additional questions Flashcards
what is the transponder code in the event of hijack
what is the transponder code in the event of radio failure
what is the transponder code in the event of emergency
When is the mandatory Dingi test required?
On revocation of a license.
Aural speed warnings must be fitted to what category of aircraft?
Turbine powered aircraft and air transport.
Are there any speed restrictions for aircraft below 10,000 feet within the UAE FIR?
Yes, a maximum of 250KTS below 10,000 feet, unless cleared by ATC.
How often must an aircrafts VOR be checked, and to what limits?
In the UAE within the preceding 30 days, and +/- 4 degrees.
Can dangerous goods be carried on board an aircraft? And if so in accordance with what rules?
Yes, with the permission of the GCAA, an under the rules set forth in: CAR VI, Chapter 2.
Where would you find information regarding airspace in the UAE?
Under what rules is a UAE aircraft governed?
By the C.A.R.S. and restrictions of any other country.
How many hours add/subtract to get UTC time from UAE time?
Can you fly in the following: Restricted Area? Danger Area? Prohibited Area?
Restricted Area: Yes, with ATC Clearance
Danger Area: Yes, with suitable awareness of the specific danger
Prohibited Area: No
Where would you find information regarding airspace?
AIP enroute
When may a pilot on an IFR flight plan decent below the MEA?
Within 22 NM. If both the MEA and MOCA are prescribed for a particular route or route segment a person may operate below the MEA down to but not below the MOCA within 22NM of the VOR concerned.
What are the four basic components of the ILS System?
Localizer, Glide slope, Middle marker, Outer marker
If the MM/OM are out of service what component can replace wither of them?
Where no Middle/Outer marker exists and NDB, (compass locator) may be used.
Maximum Duty Periods FDP single and two crew:
Single Crew: 11 hours
Two Crew: 14 hours
Maximum Flight times for ops under Part IV or more crew?
Single Crew: 8 hours
Two Crew: 10 hours
Under part IV what is the minimum height an aircraft may fly over a congested area?
During the day 1000 ft above the highest obstacle within 2000 ft either side of the flight path.
Depending on the number of crew members assigned to a flight under part IV how many crew members are required to hold a valid radio license?
at least one
To maintain currency by day or night a pilot must:
Complete 3 take-off/landings in the last 90 days on an aircraft of the same category and class or type.
Pilot over 40 with Class II medical must insure medical is issued with the last:
12 months