additional Flashcards
form the basis of cheese formation.
cross link of hyrophobic and hydryophilic
● Lactose is a disaccharide of glucose and galactose, which itself is a reducing sugar, and reacts with the free amino acids present in milk producing a
Brown discoloration
● Feed stuff should be kept separate from the milk production and storage areas.
Feeds have been shown to be a source of contamination for the farm with food-borne pathogens such as
semi hard - ripened by molds
roquefort stilton
semi hard - ripened by bacteria
edema, gouda
soft cheese rip. by molds
by bacteroa
camembert gorgonzola
limburger brie
manpower should have med exam at least
once a yr
- Most common heat treatment used in processing of products
- Widely used in the milk industry and is frequently employed as a CCP in various НАССР plans
Longer Shelf Life –> less ___ –> increased ____ –> increased ____ = ____
Less Spoilage - Increased Consumer Confidence
Increased Consumer Confidence - Increased
Increased Patronage - BETTER INCOME
- UHT/ Sterilized milk may be stored at ambient temperature for at least
6 months
- Pasteurized milk will keep in good condition for__ at refrigerated temperature
a week
very important ingredient for butter
Once the maximum shelf life of a product is known, this has to be displayed on the product in order to alert the Consumer — and indeed the retailer — to when the product should be consumed in order to retain maximum quality and Safety, This is as and there are several which Can be displayed on a product.
date-marking or labeling
- Possibly the most important factor that affects the shelf life of a product is
the growth of any microbes present,
- The agent that causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy
l monocytogenes