Additional Flashcards
Under the New Issue Rule, all of the following new issues may be purchased by an employee of a broker-dealer, EXCEPT:
A. A stock that’s sold under an exemption
B. An offering of PS
C. An offering of convertible debt
D. Stock that’s sold under an IPO
D. An employee of a broker-dealer is considered a restricted person and cannot purchase equity IPOs under the New Issue Rule. The New Issue Rule excludes securities that are sold under an exemption, debt offerings, investment company shares, and preferred stock.
A research analyst intends to issue a research report on an exchange-traded fund that has filed a registration statement for a follow-on offering. The company is eligible to file a Form S-3 and the analyst’s firm has not issued research reports on this company with reasonable regularity. If the analyst’s firm is acting as an underwriter for this company, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Since the issuer is an S-3 filer, research reports may be prepared and distributed.
B. Research reports may be prepared, but only distributed to institutional investors.
C. If an underwriter has not previously published research regarding an issue, it’s prohibited from publishing a report during the registration period.
D. If the analyst issues a buy recommendation, the report may be distributed.
C. According to Rule 139 of the Securities Act of 1933, since the analyst’s firm has not issued research reports with reasonable regularity, it may not issue a report on this company. This rule allows an underwriter to publish a research report if the issuer meets certain conditions (i.e., it’s a WKSI or is an S-3 or F-3 filer) and the report is published in the normal course of business. However, the research report may not be an initiation report.
The board of directors of Kent Toy Co. have just agreed to buy a majority interest in Instock Video Games Inc. Which of the following actions may Kent take?
A. Hold a special meeting with key industry people to reveal the takeover
B. Provide general public disclosure
C. Provide private disclosure to shareholders of Kent
D. Hold a special meeting with Instock shareholders to reveal the takeover
B. Under Reg FD, issuers that make disclosure of material nonpublic information must do so publicly. In the event that an issuer accidentally discloses material nonpublic information to someone who may trade the issuer securities based on that information, the issuer must publicly disclose the information promptly thereafter. Public disclosure may be provided by the issuer on a Form 8-K filing or in a way that is broad and does not exclude members of the public domain.
Darlene was a research analyst at Grushow Securities, but she resigned three months ago. Nick was given the majority of Darlene’s research responsibilities. In the upcoming month, he must write a research report on Compost Publishing Group, which was formerly prepared by Darlene for the previous four years. If Nick includes a price chart in the research report, how far back must the information on the chart show?
A. 3 months
B. 1 year
C. 3 years
D. 4 years
C. The information on the price chart in the research report prepared by Nick should show three years’ worth of information. The fact that a new research analyst is now providing coverage is irrelevant. The disclosure is based on the firm coverage of the company, not on a specific research analyst. A price chart is considered a form of disclosure in research reports. Price charts are used for securities that have been assigned a rating for at least one year, but need not show information more than three years prior to the date of the research report.
An analyst was quoted recently in an article in a financial magazine that is widely read by institutional investors. The head of a broker-dealer’s research department would like to distribute the article to clients. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Since the article contains a quote from a research analyst, it is considered a research report and would have to be reviewed in the same manner as a report produced internally by the broker-dealer.
B. The article could be sent to clients without review or approval by the firm, since it was not written by the broker-dealer.
C. The article could only be sent if it was reviewed and approved in the same manner as internally prepared material and met the same standards as any other communication with the public.
D. The article would have to be reviewed and approved in the same manner as internally prepared material but does not have to meet the same standards as other communications with the public.
C. Material prepared by third parties can be sent by the broker-dealer, but must be reviewed and approved in the same manner as internally prepared material. The article must meet the same standards as the communications with the public prepared internally by the broker-dealer. This may require the firm to supplement the article with additional information, since such material might fail, for example, to balance statements of benefits with a discussion of risks
In which of the following meetings may a research analyst participate?
A. An internal meeting between the investment banking and legal departments of his member firm regarding due dilligence
B. A meeting between prospective high-net-worth clients and the issuer concerning a potential IPO
C. A meeting between the investment banking department and two current clients regarding a merger
D. A meeting with the head of research, the investment banking department, and prospective investment banking clients
A. Research analysts may participate in due diligence meetings after the firm has been selected as an underwriter. However, they may not participate in or attend meetings for the purpose of soliciting investment banking business (pitches). This rule is intended to separate the research department from the investment banking function of member firms.
A qualified independent underwriter is a member firm that has been actively engaged in the investment banking or securities business for the preceding:
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years
C. Industry regulations provide guidelines for the sale of a member’s own securities through a public distribution. A qualified independent underwriter must participate in the preparation of the offering documents and must have served as a manager or co-manager in at least three public offerings of a similar size and type during the three-year period preceding filing of the registration statement.
If a member firm wants to refer to its previous recommendations, which disclosure requirement does NOT apply?
A. The member firm must show all of its recommendations made for the same type of securities made within the previous 12 months.
B. The date and price of the security must be indicated.
C. The amount of profit or loss that would have been realized had an individual acted on all of the recommendations must be shown.
D. The fact that the market was generally rising must be disclosed, if such was the case.
C. If a member firm wants to refer to its past recommendations, it must show all of the recommendations made for same type of security over the previous 12 months. For example, if the member firm wants to refer to a past recommendation of a common stock, it must refer to all recommendations of common stock made within the 12-month period, but is not required to refer to recommendations made for bonds. In addition, the member firm must indicate the date and price when the recommendation was initially made and must indicate the general market trend. Hypothetical profits and losses based on previous recommendations are not required to be provided.
If a broker-dealer fails to obtain certifications from an analyst regarding a public appearance:
A. The broker-dealers may not publish
B. The analyst may not publish
C. The analyst must state that certifications were not obtained
D. The broker-deal must notify the SEC
C. For a 120-day period, the specific analyst’s reports are subject to a special disclosure requirement.
The certification referred to here is a statement by the research analyst attesting that the views expressed by the research analyst in all public appearances during the calendar quarter accurately reflected the research analyst’s personal views at that time about any and all of the subject securities or issuers. A written statement by the research analyst certifying that no part of such research analyst’s compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to any specific recommendations or views expressed in any such public appearance. Since this was not complied with, the broker-dealer must promptly notify its examining authority, not the SEC, indicating that the analyst did not provide certification in connection with public appearances. In addition, for 120 days following such notification, the broker-dealer must disclose in any research report it distributes authored by that analyst that the analyst did not provide certification specified in Regulation AC.
A bank owns a broker-dealer that sells securities through its branch system. If the bank is conducting a public offering of its own securities, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The broker-dealer cannot participate in the offering under any circumstances.
B. The broker-dealer may participate in the offering if a qualified independent underwriter participated in the preparation of the offering documents.
C. If the offering consists of investment-grade debt, potential conflicts are not required to be disclosed.
D. The offering documents only need to include any conflicts of interest if a qualified independent underwriter is used.
B. If a member firm is participating in a distribution of a public offering of its own securities, or of a firm that controls the member firm, certain conditions must be met. A qualified independent underwriter must participate in the preparation of the offering documents (registration statement), and any conflicts of interest must be prominently disclosed in the prospectus. A qualified independent underwriter must have served as a manager or co-manager in at least three previous public offerings of a similar size and type during the three-year period preceding filing of the registration statement.
Which of the following is permitted to purchase an initial public offering of equity securities?
A. An account in which 8% of the owners are managing directors of a member firm
B. An account in which 12% of the owners are portfolio managers
C. A minor’s account set up for the son of an employee of a member firm
D. An account for a broker-dealer that only transacts business in mutual funds
A. One of the exemptions under the New Issue Rule allows an equity IPO to be sold to an account if the beneficial owners are restricted persons and their ownership of the account does not exceed 10%. The rule does not distinguish between the job titles of employees of a broker-dealer. The minor would be considered a restricted person since the child is supported by the employee of the member firm. Employees of a limited broker-dealer are exempt from the definition of a restricted person, but the broker-dealer is considered restricted.
An exception to the disclosure requirement in a research report of compensation received from subject issuers, may be given to firms for future transactions of a(n):
A. Investment banking nature
B. Non-investment banking nature
C. Research-related nature
D. Affiliate’s non-investment banking nature
A. Under regulations for communications with the public, member firms are required to identify services provided to subject companies within the 12 months prior to the publication of a research report and to disclose compensation a member firm has received in the past 12 months and intends to seek within the following three months after the publication of a research report. With the combination of these two requirements there is a possibility that a firm may disseminate material nonpublic information. Therefore, there is an exception for specific potential future transactions of an investment banking nature in relation to a particular issuer.
A research analyst is in Chicago visiting institutional customers at the same time that an investment banking roadshow is being conducted by her firm. A registered representative from the institutional sales department who attended the roadshow, asks the analyst to meet with a client to discuss the transaction. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. This activity would be prohibited and should be reported to compliance immediately.
B. This activity would be allowed if the analyst’s firm is not the manager of the offering.
C. This activity would be allowed provided someone from the investment banking department was present.
D. This activity would be allowed provided someone from the investment banking department was not present.
A broker-dealer sends a customer a communication that has statistical summaries of multiple companies’ financial data, including listings of current ratings. This type of communication is:
A. Defined as a research report and must be approved by a supervisory analyst
B. Defined as a research report, but is not required to be approved by a supervisory analyst
C. Not defined as a research report and not required to be approved by a supervisory analyst
D. Not defined as a research report, but must be approved by a supervisory analyst
D. Although these types of communication are not considered research reports, they still need to be approved by a designated principal such as a Series 16 supervisor analyst or a Series 24 General Securities Principal.
Which of the following provisions of the research analyst rules would NOT apply to a broker-dealer with limited investment banking activity?
A. The quiet period
B. Retaliation against research analysts
C. The compensation committee requirements
D. Compensating research analysts based on specific investment transactions
C. There are certain exceptions to FINRA’s research rules available to a broker-dealer with limited investment banking activity. These exceptions are available to firms that over the previous three years, on an average per year, have participated in ten or fewer investment banking services transactions as manager or comanager and have generated $5 million or less in gross investment banking services revenues from these transactions. This definition of investment banking services transactions includes underwriting of both corporate debt and equity, but excludes underwriting of municipal securities. The following provisions still apply:
- Prohibiting compensation based on specific IB servcies transactions
- The anti-retaliation policy
- The quiet periods
- Personal trading restrictions
- Establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably designed to identify and effectively manage conflicts of interest related to the research department and other departments.
Promissory vs flamboyant
Promissory is promising something. Ex: you can’t lose. Flamboyant is just outrageous stuff.
Regarding ratings that are used in a published research report, all of the following information should be included, EXCEPT:
A. The meanings of ratings
B. The % of all securities rated in each category
C. An explanation as to why IB clients are in certain categories
D. An explanation of the rating system used
C. Members must clearly outline and explain the rating system used in a research report. Members must also disclose the percentage of all securities the firm has rated in each category (e.g., buy, hold, and sell). In addition, broker-dealers are required to disclose the percentage of subject companies within each rating category that are investment banking clients of the firm, but are not required to explain why investment banking clients are in certain categories.
All of the following statements would be valid in a research report, EXCEPT:
A. This stock had its IPO last year and is up more than 50%
B. This stock has increased by 20% over the last six months
C. This stock has increased more than 50% since we recommended it in October
D. This stock has moved up by 40% versus the DJIA, which has only risen by 25% during the same three-month period
C. The regulators have published guidance concerning the use of language in written communications with the public (research reports). One of the concerns is improperly promoting the successful performance of past research recommendations. It is permissible to provide the price history of a specific security, but it is not permissible to mention the fact that the broker-dealer recommended the security at a lower price. The choice which has language that includes when the firm recommended the security would not be a valid statement in a research report.
When a compendium report is issued by the firm, the price charts:
A. Are required to be included in the report
B. Can overlay one another
C. Must include a line graph for a period of longer than three years
D. Should list each company separately
D. If a research report covers six or more companies, it is called a compendium report. For purposes of the disclosures required, the report may refer the reader to where the applicable disclosures may be obtained. For electronic reports, a hyperlink may be included. The requirement to prepare and make entries to a price chart is triggered when a recommendation contains either a price target or rating change, and a rating or price target has been assigned for at least one year. In that case, separate price charts are required for each company and the period is no longer than the most recent three years.
An equity IPO may be purchased by which of the following individuals?
A. The wife of an employee of a broker-dealer who’s a director of the issuer
B. An employee of a member firm that’s not an underwriter of the IPO
C. A portfolio manager of a mutual fund who will purchase the securities for her own account
D. An attorney who’s hired by the issuer to assist in the IPO
A. Restricted persons are permitted to purchase IPOs under certain exemptions, including an issuer-directed sale. This exemption allows a registered representative to purchase shares of an equity IPO if the issuer is that person’s employing broker-dealer, or the parent or subsidiary of the broker-dealer. In addition to a registered representative, other restricted persons, such as immediate family members of employees of a broker-dealer and finders and fiduciaries involved in the offering, are allowed to purchase shares of a new issue as long as they’re employees or directors of the issuer. A portfolio manager of a mutual fund is only a restricted person if she’s purchasing an equity IPO for her personal account. However, there’s no restriction if she’s purchasing shares for the fund she manages.
May an analyst make remarks that an issuer does not cooperate with analysts?
A. No since the communications rules forbid this type of commentary, no matter how tactful
B. It is not relevant since information is publicly available anyway
C. Yes, but the information must be disclosed on the cover page
D. Yes since analysts have the leeway to address issuer cooperation with the analyst community
D. An analyst can make a statement that a particular issuer has become uncooperative or reticent about the underlying business. Such comments, however, should not take center stage in the report.
A research analyst owns .6% of the outstanding shares of one of the companies he covers. His employing firm owns .7% of the outstanding shares of the same company. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the disclosure requirements?
A. The analyst must disclose the number of shares owned.
B. The firm must disclose its long position in the stock.
C. The analyst must disclose that he’s long the stock.
D. The firm must disclose that the combined ownership is 1% or more of the stock.
C. Analysts are required to disclose any financial interest in the companies they cover. On the other hand, broker-dealers only have to disclose their ownership if they own 1% or more of the stock. The analyst’s account and the firm’s ownership levels are not combined; therefore, only the analyst’s interest is disclosed in this question.
An analyst engaged in an internet chatroom learns that America Online will be purchasing an upstart software development company. The analyst:
A. May relay this information to his customers as long as the source of this unsubstantiated information is revealed
B. May relay this information as long as the information itself is disclosed to be unsubstantiated
C. May not comment on this information as it is sensational in nature and can affect market conditions on the Exchange
D. May not comment on this information as it did not originate from a reputable source
C. Analysts may not comment on rumors of sensational character which might affect market conditions on the Exchange. An analyst may comment on unsubstantiated information as long as the source of the information is disclosed and the information itself is revealed to be unsubstantiated.
A member firm may compensate a person not associated with a member firm to influence stock prices:
A. When the market for that security is open
B. When the market for that security is closed
C. During group meetings only
D. At no time
D. Member firms are NOT permitted to directly or indirectly give, or permit to be given, anything of value to any person for the purpose of influencing or rewarding the action of that person in the connection with the publication or circulation of any electonic or other public media. The different circulation methods include websites, newspapers, and radio or television programs that are intended to have an effect on the market price of any security. This prohibition would not apply if the compensation is being paid to a person in connection with any of the following:
- A communication that is clearly distinguishable as paid advertising
- A communication that disclsoe the receipt and amount of compensation in accordance w/ Act of 1933
- A research report
Types of research reports include each of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Inititation reports
B. Pre-termination reports
C. Earnings analysis
D. Topical reports
B. There is no such term as pre-termination report. However, there are reports that are published that notify customers of a firm of the termination of coverage. In a final research report a firm that terminates research provides a comparable research report that stipulates research will be terminated on the subject issuer or industry.
A team of three senior fixed-income analysts at BondsRUs writes a monthly report covering their favorite corporate bonds. Who is required to certify the report?
A. Any one of the team can certify the report on behalf of the team
B. All members of the team need to certify the report
C. BondsRUs, the BD, must certify the report
D. No analyst certification is required since it’s debt-related
B. Regulation AC requires that all analysts who contributed to the content of the report, whether debt or equity, must certify the report.
All of the following would represent a conflict of interest, EXCEPT:
A. A director of research trades on information in a research report prior to the time its hedge fund clients have had a reasonable opportunity to act on the information in the research report
B. A person in the research department with the ability to influence the content of research reports trades at the market open when the research report is released in the afternoon
C. A research analyst trades the day after a research report he wrote is published
D. A research analyst trades the day prior to a research report written by another analyst is published
C. FINRA requires a firm to create its own policies and procedures that would ensure that research analyst accounts, and supervisors of research analysts, as well as associated persons with the ability to influence the content of research reports do not benefit in their trading from knowledge of the content or that timing of a research report before the intended recipients of such research have had a reasonable opportunity to act on the information in the research report. The rule does not specify an exact time when the trades can be executed, but any trading prior to the proper dissemination of the information would be a conflict of interest. There could also be a conflict if an analyst trades prior to publication even though the report was authored by a different analyst.
A research analyst is attending a conference and has a conversation concerning market chatter that a company she covers may be restructuring one of its divisions. This has not been reported in any news source and the information is unsubstantiated. What action can the research analyst take?
A. The analyst is permitted to publish a note to disclose the information and its unknown source
B. The analyst is permitted to comment on this information, but not in writing
C. The analyst is not permitted to comment since disclosing the information might be considered market manipulation
D. The analyst is not permitted to comment, but may instruct the trader to disclose the information to the firm’s clients
C. The research analyst should remain silent and not give credibility to these statements, which might be of a manipulative nature. A report may be written and comments may be made on widely circulated rumors, but any attempt to influence the price of a stock would also be considered a manipulative act.
Scrimshaw Manufacturing is refusing to speak about its business to an analyst that covers its stock. The research analyst should take which of the following actions?
A. Spread this information through typical media sources
B. Request that a compliance professional at her firm initiate contact
C. Terminate coverage on this company
D. Write a research note based on any available information
D. The research analyst should comment through a note or report based on any publicly available information. The analyst should not expect her compliance department to be more successful than she is in maintaining open communication with a subject company’s management.
Non-GAAP figures are:
A. Presented under the GAAP guidelines with inconsistencies
B. Amounts or adjustments which are excluded from the most comparable to the figures that are presented under GAAP in financial statements
C. Always prohibited
D. All amounts that are not presented under the GAAP guidelines, but are listed on financial statements
B. Non-GAAP measures either exclude amounts included in GAAP measures or are subject to adjustments that create the exclusion of an amount that’s included with comparable GAAP measures. Issuers may use non-GAAP financial metrics, but must compare them with GAAP compliant numbers and provide a reconciliation for comparison purposes.
What may be included in a communication that’s not deemed to be a prospectus?
A. Earnings projections
B. Name of the lead underwriter
C. Risks of investing in the stock
D. Benefits of investing in the stock
B. A tombstone ad is a communication that is not deemed to be a prospectus. Tombstone ads may contain the names of the underwriters, offering price, type of industry, and size of the offering. However, the ads cannot contain the risks or benefits of investing in the issue. These disclosures appear in the prospectus. Generally, forward looking information (i.e., projections) cannot be included in a prospectus.
The filmed version of a television or video advertisement must be filed with an SRO:
A. Within 10 business days of first use or broadcast
B. At least 10 business days prior to first use or broadcast
C. Within five business days of first use or broadcast
D. Only if the advertisement recommends a product or service of the broker-dealer
A, the filmed version of a television or video advertisement must be filed with an SRO within 10 business days of first use or broadcast. It is assumed that the draft version or storyboard has already been filed with FINRA.
What is required if a research analyst is interviewed by a financial journalist?
A. A statement made in accordance w/ Reg AC
B. Preapproval by a principal of the firm
C. An internally prepared quarterly report
D. Disclosure of the amount of compensation the firm received for IB services
C, when a research analyst is interviewed by a member of the media, it is considered a public appearance. Regulation AC specifies that a firm must maintain internally prepared quarterly records indicating each public appearance in which an analyst expresses her personal views. The actual public appearance does not require certification and SRO rules do not require pre-approval. If the member firm received compensation, this must be disclosed; however, the specific amount of compensation the firm received for investment banking services is not required to be disclosed.
An independently prepared reprint that is sent to 50 existing retail customers is considered:
A. Correspondence and requires preapproval by a principal
B. Correspondence and does not require preapproval by a principal
C. Retail communication and requires preapproval by a principal
D. Retail communication and does not require preapproval by a principal
C. Retail communication is defined as any written or electronic communication that is distributed or made available to more than 25 retail investors within a 30-calendar-day period. A retail investor is considered any person who does not meet the definition of an institutional investor. Correspondence is defined as any written or electronic message that is sent by a member firm to 25 or fewer retail investors within any 30-calendar-day period. These retail investors may be existing or prospective clients. If an independently prepared reprint is sent to more than 25 retail investors, it is considered retail communication. Since there is no exemption for independently prepared reprints, FINRA requires the preapproval of a registered principal.
When is a restricted person permitted buy shares of an equity IPO?
A. When the sale is directed by the issuer and the restricted person has an immediate family member who’s employed by the issuer.
B. When the sale is directed to a portfolio manager’s personal account.
C. When the purchase is made in the proprietary account of a broker-dealer that’s registered with both the SEC and FINRA.
D. When the purchase is made by a registered representative who’s not employed by the lead underwriter of the IPO.
A. Under the New Issue Rule, portfolio managers, broker-dealers, and registered representatives are not permitted to buy IPOs, even if they’re not involved in the underwriting. However, there is an exemption for issuer-directed sales. Restricted persons may buy IPOs directly from the issuer, but only if they have an immediate family member who’s an employee or director of the issuer.
Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning a monthly magazine article regarding equity securities, written by a research analyst?
A. They are subject to a lesser standard of disclosure than other public appearances
B. They are exempt from disclosure requirements
C. They are subject to the same disclosure requirements as other public appearances
D. They are not addressed in SRO communications with the public rules
C. A public appearance includes the writing of any print media article in where the analyst makes a recommendation or offers an opinion concerning any equity securities. It also includes any radio, television or print media interview.
Ten months ago, a manufacturing company went public by selling 5,000,000 shares of stock. The company’s stock is listed on the NYSE. Currently, the company is in the process of raising additional capital through a subsequent offering. The research analysts at XYZ Brokerage have been following the stock in bi-monthly reports since its IPO. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the issuance of research reports on the company by XYZ Brokerage if it’s also participating in the offering as comanager?
A. XYZ Brokerage may continue to publish research on the company without restrictions.
B. If XYZ Brokerage continues to publish research on the company, it must be accompanied by information about a substantial number of similar companies and must not be given greater prominence than other issuers.
C. XYZ Brokerage may publish research on the company only if the report contains no more information than is in the company’s latest registration statement.
D. XYZ Brokerage must suspend its coverage of the company during the time it’s participating in the distribution.
B. The manufacturing company is an S-1 filer based on its brief history as a public company. Under Rule 139, research can be published as long as recommendations contain similar information about a substantial number of companies in the registrant’s industry.
True or false: Tombstone ads cannot contain valuation methods or underwriting spread?
Under SEC Rule 138, if a registration statement covers common stock or convertible securities, a broker-dealer participating in the distribution:
A. May not provide research on any securities of the issuer
B. May only provide research on the common stock
C. May only provide research on the convertible securities
D. May only provide research on the nonconvertible securities
Which of the following meetings being conducted by a research analyst qualify as a public appearance?
A. An internal meeting attended by 50 members of the firm’s sales staff
B. A podcast only available to employees of the broker-dealer
C. A conference call to a group of 20 prospective institutional clients
D. A presentation to a group of 12 mutual fund clients
C. A public appearance is defined as “any conference call, seminar, or public speaking engagement to 15 or more persons, or with one or more representatives of the media in which a research analyst makes a recommendation or offers an opinion concerning an equity security.” The definition also includes any print article in which the analyst makes a recommendation or offers an opinion concerning an equity security. Internal communication is not a public speaking engagement and therefore is not viewed as a public appearance.
A research analyst is hired by a firm and receives a list of the securities he will be covering. He owns 2,000 shares of one of the companies. May the analyst place any transactions relating to this company?
A. No, since this would be a violation of FINRA rules
B. Yes, but only if he does not initiate coverage with a buy recommendation
C. Yes, but he is not permitted to sell all 2,000 shares
D. Yes, he may buy or sell the shares if the firm allows it
D. FINRA permits a research analyst account to trade in a manner inconsistent with a research analyst’s recommendation if the firm has instituted a policy that prohibits any research analyst from holding securities, or options on, or derivatives of, such securities, of the companies in the research analyst’s coverage universe. The plan would detail the circumstances and the timing of the sell transaction relative to the buy or hold recommendation. (FINRA does not specify a time period.) The rule specifies that the member must establish a reasonable plan to liquidate such holdings so that the analyst is not able to benefit in trading from his knowledge of the content or the timing of a research report before the intended recipients of such research have had a reasonable opportunity to act on the information in the research report. This plan must be approved by the firm’s legal or compliance department. If the firm permits the analyst to hold shares of the companies he covers, a buy recommendation would be consistent with owning shares of the company.
An analyst for a brokerage firm has been asked to appear on a daily financial news program. If he discusses GlobeNet, a company that he covers, which of the following disclosures is NOT required?
A. The analyst’s fixed-income holdings in GlobeNet
B. The fact that the analyst’s sister is a senior executive at a competitor of GlobeNet
C. The fact that the analyst’s firm generated earnings of $3million as a distribution agent in a GlobeNet PIPE transaction
D. The fact that the analyst received compensation from the subject company within the past 12 months
C. The analyst is making a public appearance. Although there are disclosure requirements relating to a brokerage firm that receives compensation from a subject company, the rule doesn’t require the specific amount of compensation to be disclosed. PIPEs are private investments in public equity and are defined as investment banking services transactions. The analyst must indicate that his firm received investment banking compensation from GlobeNet in the past year.
A broker-dealer hires a research analyst who was recently employed at BAC. If the analyst owns shares of BAC, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The analyst is obligated to sell the shares
B. The analyst may initiate coverage with a buy recommendation
C. The analyst may initiate coverage only with a hold recommendation
D. The analyst is not permitted to make a public appearance discussing BAC until the shares are sold
B. The analyst is not obligated to sell the shares and is permitted to initiate coverage with a buy recommendation. A firm is permitted, but not required to institute a policy that prohibits a research analyst from holding securities, or options on, or derivatives of, such securities, of the companies in the research analyst’s coverage universe. If the firm permits the analyst to hold shares of the companies he covers, the buy recommendation would be consistent with owning shares of the company.
A broker-dealer previously published a research report with a buy recommendation. However, an updated research report now includes a change in rating to neutral. What other information must be included in the updated research report?
A. All ratings that the firm has published on the issuer in the past
B. The names of research analysts who have written research reports on the issuer in the past
C. The rationale for the ratings change
D. No other information besides the ratings change
C. When a member firm changes its rating or recommendation for a security, a new report is issued. The new report will stipulate the new rating or recommendation and provide information relative to the rationale that mitigated the change. There are times when a projected earnings estimate change would have an effect on the rating or recommendation of an issuer’s securities and therefore would be included in this type of report.
A report issued by a member firm contains a recommendation to buy a particular security. The report does not provide the information that supports the recommendation, but offers to furnish such information to the investor upon request. Which of the following is TRUE regarding this offer?
A. It must be on the front of the report
B. It must be at the end of the report
C. It may not be buried in a hedge clause
D. It is not permitted; the report must contain the supporting information
C. Information supporting a recommendation must either be provided with the recommendation or offered. The offer must be prominently displayed in at least the same type as the body copy of the material, or in smaller type if it is a different color or a bolder face. It may not be buried in a hedge clause. A simple statement such as, “Additional information is available upon request” is acceptable.
A research analyst covers BMO Industries which is also his wife’s employer. If she owns shares of BMO Industries in her 401(k) account and the analyst prepares a research report on BMO Industries, the analyst should:
A. Disclose his wife’s holdings if he is the beneficiary of the account
B. Disclose his wife’s holdings since she is a household member
C. Indicate his wife’s specific holdings and the dates of each purchase
D. Not disclose this information since the analyst has no influence over this account
B. One of the required disclosures in a research report is whether the research analyst or a member of the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities that are the subject of the report. The report must disclose the nature of the financial interest which may include being long or short the security, or having an option, right, or futures product related to the subject security. A household member is defined as any person whose principal residence is the same as the research analyst which normally includes a spouse and minor children. Excluded from the definition is a person who is not related to the research analyst (i.e., a roommate), provided the two are financially independent of one another. In this question, since the spouse owns shares of the subject company, this must be disclosed in the research report.
Why is a price chart found in a research report?
A. The research opinion must provide a technical analysis of the shares’ performance
B. Investors have a right to know the trading history of a stock
C. It is required when the stock has been covered by a member firm for one year or more
D. It supports and validates the recommendation of the analyst
C. A price chart is a required element in a research report when the security has been assigned a rating and a price target for at least one year. The chart must indicate the points where the member assigned or changed a rating or price target.
Which of the following statements is an acceptable disclosure regarding a firm’s market-making activities?
A. This firm occasionally makes a market in the security
B. This firm may from time to time make a market in the security
C. We make a market in the security
D. The needs of our client base dictate that we position this security
C. If a communication requires disclosure of the firm market-making activities, the only acceptable disclosure is, “We make a market in the security.”
At the request of XYZ Brokerage, a report on the toy industry has been prepared by ABC Investments. Both XYZ and ABC are affiliated and the report will cover eight companies. Although no recommendations are included in the report, earnings estimates are provided. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Disclosures must include those which are applicable to ABC Investments only.
B. Disclosures must include those which are applicable to XYZ Brokerage only.
C. The publication is a mixed-team research report.
D. The publication is classified as a third-party research report.
D. Since the report was requested by XYZ Brokerage and the firms are affiliated, it’s classified as third-party research and requires the inclusion of disclosures that are based on both of the member firms. Mixed-team research is a report by a member firm that’s not globally branded and includes a contribution by a research analyst who’s not considered an associated person. Typically, mixed-team reports are prepared by analysts who are registered in the U.S. and foreign affiliates.
A research analyst covers discount variety stores for his broker-dealer. Currently, five of the companies covered have buy ratings, three have neutral ratings, and two have sell ratings. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the disclosure requirements in a research report on the buy-rated companies?
A. The report must disclose whether a member of the research analyst’s household is an officer of one of the companies
B. The member firm is not required to disclose the meanings of its ratings
C. The member firm is permitted to use a hyperlink to make the required disclosures
D. The member firm is permitted to use a toll-free number to make the required disclosures
A. Since there are five buy-rated companies being discussed in this report, the research report is required to include all of the disclosures that are required by the SRO research rules. In the research report, the firm is required to disclose whether the research analyst or a member of the research analyst’s family serves as an officer, director, or advisory board member of a company that is the subject of a research report. The report must also disclose the meaning of each of its ratings. If the research report covers six or more companies (a compendium report), the member firm is permitted to use a different method to make the required disclosures. In a compendium report, rather than making the required disclosures in the actual research report, the firm is permitted to direct the reader as to where he may obtain these disclosures. In an electronically delivered compendium report, the disclosures may include a hyperlink to the disclosures; while a paper-based report must provide a toll-free number to call or an address to which a written request may be sent for the required disclosures. The paper-based report may also include a web address which may be used to find the disclosures.
The spouse of a research analyst is employed at a company in which the analyst covers for the firm. If the spouse owns shares of the company in a 401(k) account and the research analyst is the beneficiary, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. A research report must disclose the number of shares owned by the spouse
B. A research report must disclose the research analyst has a financial interest
C. A research report must disclose if any other family members are employed at the firm
D. There is no disclosure required
B. One of the required disclosures in a research report is whether the research analyst or a member of the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities that are the subject of the report. A household member is defined as any person whose principal residence is the same as the research analyst, which normally includes a spouse and minor children. Since the spouse owns shares of the subject company, this must be disclosed in the research report. This would need to be disclosed whether or not the analyst was the beneficiary of the account. If other family members were employed at the firm this would only need to be disclosed if that represented a conflict of interest.
An issuer listed on the NYSE is defined as actively traded under Regulation M. If your firm is the sole managing underwriter of a secondary offering on this security, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The analyst at your firm is not permitted to make a public appearance concerning this company for three days
B. The analyst at your firm is not permitted to publish a research report concerning this company for three days
C. The analyst at your firm could make a public appearance or publish a research report immediately
D. The analyst at your firm could make a public appearance immediately, but would need to wait three days to publish a research report
C. The three day quiet period for a secondary offering is waived if the security is considered actively traded under Regulation M. This applies to both public appearances and research reports.
A U.S. firm creates a nonmember affiliate in Singapore that will employ two research analysts. One analyst will write on Asian companies and the other will prepare reports on U.S. companies. The research will be marketed under one name. Do the analysts need to be registered?
A. If any research is distributed in the U.S., both are subject to registration
B. This is mixed-team research and, therefore, both are subject to registration
C. Both are exempt
D. The analyst who writes on U.S. companies needs to be registered
The analysts do not need to be registered. This is an example of globally branded research. There must be a disclosure that the analysts are not registered.
An analyst is going to be interviewed on a financial information broadcast in the late morning. Which of the following would be the BEST course of action if stocks covered by the analyst will be discussed?
A. The analyst should announce a new rating or price target during the interview
B. The analyst should not inform the traders at the firm in advance
C. The analyst should increase her holdings of the covered companies
D. The analyst should not inform employees of the firm in advance
B. Of the choices listed in this question the best course of action is not to disclose this information in advance to the traders of the firm. The downside of informing the traders is that they may be tempted to trade in advance of the analyst commentary. Although the analyst will probably reiterate his outlook, since this would be based on published information, if trades did occur out of the ordinary, regulators may accuse the firm of trading ahead. The analyst should inform the compliance department of the public appearance.
A broker-dealer participating as a selling group member in an initial public offering is permitted to issue a research report:
A. Immediately after the date of the offering
B. 10 calendar days after the date of the offering
C. 10 business days after the date of the offering
D. Three calendar days after the date of the offering
B. A broker-dealer participating in the underwriting of an IPO as a syndicate or selling group member is not permitted to publish a research report until 10 calendar days after the date of the offering. This quiet period also applies to a research analyst and the waiting time to make a public appearance.
According to Regulation FD, when making a purposeful disclosure of nonpublic information, an issuer would be required to provide a simultaneous disclosure to the public if the release was directed at all of the following groups, EXCEPT:
A. Broker-dealers and their associated persons
B. Hedge funds
C. Investment companies and their advisory affiliates
D. A credit rating agency, provided the ratings will be available publicly
An initiation report that covers eight companies and includes price targets must provide which of the following?
A. Valuation methods and information on where to find the required disclosures
B. Earnings estimates and price charts
C. Only the earnings estimates
D. Only the price charts
A. If a research report covers six or more companies, it’s referred to as a compendium report. Compendium reports may refer the reader to where the applicable disclosures may be obtained. If a report contains a price target, the firm is required to disclose the valuation methods used to determine the price target. Earnings estimates are not required and a price chart is only required to be included if a rating or price target has been assigned for at least one year. Therefore, an initiation report doesn’t require the inclusion of price charts.
According to SRO research rules, all of the following are TRUE about communications with the public, EXCEPT:
A. All communications with the public must be approved by a supervisory analyst
B. Communications with the public must be retained for at least three years
C. Copies of communications retained by the member firm must contain the name of the persons who prepared it
D. Copies of communications retained by the member firm must contain the name of the persons who approved it
A. Communications with the public must be approved in advance by a qualified principal. Research reports may only be approved by a supervisory analyst.
What is NOT required in a globally branded report?
A. Each affiliate that contributed to the report
B. The names of foreign analysts who contributed to the report
C. A statement that such analysts are not qualified by examination
D. Analyst experience
D. Analyst experience is not a required disclosure. The other choices must be presented on the front page of the report or must refer the reader to the page on which the disclosures may be found. In electronic research reports, a firm may hyperlink to the disclosure.
A trader asks an analyst if there will be a better buying opportunity in a stock that is currently rated as a buy. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the analyst’s response?
A. Tell the trader to look at the risks section of the report
B. It is alright for the analyst to provide one opinion to the trading desk and another one for public investors
C. If the analyst agrees there will be a better buying opportunity, she should change her opinion
D. The analyst should tell the trader to avoid the stock for two weeks to help the firm make trading profits
C. By certifying a research report, the analyst has committed to an opinion, until modified. The analyst may not communicate one opinion internally to a trader and a different one to public investors. If the analyst agreed at that moment that the stock was not a buy, a changed opinion would have to be disseminated to all investors.
A firm has research analysts who are employed at a nonmember foreign affiliate of a member firm and reside outside the U.S. If the firm produces globally branded research, which is distributed in the U.S.?
A. All the analysts are required to be registered
B. The names of foreign analysts are not required to be disclosed in the report
C. The reports must be submitted to FINRA within 10 business days of first use
D. The reports must be approved by a supervisory analyst
D. Research that is branded globally, and has been prepared by an individual outside the U.S., would not define the preparer as an associated person of the broker-dealer, even if the firm she worked for was affiliated with the distributing U.S. broker-dealer. As such, registration of the analyst is not required. Any research prepared outside the U.S. must be approved by a registered principal or supervisory analyst before distribution to clients in the U.S. is permitted. Additional disclosure requirements concerning globally branded research reports include the names of the affiliates that contributed to the report, the names of the foreign analysts who contributed to the report, and a statement that such analysts are not qualified by examination. There is no requirement to submit the reports to FINRA.
XYZ Investment Group is participating in a secondary offering for a pharmaceutical company and a research analyst at XYZ just completed a research report on the company. What action may the analyst take regarding the secondary offering?
A. Answer questions from clients regarding the offering
B. Attend road shows for the offering
C. Answer questions on a podcast that’s available to a general audience
D. Attend internal meetings with the investment banking department regarding the offering
A. Since the analyst’s broker-dealer is involved in selling the follow-on offering, the analyst may answer questions from clients, but cannot make public appearances (e.g., podcast) until after the quiet period. The analyst may also attend internal meetings regarding the offering as long as the meetings exclude the investment banking department. Research analysts are not permitted to attend road shows.
On June 15, an analyst begins coverage on a stock. If a report was issued on July 10 without a price target or ratings change, the report:
A. Should show ratings over the last three years up to the date of the report
B. Should include the price as of July 10
C. Should be current through June 30
D. Should be current through March 31
D. Since the report was prepared less than 15 days after the most recent calendar quarter (i.e., June 30th), it’s not required to be current through June 30. Instead, the second most recent quarter (i.e., March 31) is sufficient. If the report was issued on July 16, an explanations of the ratings, time horizon, and benchmarks on which the ratings are based would need to be current through June 30.
Your firm is the manager for the follow-on offering of a company. It is five calendar days after the offering. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The analyst must wait another three calendar days to publish a research report
B. The analyst may publish a research report immediately
C. The analyst may publish a research report immediately if there is an earnings report
D. The analyst must wait another 10 calendar days to publish a research report
B. As a manager or comanager, your firm must wait three calendar days after the effective date to publish a research report. This can be overridden by a significant news event. An earnings report by itself does not qualify for this exception. In this question, since five calendar days have elapsed, a research analyst may publish a research report immediately.
The ratings an analyst uses to issue recommendations on a subject company’s stock:
A. Must be in accordance with SRO recommended ratings guidelines
B. May consist of any reasonable language, as long as the ratings are adequately explained
C. May only include the standard industry language of “buy,” “sell,” and “hold”
D. Are entirely within the discretion of the firm
Members must clearly outline the rating system they use, including a description of what each rating means practically to investors. Members must also disclose the following:
* The percentage of all securities the firm has rated in each category (“buy,” “sell,” and “hold” )
* The percentage of subject companies within each rating category that are investment banking clients of the firm or have been within the past twelve months
* A price chart of actual past performance and the firm’s recommendations on the security that is the subject of the research report (subject security) including an indication of instances where the member’s rating or price target has changed, for any subject security the member has rated for one year or longer
* A clear and complete explanation of the rating system it uses, and what each particular rating means
* A rational basis for the recommendation and supporting analytical data
The management of Pinpoint Technology announces the introduction of a new widget to a group of buy-side investors. What is the requirement?
A. The buy-side investors may act on the information since they are considered investment professionals
B. Contact sell-side analysts immediately and rely on those analysts to spread the information
C. Disclosure under Regulation FD is required since the investment community might act on information
D. Disclosure under Regulation FD is not required since the information was not disclosed to sell-side analysts
C. In the adopting release for Regulation FD, the SEC stated, “The regulation is designed to address the core problem of selective disclosure made to those who would reasonably be expected to trade securities on the basis of the information or provide others with advice about securities trading.” The regulation does not only include sell-side analysts and, therefore, Reg. FD disclosure is required. The SEC lists four categories of persons to whom selective disclosure may not be made absent a specified exclusion. The first three are securities market professionals—(1) broker-dealers and their associated persons, (2) investment advisers, certain institutional investment managers and their associated persons, and (3) investment companies, hedge funds, and affiliated persons. These categories will include sell-side analysts, many buy-side analysts, large institutional investment managers, and other market professionals who may be likely to trade on the basis of selectively disclosed information. The fourth category of persons includes holders of the issuer’s securities, under circumstances in which it is reasonably foreseeable that such persons would purchase or sell securities on the basis of the information.
Which of the following persons is subject to the Firm Element requirement of continuing education?
A. All registered personnel
B. Only compliance employees
C. Only registered personnel who interact w/ retail investors
D. Only research analysts
A. All registered personnel are subject to the Firm Element of continuing education. In addition, all registered persons must annually participate in the Regulatory Element of continuing education.
What action BEST describes the role of the compliance department in the oversight of research activities?
A. Compliance preapproves all research reports.
B. Compliance files research reports with FINRA and the SEC in advance of publication.
C. Compliance reviews the factual accuracy of reports that are sent by research department personnel to investment banking personnel.
D. Compliance acts as an intermediary between the research department and investment banking department when factual accuracy must be confirmed.
D. A broker-dealer’s compliance department must supervise communications between the research and investment banking departments of a broker-dealer and acts as an intermediary to verify the factual accuracy of a report. When the research department personnel contact an issuer to check on the factual accuracy of a research report, compliance must receive a complete draft of the report as well. The compliance department doesn’t preapprove reports or file them with U.S. regulators.
When presenting non-GAAP financial measures, which of the following financial measures must be disclosed according to Regulation G?
A. A disclosure that the SEC has not approved the non-GAAP measure.
B. Only financial measures that are calculated and presented in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles.
C. A quantitative reconciliation for the historical non-GAAP measures provided.
D. A reconciliation of all measures that historically record generally accepted accounting principles in all financial statements.
C. Under Reg G, a reporting issuer that publicly discloses material info which includes a non-GAAP financial measure must accompany it with a presentation of the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure. In addition, the issuer must include a quantitative historical reconciliation for the non-GAAP and comparable GAAP measures provided.
An investment banking firm and retail brokerage firm are controlled by ABC Company, which is listed on the NYSE. Based on the firm’s research, a customer of the brokerage firm placed an order to purchase 5,000 shares of ABC Company. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. It’s necessary to obtain the approval of a principal of the brokerage firm before the customer’s order is executed.
B. The brokerage firm must disclose its controlling interest in ABC Company prior to the settlement date.
C. The brokerage firm may accept and execute the order without the need to disclose its ownership in ABC Company.
D. Due to its inherent conflict of interest, the brokerage firm must refuse the order.
B. A broker-dealer that’s controled by a another company has a control relationship with that firm. As a result, the brokerage firm must disclose this relationship if it solicits orders for the shares of ABC Company. This written disclosure must be provided prior to the settlement date and will typically be documented on the customer’s confirmation.
All of the following items must appear in a research report, EXCEPT:
A. A recommendation
B. Meanings of ratings
C. The name of the research analyst who prepared the report
D. Disclosure of conflicts of interest
You have just published a research report. If your firm is then invited into the syndicate conducting a follow-on offering for the company, you would:
A. Retract the current report and immediately publish a note
B. Make the disclosure within 30 calendar days
C. Make the disclosure in the next report
D. Immediately publish a note
C. The disclosure of investment banking compensation must be presented in the next disseminated report. Had the firm joined the syndicate prior to the publication of the report, disclosure would be required immediately.
If a newly hired research analyst owns shares of a company, she can divest her holdings and initiate coverage with a buy recommendation:
A. Under no circumstances
B. With no restrictions
C. If the firm has a plan that has been approved by legal or compliance
D. If the firm has a plan that requires the sale to be made within 10 days of being hired
C. FINRA permits a research analyst account to trade in a manner that’s inconsistent with a research analyst’s recommendation if the firm has instituted a policy that prohibits a research analyst from holding securities, or options on, or derivatives of, such securities, of the companies in the research analyst’s coverage universe. The plan must detail the circumstances and the timing of the sell transaction relative to the buy or hold recommendation. (FINRA doesn’t specify a period.) The rule specifies that the member must establish a reasonable plan to liquidate such holdings so that the analyst is not able to benefit in trading from her knowledge of the content or the timing of a research report before the intended recipients of such research have had a reasonable opportunity to act on the report’s information. This plan must be approved by the firm’s legal or compliance department.
An investment banking firm managed an offering of BMZ, 7 months ago. BMZ is now targeting the bank’s mutual fund division in a hostile takeover. The investment banking firm may be appointed as an adviser. Additionally, SUV Industries holds 4% of BMZ. What is NOT a disclosure item in an equity research report on BMZ?
A. An analyst owns shares of BMZ
B. The bank expects to receive investment banking revenue for advice on an acquisition in the coming months
C. The bank and its affiliates own 1% or more of the outstanding stock of BMZ
D. The bank has acted as manager or comanager during the last 12 months
B. The bank would not be required to compromise material, nonpublic information in a public communication regarding the hostile takeover. Share ownership by the analyst, the brokerage firm, or acting as manager or comanager in the last 12 months are disclosure items.
A research analyst is preparing an initiation report on BRT and the company would like to review a finished draft the day prior to its release. The analyst:
A. Can send the draft after the close of trading
B. Is not permitted to send the draft
C. Is permitted to send the draft
D. Can send the draft if legal and compliance are sent the draft at the same time
B. FINRA members may submit sections of a draft to a subject company only to verify factual information. The complete draft must be submitted to the legal department prior to submitting the sections to the subject company. The complete draft may not be submitted to the subject company. The subject company may receive the approved report when it is published.
A research equity analyst will be making a public appearance on the morning show of a popular television program. When discussing companies she covers, the analyst:
A. Is required to disclose if the firm makes a market in any security recommended
B. Is required to receive prior written approval
C. Would need to make the same disclosures as Regulation AC during the interview
D. Is required to disclose that she owns nonconvertible debt of a company she covers
D. A research analyst, when making a public appearance, must disclose if she or any member of her household has a financial interest in debt or equity securities of a company she covers. Since this is a public appearance, there is no requirement for prior written approval nor making the certifications under Regulation AC prior or during the interview. Market making is not a disclosure requirement in a public appearance.
Which of the following transactions would NOT violate the New Issue Rule regarding the sale of an equity IPO to a restricted person?
A. A registered representative involved in the distribution sells shares to her brother who she does not support
B. The wife of a registered representative purchases shares from a broker-dealer that does not employ her spouse
C. A registered representative sells shares to an uncle that she supports
D. The mother of a registered representative purchases shares from a broker-dealer that does not employ her child
D. The prohibition of IPO purchases by a restricted person includes the following people:
* FINRA member firms and any associated person (i.e., an employee) of the member firm
* An immediate family member of an employee of a member firm. Immediate family members include a spouse, children, parents, siblings, in-laws, and any other person who is materially supported by an employee of a member firm.
The aforementioned immediate family members would only be considered restricted persons if any one of the following three conditions apply:
* The employee gives/receives material support to/from the immediate family member. Material support is defined as providing more than 25% of the person’s income or living in the same household as the person associated with the member firm
* The family member is employed by the member firm that is selling the new issue.
* The family member has the ability to control the allocation of the new issue.
The valuation method used by a research analyst must be disclosed in a research report under all the following situations, EXCEPT:
A. The report contains a price target
B. The report contains a recommendation
C. The report contains an earnings estimate
D. The report contains a rating
C. If a research report makes any recommendation, or has a rating or price target, it must have a reasonable basis and it must be accompanied by a clear explanation of any valuation method used together with a fair presentation of the risks that may impede achievement of the recommendation, rating, or price target. A valuation method is not required in the report if it has an earnings estimate.
A research analyst has posted comments on an online interactive social media website. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. This is considered a retail communication and requires principal approval
B. This is considered a correspondence and record-keeping rules do not apply
C. This is considered a retail communication and does not require principal approval
D. This is considered correspondence and does not require principal approval
C. Certain websites and online interactive electronic forums, such as chat rooms, blogs, or social networking sites generally are considered retail communications, since retail investors will have access to these sites. This type of communication is not subject to principal preapproval and is not required to be filed with FINRA. However, a firm is required to monitor, supervise, and maintain a record of this type of activity in the same manner it handles correspondence.
An issuer is an emerging growth company (EGC) as defined by the JOBS Act. Concerning this issuer, a research analyst at an investment banking firm is permitted to:
A. Have his research reports preapproved by the coverage person in the investment banking department
B. Have the investment banking department determine whether he is allowed to cover this company
C. Participate in pitch meetings with investment banking personnel and solicit underwriting business
D. Participate in a pitch meeting with investment banking personnel in connection with an initial public offering
D. A research analyst is permitted to participate in a pitch meeting with investment banking personnel, but only in connection with an initial public offering of an EGC. A research analyst is not permitted to solicit any investment banking business (underwriting).
Your firm will be participating in a secondary offering on behalf of an issuer. As a research analyst, when are you permitted to initiate coverage on this company?
A. Immediately
B. After 3 days
C. After 10 days
D. After 30 days
A. There is no quiet period if the firm is acting as an underwriter for a secondary offering. If the firm managed or comanaged the secondary offering, the quiet period is three calendar days.
Belinda Sandstone, an analyst with Flagstone and Slate, while meeting with Waldo Escobar, CFO of Inky Foods, inadvertently receives quarterly earnings figures several days prior to the expected release date by the company. The figures are in line with industry expectations. Therefore:
A. Belinda may issue a research report based on the figures and consider them as released by the company
B. Inky Foods must publicly release the earnings figures within 24 hours
C. Belinda now has a fiduciary responsibility to abstain from the use of the information until it is disseminated
D. As long as the earnings match industry expectations, it is not considered material information
B. According to Regulation FD, issuers are barred from selectively providing nonpublic information to securities professionals. If a company official intentionally provides such information to a securities professional, a simultaneous disclosure to the public is required. If the disclosure was unintentional, the company has 24 hours to make a public announcement of the information. Fiduciary responsibilities exist for individuals such as the company’s accountants, lawyers, and investment bankers. These individuals are required to keep material nonpublic information confidential. Fiduciary responsibilities do not extend to research analysts unless there are unique circumstances. For example, the analyst or his spouse is a member of the board of directors of the company.
A broker-dealer sends to customers a communication making a recommendation regarding increasing or decreasing holdings in particular industries or sectors. This type of communication is:
A. Not defined as a research report, but must be approved by a supervisory analyst
B. Defined as a research report, but is not required to be approved by a supervisory analyst
C. Not defined as a research report and not required to be approved by a supervisory analyst
D. Defined as a research report and must be approved by a supervisory analyst
A. Although this is not considered a research, it still needs to be approved by a designated principal such as a Series 16 or Series 24 principal
On Tuesday, March 12, while acting as the lead underwriter, an investment banking firm takes a business development company public and the BDC’s securities will be listed on Nasdaq. A research analyst may initiate coverage on:
A. Monday, March 11
B. Wednesday, March 13
C. Monday, March 18
D. Monday, March 25
B. A covered investment fund is defined as an investment company or a company that has filed to be treated as a business development company. Also, a covered investment fund is registered with the SEC and trades on a U.S. exchange. Examples include an exchange-traded fund, closed-end investment company, and a business development company.The SEC passed the Fair Access to Investment Research (FAIR) Act of 2017 to expand Rule 139 of the Securities Act of 1933 and include covered investment fund research reports. The rule also eliminates the “quiet period” restrictions in FINRA Rule 2241 on publishing a report or making a public appearance relating to such funds. The quiet periods (e.g., three or 10 days), which restrict a research analyst’s ability to publish a research report or make a public appearance concerning a securities offering, have been eliminated for covered investments funds.
When discussing a subject company in a public appearance, all of the following disclosures are required, EXCEPT:
A. The firm received compensation related to a private offering of the subject company within the past 12 months
B. The affiliate of a member firm received compensation for investment banking services within the past 12 months
C. The analyst received compensation partially based on investment banking revenues
D. The analyst received compensation from the subject company within the past 12 months
All of the following must be disclosed in a research report, EXCEPT:
A. A clear definition of the meaning of each rating used by the firm in the report
B. The percentage of all securities in each category the firm has downgraded within the last 12 months
C. The percentage of all securities in each category the firm has provided investment banking services within the last 12 months
D. A clear explanation of any valuation method used together with a fair presentation of the risks that may impede achievement of the recommendation, rating, or price target
B. The percentage of all securities in each category the firm has downgraded within the last 12 months is not a required to be disclosed in a research report or a public appearance. However, the other choices listed are all required disclosures in a research report.
The CFO of Daniel’s Department Stores (DDS), John Bertrand, is friends with Jennifer Dillon, a research analyst at Marlowe, Baxter & Henson Investments. Jennifer prepares research reports on DDS for Marlowe, Baxter & Henson. While at lunch one Monday afternoon, John mentions that the company has become involved with an investment project that would cost 3 cents per share. Jennifer tells John that the investment project would lower her earnings per share (EPS) estimates for DDS.
After DDS discloses that it is involved with a project that would lower her EPS estimates, which of the following actions would be prudent for Jennifer to take:
A: Downgrade her rating of the company during her next TV appearance
B. Publish an earnings analysis during the next quarter
C. Upgrade her earnings estimates in a new research report
D. Publish a research note containing the information with a revised EPS estimate
D. The most practical thing for Jennifer to do would be to publish a research note containing the information with a revised EPS estimate. Research notes are issued when an issuer has released material information or there has been news in the media regarding an issuer.
A member firm’s compensation committee may be composed of personnel from the following departments, EXCEPT:
A. Compliance
B. Back-office operations
C. Corporate finance
D. Sales and trading
C. The compensation committee of a broker-dealer may be comprised of any personnel within the firm, except for individuals who work within the firm’s investment banking (corporate finance) department. No member of the investment banking department may have influence over a research analyst. The committee must report to the board of directors of the firm or a senior executive of the broker-dealer.
All of the following are acceptable methods of disseminating research, EXCEPT:
A. Social media
B. Email
C. Internal memorandum
D. Instant messaging
C. A research analyst may disseminate research reports using almost any method. However, internal memos are not to be circulated outside of a broker-dealer and are not an acceptable method of distributing research.
Which of the following items does NOT need to be removed from a research report draft that is submitted to a subject company?
A. A redaction of the personal views of the analyst
B. The projected balance sheet
C. The target price
D. The rating
B. The projected balance sheet would not need to be removed from the research report draft sent to a subject company prior to publication. The investment summary, which includes the rating and/or price target, must be removed. Additionally, a redacted personal (revised) view by an analyst would be excluded, since this would be part of the investment summary.
Regulation AC (Analyst Certification) does NOT apply to:
A. Brokers
B. Dealers
C. Issuers
D. RAs
A research analyst is writing a report and wants to send certain information to an issuer for fact checking. A complete draft must be sent to the compliance department:
A. Within 24 hours of sending it to the issuer
B. Within 48 hours of sending it to the issuer
C. Only if the rating or price target will be changed
D. Before sending it to the issuer
D. A complete draft of the research report must be sent to legal or compliance personnel before sections of the report are submitted to the subject company. This is required regardless of whether the research department intends to change the price target or rating.
Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning a research analyst sending a report prior to its publication to the sales and trading department?
A. This is permitted only to verify factual information
B. The entire report may be sent and the sales and trading department is permitted to comment
C. This is permitted only if the research rating and price targets are removed prior to being sent
D. This is not permitted under any circumstances
A. Sales and trading department personnel and other nonresearch professionals are permitted to review a research report prior to publication only to verify factual information or identify potential conflicts of interest. This communication must be made through legal or compliance or they must be copied. The price target, rating, and research summary must be removed if sections of the report are being sent in advance to the subject company. The investment banking department is prohibited from any prepublication review of a research report.
A research analyst is attending a research conference when she meets a portfolio manager of a mutual fund company. The analyst writes research reports on certain healthcare companies that are owned by this fund company. Can she discuss a recent investment banking transaction with the portfolio manager and the managing director of her firm’s investment banking department?
A. She may not introduce an issuer and a member of the investment banking department in order to discuss investment banking services transactions
B. She may introduce the portfolio manager and the director of the investment banking department as long as she only discusses the information that is currently in her latest research report
C. She may not introduce the issuer and the member of the investment banking department without the authorization from the legal or compliance department
D. She may introduce the portfolio manager and the director of the investment banking department in order to discuss investment banking services transactions
A. A research analyst is not permitted to discuss an investment banking transaction with a customer (portfolio manager) and either, any person from the investment banking department or company management. If the analyst did participate in a conversation between the two, she would be violating regulations prohibiting three-way communications even if she only discussed information that is currently available in her latest research report.
Cambridge Brokerage operates a number of in-house mutual funds. The aggregate ownership level of the Clifton Corporation by these funds is 8%. Which of the following disclosures would apply?
A. The ownership level is a required disclosure within a research report on Clifton, once the shares have been held for six months or more
B. The broker-dealer must hold the shares in a proprietary account and must disclose this in reports to shareholders, but it is not required to disclose the ownership of Clifton in a subject company report
C. If 1% or more of the equity is held by the firm or its affiliates, it must be disclosed
D. An ownership level of 10% will trigger a disclosure by Cambridge
C. If a member firm or its affiliates own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities, disclosure is required within a subject company report.
An analyst hears a rumor from an employee of a company that he covers. Is the analyst permitted to comment?
A. No, the information must first be made public by the company
B. Yes, but only verbally
C. Yes, but after the media has reported the information
D. Yes, with no restrictions
C. An analyst may comment (verbally or in writing) on a rumor once the information has been circulated or made available by the media. The analyst may comment on unsubstantiated information as long as the source of the information is disclosed and the information is revealed to be unsubstantiated. The analyst does not need to wait until the company discloses the information.
A research analyst writes reports on a manufacturing company. She is dining with a money manager employed by a hedge fund. While dining, the CFO of the manufacturing company approaches the table. What information may NOT be discussed?
A. Year-over-year sales
B. Sector profitability
C. A shelf registration
D. New product offerings by the company
C. The company’s shelf registration represents a potential investment banking transaction. A communication between an analyst, a client, and issuer personnel is called a three-way communication. Investment banking services transactions may not be discussed by the three people referenced in the question. Technically, the analyst could discuss an investment banking transaction with the money manager, just not in the presence of either company management or investment banking personnel.
Which of the following choices does NOT require principal approval?
A. A videotape display
B. A chat room discussion
C. An independently prepared reprint
D. A seminar text
B. FINRA requires a registered principal of a member firm to approve most of the firm’s retail communications including a videotape display, a seminar text, advertising, sales literature, and independently prepared reprints (if sent to more than 25 retail investors). A chat room discussion, which FINRA also considers a retail communication, does not require principal approval since FINRA specifically exempts any retail communication which is posted on an online interactive electronic forum (social media).
An investment banker places a call to an analyst at the same member firm and tells him that she is actively courting WorldTech, a multimedia conglomerate. The analyst is in the process of writing a research report on WorldTech. Which of the following statements BEST defines the action the analyst should take?
A. Contact his supervisor and the Legal or Compliance Department
B. Write the report since the investment banking relationship did not impact the analyst’s planned recommendation
C. Author the report, but include a carefully worded disclosure about the impending investment banking relationship
D. Change his recommendation to avoid the appearance of impropriety
A. SRO research rules prohibit communications between a member’s Research and Investment Banking Departments for any reason other than to verify information or check conflicts. In these two cases, communications are permitted, but only if the communication is routed through the member’s Legal or Compliance Department, or a representative from either department is present for the conversation. In this case, the conversation between the investment banker and the analyst would be a violation of these rules.
Hodges Brokerage uses seven ratings categories in its research reports. In a ratings summary, it must show the percentage of securities:
A. Within each of the seven distinct categories
B. In no more than four categories
C. In three categories
D. Exclusively for subject companies that are, or have been, investment banking services clients
C. If a research report contains a rating or recommendation, the firm must show the percentage of all securities that the member recommends as “buy,” “sell,” or “hold.” Within those three categories, the member must disclose the percentage of subject companies that are, or have been, investment banking services clients within the preceding 12-month period.
The disclosures regarding the percentage of companies rated within each rating category used by the firm:
A. Must be current as of the end of the most recent 12-month period
B. Must be current as of the end of the most recent calendar quarter, or the second most recent calendar quarter if the publication date of the research report is less than 15 calendar days after the most recent calendar quarter
C. Must be current as of the end of the most recent six-month period, or the second most recent calendar quarter if the publication date of the research report is less than 15 calendar days after the most recent calendar quarter
D. Are required to be updated whenever a change is made
The Wall Corporation publishes a brief press release indicating its earnings and sales. The next day, it holds an analyst conference call elaborating on this information and providing second quarter guidance. At this point, what is the corporation’s BEST course of action?
A. To issue another press release
B. To file a Form 8-K
C. To update its proxy
D. To update its website
B. Under certain circumstances, acceptable methods for a corporation to provide public disclosure include issuing another press release or updating its website. Many issuers make a press release as well as filing a Form 8-K. Since the question asked for the best course of action, filing a Form 8-K with the SEC is the most appropriate answer. In some cases, an issuer may provide advance notice of an earnings call by filing a Form 8-K with dial in numbers and/or provide transcripts of the call as part of its 8-K filing.
Which of the following persons may purchase a new issue from a member firm according to the New Issue Rule?
A. The brother-in-law of a person associated with a member firm
B. The uncle of a person associated with a member firm
C. A buy-side trader employed by a mutual fund
D. The owner of a FINRA member firm
B. Restricted persons are not permitted to purchase shares of a new issue under the New Issue Rule. Immediate family members of a person associated with a member firm, portfolio managers and owners of a broker-dealer would be considered restricted persons. Aunts, uncles, and cousins are not defined under the rule as immediate family members and are therefore not considered restricted persons. A buy-side trader would have the ability to make trading decisions and would be defined as a portfolio manager, who are individuals considered restricted persons under the rule.