Adenotonsillectomy Flashcards
Indications for T&A
Nocturnal upper airway obstruction and sleep disordered breathing (most common)
Chronic/ recurrent infections
Most common cause of OSA in children
Adenotonsillar hypertrophy
Anesthetic considerations for children with OSA undergoing a T&A
Longer emergence from anesthesia
Lower dose of intraoperative opioid necessary
Higher incidence of postoperative airway obstruciton
Prolonged oxygen requirements
Greater need for airway instrumentation
Need hospital admission for 23 hours to monitor for airway obstruction
What is the FDA warning concerning codeine for children undergoing a T&A?
Increased risk of death d/t respiratory depression in these pts
Most common coagulation disorder in pts undergoing a T&A
Von Willebrand
Consideration for pts who receive DDAVP
Risk of hyponatremia = use isotonic crystalloids at 1/2- 2/3 the calculated maintenance values
Intraoperative considerations for T&A pts
Dexamethason 1mg/kg up to 25mg to reduce edema, pain, and PONV
Airway fire risk (FiO2 <40%)
NSAIDs are controversial
Ensure throat pack is removed
Suction airway carefully on emergence
When does primary bleeding typically occur following a T&A?
Within 24 hours
When does secondary bleeding typically occur following a T&A?
5-10 days post-op
What blood loss percentage is associated with sx of dizziness and orthostatic hypotension?
> /= 20%
Airway management for an active bleed following T&A
Preoxygenate in the left-lateral head down position
RSI w/ surgeon present prior to anesthetic induction
OGT after induction