adjustment disorder Flashcards
Adjustment Disorder
not fully depressive
Mood change in reaction to a stressor (job loss, illness, etc.) with mild functional impairment
Symptoms are brief in duration, less than criteria for full disorders
do not require pharmacology except for symptomatic approach (hypnotics, temporary anxiolytics, etc.)
Brief psychotherapy beneficial
Manic Episode thoughts, content, speech behavior
x7days, euphoric, “giddy, Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Thought processes are racing but goal-directed although tangentiality is common
pressured speech, thought content excessively focused on topics like religion, business, sexuality, “specialness”, or persecution
main thing: Excessive goal-directed activity with high risk behaviors
Impulsive, easily angered, can lash out physically (poor insight)
Significant functional impairment, causes chaos in family and workplace
pressured speech
(feel must keep talking when convo is over)
Excessive goal-directed activity with high risk behaviors associated with
Manic episode: spending, sex, business or financial misadventures, chaotic relationship disturbances)
Manic Episode can be triggered by
may be triggered by medication, stress, drug use (esp. THC or amphetamines) or may develop spontaneously
Hypomanic Episode
Symptoms similar to Manic Episode but of less intensity and duration, Minimal functional impairment (ex: manic for a few days)
hard to diagnose.
Mixed mani depressive Specifier
During either a depressive or manic episode, at least three diagnostic criteria for the opposite mood episode are also present
Increases complexity of correct diagnosis and treatment
aka mixes of manic and depressive
Bipolar I Disorder,( type 1)
one manic episode puts them in this category (at least 1) , but can spend most time in depressed state
Diagnosis may be difficult or delayed
Treatment for depression (ssri) may result in “flip” to mania
Bipolar II Disorder (type2)
At least one Major Depressive episode and at least one episode of Hypomania
No history of full Manic episodes
“tell me about your manic episode” they will say a lot
Challenges of Bipolar diagnosis
over used vernacular outside of psych increase diagnosis outside psych office
what do rule out to diagnose bipolar? what to note?
Rule out substance induced origin (can cause strange)
Rule out origin due to medical conditions
Rule out other mental disorders (psychotic disorders, depression)
Note psychotic features specifier
Note anxious distress specifier
Mood Disorder Treatment
Step one: Diagnosis, including severity
Step two: Discuss treatment modes with patient
Step three: Choose specific treatments
Step four: Follow up (very important) and monitoring
Treating Depression
First-line treatments: SSRI (seritonin reuptake inhibitor) and SNRI with therapy
Second-line treatments: Atypical antidepressants, TCAs, mood stabilizer augmentation, TMS
Third-line treatments: MAOI’s, ECT
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
SSRI specific to panic, goal and timing
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, goal is to avoid future panic attacks (has to be used consistently over time), thought that body builds up over time
TCA treatment for and general effect
Tricyclic antidepressants help keep more serotonin and norepinephrine available to your brain.
TCA used for, general effect, a few names
Tricyclic antidepressants help keep more serotonin and norepinephrine available to your brain. (hits most receptors, has many uses)
Antidepressants (TCAs) - older class of AD. Imipramine, Amitryptyline, Doxepin
TMS name , effect, treatment for what and how long duration
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - stimulates area
of left frontal cortex associated with mood
treatment for antidepresent( stimilates current/cells to be more active, less active cells in the brain with depressed)
6-8wks treatment, 9months recommended
MAOI’s reaction with, name and diet and issues
high chance with HTN reactions with tyrosine (low tyrosine diet-in well aged cheeses and aged wine)
MAOIs - monoamine oxidase inhibitors. React with high amount of tyramine to create potentially dangerous hypertension. Require carefully controlled diet
Antidepressant Pharmacology SNRIs names
venlafaxine, duloxetine, levomilnacipran
Antidepressant Pharmacology SGA
Second GEneration act as antipsychotics
Antidepressant Pharmacology Mood Stabilizers
lithium carbonate, divalproex, carbamazepine
SSRI generally used for these reasons?
guidlines want two of theese prescribed (they are safer) before moving to second line Considered first line treatment for depression
Ease of dosing, minimal toxicity in overdose
Generally well tolerated
Patient preferences, past responses, or family responses can be considered in selection
SNRI general info: first line for what? What does NE help with? Duloxetine also indicated for?
Treatment option that some clinicians consider first line with SSRIs
NE (norepi) receptor binding can help treat anxious distress or concentration issues associated with depression
Duloxetine also indicated for anxiety and neuropathic pain disorders, increasing utility in patients with comorbid issues
Atypical Antidepressants
bupropion, mirtizapine, nefazodone, trazodone
Course of Treatment for antidepresents: how long SSRI: until effective? If respond treat for? Continuation recommended for?
A treatment course of 6 to 8 weeks at therapeutic dose is considered adequate to assess response
After response is determined, may proceed with dose increase, augmentation, or change to new agent
Continuation of treatment for 9 months is recommended to achieve durable remission. If respond treat for 12 months (ROSH)
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder generally, what needs to be monitored?
SGAs and divalproex are considered first line treatments
Monitor metabolic parameters due to risk of increased lipids and metabolic syndrome
Antidepressants avoided if possible, but if needed must be combined with SGA or mood stabilizer
Ongoing treatment recommended to prevent future episodes
Lithium Carbonate used for ? issues?
Classic treatment for bipolar mania*
Can be used for antidepressant supplementation
Long term risk of renal impairment (so many salts), thyroid impairment(competes with thaimine), tremor, others
Requires blood monitoring for serum levels and has “tight” therapeutic window, want level to be = 1.
Toxicity can cause disorientation, psychosis, and may be fatal
How serious is LIthium tox?
must go to ICU, Toxicity can cause disorientation, psychosis, and may be fatal
Psychotherapy includes these three
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) , or Psychoanalytic Therapy, dialectal therapy for pedophelia
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
focuses on interaction between core beliefs, thoughts, and feelings and guides patient to reformulate these connections to improve mood and reduce distress
Psychoanalytic Therapy
explores childhood experiences and long-standing paradigms of thought
chronic persistent depression
Anxiety disorder is a state of ? and has what symptoms?
Anxiety is state of increased worry, fear, and concern, especially over future events (real or imagined)
Associated with physical symptoms of agitation, (pain in their chest etc) increased heart and respiratory rate, tension
May include avoidance behaviors and fears of “losing it” or “going crazy”
panic attack can look just like a … so must test?
heart attack. EKG, Trop.
panic attack lasts ___, and also does what to thoughts___
10 minutes or so, speeds them up
Panic Disorder: attacks are brief and ….. and may happen during day or night and patient has concern of … and may cause the patient to….
Sudden and recurrent onset of Panic Attacks
nocturnal Panic : Up to 25% of patients experience Attacks that may awaken them from sleep
patient experiences fear of recurrence and experiences increased anxiety over the possibility of further attacks: For at least one month afterwards,
Patient engages in avoidance behaviors to prevent future attacks - isolates, changes jobs or relationships, etc.
Agoraphobia specifier - “fear of the marketplace” (
Agoraphobia specifier
“fear of the marketplace” (fear of being out in public), fear of small spaces
how to know if anxiety is a disorder
if it’s effecting behavior /unable to function and affect their personal life, normal will adjust,
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: anxiety lasts (all day or brief?) and has worry about (every situations or specific?) and include
panic disorder symptoms that persist “all day” or can ramp up to seem like panic attack or say “i’m losing my mind”
excessive, intrusive worries about everyday situations that causes significant distress and functional impairment
Accompanied by physical symptoms of anxiety such as muscle tension, restlessness, insomnia, GI disturbances, chronic headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating
May have episodes of increased anxiety resembling Panic Attacks
interview techniques
dig into what they are saying (from broad to small) look on first lecture for more
Selective Mutism
Other Anxiety Disorders - refusal to speak due to increased anxiety, more common in children
Social Anxiety Disorder -
Other Anxiety Disorders, - debilitating anxiety in social situations and avoidance of socialization
Specific Phobia
Other Anxiety Disorders, avoidance of a specific situation or object that causes debilitating anxiety
Treatment of Anxiety
SSRIs (takes a few weeks,), patients with anxiety more likely to respond to real or immagined effects, start low dose and titrate up
SNRIs, Buspirone, Benzodiazepines
CBT, Mindfulness
Physical Activity, Structured Social Activities
Treatment of Anxiety
SSRIs (takes a few weeks,), patients with anxiety more likely to respond to real or immagined effects, start low dose and titrate up
SNRIs, Buspirone, Benzodiazepines
CBT, Mindfulness
Physical Activity, Structured Social Activities
Anxiety Pharmacology SSRI and SNRI
SSRIs and SNRIs both effective for anxiety, but SNRIs not shown to be effective for Panic Disorder
Anxiety Pharmacology Buspirone
5-7 days usual effect
non-addictive treatment for GAD and other anxiety disorders, but ineffective for Panic Disorder
Anxiety Pharmacology
are effective short-term (5hr 1/2life) but carry long term risks of dependence (addiction), sedation, mental clouding, increased mortality
” tranks” abusable, can be issues when mixed with opiates, popular. Better if under use and as needed.
ssri snri vs benzo
benzo don’t have to take consistently and best used as emergency rescue for panic attack , ssri and snri are daily meds with ongoing compliance needed. but ssri can have issues after being off them for a month or so.
Psychotherapy for anxiety disorders
very effective: CBT helps patients manage anxious thoughts, increase functionality, reduce panic and anxiety attacks
Mindfulness practices proven to help reduce clinical anxiety
Structured activities help patient gradually resume normal psychosocial functioning
“Exposure therapy” for specific phobias is effective but intensive and time consuming (face your fears)
Psychotic Disorders
Characterized by significant disorders of thought process and content
Like mood, psychosis is considered a “spectrum” of thought disorder
Psychosis 5 symptoms
Five symptoms of psychosis:
Delusions - fixed, false beliefs
Hallucinations - sensory perceptions in the absence of external stimuli
Disorganized Speech - nonsensical or severely disorganized speech
Disorganized or Catatonic Behavior - extreme movement disturbance
Negative Symptoms
Psychotic symptoms are the defining symptoms of Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, but can be present in other disorders
Psychosis / Delusions
Fixed, false beliefs that persist in the face of negative evidence
May be persecutory, erotomanic, paranoid, or other types “Fragmentary” (change) delusions can be seen in psychotic disorders, but some patients present with sustained, complex (usually built up over years) and organized delusional systems (also can be a part of other systems)
Resistant to pharmacology and psychotherapy
persecutory Delusions
- becomes increasingly specific over time (and tend to “grow”)
erotomanic Delusions
believed loved by someone
ex: lady sells stuff to move in with someone who has no idea and doesn’t know she’s trying to move in with all her stuff.
content of illusions is often ___ based
culturally based
ex; Americans more so with technology
Delusions are ___ to Pharmacology and psychotherapy
psychotic Delusional content for Persecution, Erotomanic, Technological, Medical
Persecution - becomes increasingly specific over time
Erotomanic - belief that one is loved by another
Technological - invasion or control by machines, electronics, unseen forces
Medical - belief in illness not diagnosable by current techniques
Hallucinations (psychotic)
Any sensory modality - auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, gustatory
Auditory and Visual most common in Psychotic Disorders
Patient appears distracted, not following conversation
May respond directly to unseen stimuli
these come from correct area in brain