Quo? quorsum? quorsus?
Pg. 137
When, at what time?
Quando, quo tempore?
Pg. 138
I am extremely anxious to see him.
Flagro cupiditate ejus videndi.
Pg. 376
I do not see the paper of which you speak.
Ego chartam, de qua loqueris, non video.
Pg. 386
At twelve o’clock.
Horā duodecimā.
Pg. 138
To write
Scribo, ere, psi, ptum (aliquid, alicui or ad aliquem)
Pg. 139
I come to see (in order that I might see).
Venio ut videam.
Pg. 142
I may possible have acted rashly.
Fortisan temere fecerim.
Pg. 143
Have you enough paper to write to write a letter (for writing a letter)?
I have not enough.
Estne tibi satis chartae ad litteram scribendam?
Non est (mihi satis)
Pg. 144
How much money have you spent today?
I have only spent 10 dollars
Quantam pecuniam hodie expendisti?
Decem tantum thaleros expendi.
Pg. 438
The door
Ostium, i n.
Pg. 441
Would that I had.
Utinam haberem.
Pg. 143
Tell me who he is.
Dic mihi quis (qualis) sit.
Pg. 143
I wish to become learned.
Volo fieri doctus.
Pg. 128
He is wont to be sad.
Solet tristis esse
Pg. 128
It is necessary for me to wash.
Mihi opus est, ut lavem.
Pg. 529
At what price did he buy the horse?
He bought it for five hundred dollars.
Quanti emit ille equum?
(Emit eum) quingentis thaleris.
Pg. 539
How much did you pay for that hat?
I paid three dollars for it.
Quantam pecuniam isto pro pileo solvisti?
Tres thaleros.
Pg. 539
Hey, is there anyone in the house? Is there anyone opening the door?
Heus, ecquis in villa est? Ecquis hoc recludit?
Pg. 544
I would buy this, if I had money
Emerem hoc, si pecunia mihi esset.
Si mihi esset pecunia, emerem hoc.
Pg. 555
Next week
Hebdomade proximā
Pg. 573
Last week
Hebdomade praeteritā or proxime elapsa
Pg. 573
This week
Hac hebdomade
Pg. 573
He speaks latin fluently
Linguā latinā facile loquitur.
Linguae latinae peritus est.
Pg. 600
How does this wine taste?
How do you like this wine?
Quomodo hoc vinum sapit?
Pg. 620
We do not know what to buy.
Nescimus (non habemus), quod emamus.
Pg. 621
He is not a friend, he is but an acquaintance.
Notus tantum, non amicus, est.
Pg. 630
This hurts my feelings.
Hoc mihi aegre est
Hoc me mordet.
Pg. 639
Dies solis; dominicus
Pg. 329
Dies lunae
Pg. 329
Dies martis
Pg. 329
Dies mercurii
Pg. 329
Dies jovis
Pg. 329
Dies veneris
Pg. 329
Dies saturni
Pg. 329
I am (you are, he is) sorry
Poenitet me (te, eum).
Pg. 334
We (you, they) are disgusted.
Taedet nos (vos, eos).
Pg. 334
No more, no longer
Non jam (or jam non), non amplius
Pg. 353
The honest man envies no one.
Probus invidet nemini.
Pg. 357
How stupid she is!
Quam stulta est!
Pg. 644
Let me know.
Facito, ut sciam.
Pg. 296