ADHD Flashcards
Describe ADHD.
- 1% of the child population
- More boys than girls
- Symptoms include inattention and hyperactivity
- 3 subtypes: Hyperactive, Inattentive and combined
What did Gogtay et al. (2002) show about early developmental abnormality and ADHD?
- MRI and twins
- ADHD had lower brain volume than healthy and schizophrenic children
- Parallel to normal development: early abnormality
- Dysfunction of cerebellar-striatal-prefrontal circuitry
Define the 2 models of early developmental abnormalities.
- Maturational Lag Model: Child with ADHD has normal brain of a younger child.
- Developmental Deviation: ADHD is a deviation from normal brain activity
Neither model accounts fully for literature.
What did Maier et al. (2015) find about brain volumes?
- Used VBM
- Subtle global cerebral volume reductions
- Inattentive = smaller left dorsolateral PFC
Describe Sagvolden et al.’s (1998) findings.
- Hypo-efficient dopamine systems = neurochemical imbalances = behavioural problems/decreased attention/overactivity/impulsiveness
- Deficit in reinforcement processes
- Medication causes temporary plastic changes in cellular components
- Lower dopamine systems: nucleus accumbens/frontal cortex/caudate/putamen -> dysfunction = lower attention/poor organisation/shorter delay of reinforcement/clumsiness/poor non-habit learning
What treatment is used for ADHD?
Methylphenidate: increases effects of DA at striatum and decreases ADHD symptoms
What effect did Ter Huurne et al. (2015) find Methylphenidate to have?
- Distractor suppression
- Increased accuracy on face identification tasks and increased RTs
- Increases importance of task relevant stimuli and impact of distractors
Cued targets have a bigger ERP than uncued. What is different about this neural correlate in ADHD?
Not much consistency of ERP targets in ADHD
What did MAzaheri et al. (2014) find about oscillations in ADHD?
- Theta is used by PFC to coordinate local and long range networks
- Can be used as an objective measure of attention in ADHD