ADKAR Flashcards
Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement
Main adkar question
Why do you need this change?
What is your desired outcome?
Awareness represents
a person’s understanding
of the nature of the change,
why the change is being made and
the risk of not changing.
Awareness also includes information about) internal and external drivers that created the need for change as well as “what’s in it for me.”
Desire represents the willingness to support and engage in a change. Desire is ultimately about personal choice, influenced by the nature of the change, by an individual’s person
situation, as well as intrinsic motivators that are unique teach person.
Knowledge represents the information,
training and education necessary to know how to change. Knowledge includes information about behaviors, processes, tools, systems, skills, job roles and techniques that are needed to implement a change.
Hotel towel example
Ability represents the realization or execution of the change.
Ability is turning knowledge into action. It should permitted to make errors while learning.
Ability is achieved when a person or group has the demonstrated capability to achieve.
Day to day coaching
Metrics of performance
Reinforcement represents those internal and external factors that sustain a change. External reinforcements could include recognition, rewards and celebrations that are tied to the realization of the change. Internal reinforcements could be a person’s internal satisfaction with his or her achievement or other benefits derived from the change on a personal level.
Audits and measurements
Accountability systems (long term)
Main adkar idea
How to facilitate change with one person
Why change is needed?
Why now?
What in it for me?
Awareness personal factors
Personal view into current state How person percieves the problem Credibility of sender Rumours Ability to dispute (external v internal facts)
Desire personal factors
Desire is the second element of the ADKAR model. Our desire to support and participate in a change is based on a number of considerations:
The nature of the change and what’s in it for us as individuals
How we perceive the organization and our surroundings that are undergoing change (past success, number of changes)
Our personal situation (age, mobility)
Intrinsic motivation - what drives us
Knowledge personal factors
A combination of factors ultimately determines the degree which individuals can acquire the necessary knowledge of how to change.
These factors include:
• Our current knowledge level (gap)
• Our capacity to learn
• The availability of resources for learning (money, materials)
• The access to needed information (location limits access to resources)
Ability - personal factors
Psychological blocks - volunteer firefighter scared of blood
Physical capabilities - arthritis for typing
Intellectual capacity - preference to math
Time available - quick change needed
Support resources - books, mentors, etc
Reinforcement purpose
Sustain change
Builds transition momentum
Creates history that is remembered
Reinforcement - types
Rewards associated with change
Negative consequences
Adkar as management tool
Adkar is individual change system.
For managers it helps and enables them as resource providers, coaches, etc.
Organisational change management
Change management strategy development
Change management activities
Change management elements
Business results
Process of the change project
Business need
Concept and design
Post implementation
Adkar barrier point
Adkar effects cumulative. Must go one after the other.
If some element is weak it is called barrier point, and this is the place were change stops
Building awareness
- Create and brainstorm key messages about why (not how)
- Develop change strategy. Communicate according to that
- Sponsor participates directly, repeats and retrieves feedback - why
- Managers do groups and 1 on 1,
- Employers have time to internalizr and provide feedback
- Misinformation is defused
Iterative process, repetition is a key. At least 7 times per person.