Addictive behaviours, substance abuse, substance misuse, Drug overdose, alcoholism and withdrawal Flashcards
ICD-10 criteria for substance abuse
- Acute intoxication: The acute, usually transient, effect of the substance.
- Harmful use: Recurrent misuse associated with physical, psychological and social
consequences, but without dependence.
139 - Dependence syndrome (see Key facts 1): Prolonged, compulsive substance use leading to
addiction, tolerance and the potential for withdrawal syndromes. - Withdrawal state: Physical and/or psychological effects from complete (or partial) cessation
of a substance after prolonged, repeated or high level of use. - Psychotic disorder: Onset of psychotic symptoms within 2 weeks of substance use. Must
persist for more than 48 hours. - Amnesic syndrome: Memory impairment in recent memory (impaired learning of new
material) and ability to recall past experiences. Also defect in recall, clouding of
consciousness and global intellectual decline. - Residual disorder: Specific features (flashbacks, personality disorder, affective disorder,
dementia, persisting cognitive impairment) subsequent to substance misuse.
Aetiology of substance misuse?
Biological: Genetics + Neurochemical (abnormalities in dopamine, GABA and opioid systems)
Environmental: Peer pressure, life stressors, Parental drug use, cultural acceptability, personal vulnerability eg lack of resources to cope with stressors
Pathophysiology of Addictive behaviours
Take substance (Cost, availability, effect of drug, route) > Positive reinforcement ((Psychosocial reinforcement: from peers or pleasurable effects) + Biological reinforcement: activates mesolimbic dopaminergic reward pathways) > Dependance: Positive reinforcement over time, eventually causes dependence
Epidemiology and RFs of Substance abuse?
Substance misuse is more common in ♂ at a ratio of 3:1 (♂:♀).
Cannabis is the most consumed illegal drug, used by 5% of the population
Clinical features of substance abuse?
Physical: Death, infection(HIV, hepatitis, SA,TB) endocartitis, DVT, PE
Psychological: Craving, anxiety, cognitive disturbance, drug-induced psychosis
Social: Crime, imprisonment, homelessness, prostitution, relationship problems
History of substance abuse?
‘Have you ever taken any recreational drugs? If so, how often do you take them,
and for how long have you done this?’, ‘How much money do you spend, per week,
on drugs?’ (quantity)
‘What are the effects when you take the drug?’ (drug effects)
‘What impact has the drug had on your life?’ (occupation, relationships, forensic
‘Do you feel that taking the drug is always at the forefront of your mind?’
‘Have you ever tried reducing the substance you’re taking? Any problems with
this?’ (withdrawal)
‘Are you able to control your consumption?’ (control)
‘Do you recently feel that you have to take more of the drug to get the same effect?’
‘Are you aware of the harmful effects?’ (knowledge of harm)
MSE of substance abuse
Dependent upon the drug consumed and whether patient is acutely intoxicated or
Investigations of substance abuse
Bloods including: (1) HIV screen, Hep B, Hep C and tuberculosis testing → risk of
blood-borne infections is thought to be greater through needle sharing; (2) U&Es to
check renal function; (3) LFTs and clotting to check hepatic function; (4) Drug
Urinalysis: drug metabolites (e.g. cannabis, opioids) can be detected in urine.
ECG for arrhythmias, ECHO if endocarditis suspected (secondary to needle
DDs of substance abuse
Psychiatric disorders: Psychosis, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, delirium.
Organic disorders: Hyperthyroidism, CVA, intracranial haemorrhage, neurological
disorders (e.g. cerebellar pathology).
Management of substance abuse
A keyworker with a therapeutic alliance is best placed to offer psychosocial support.
Hep B immunization must be considered for those at risk.
Motivational interviewing to help with controlling the substance misuse and CBT (for co-morbid
depression or anxiety) may be offered.
Contingency management is a technique that focuses on changing specified behaviours by
offering incentives (e.g. financial) for positive behaviours such as abstinence.
Supportive help can be in housing, finance and employment. Help with co-existing alcohol
misuse and smoking cessation should be offered.
Self-help groups, e.g. Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous.
Consider the issue of driving and review the DVLA guidelines.
Opioid dependence management
Biological therapies include methadone (first-line) or buprenorphine for detoxification AND
maintenance (see Key facts 3).
Naltrexone is recommended for those who were formerly opioid-dependent but have now
stopped and are motivated to continue abstinence.
Intravenous naloxone (opioid antagonist) can be used as an antidote to opioid overdose.
Detoxification vs maintenance
Detoxification refers to a process in which the effects of the drug are eliminated in a safe manner
(a replacement drug is weaned) such that withdrawal symptoms are avoided, in an attempt to
attain abstinence. In maintenance therapy abstinence is not the priority, rather the aim is to
minimize harm (e.g. from IV drug use).
What is the definition of alcohol abuse
Alcohol abuse is the consumption of alcohol at a level sufficient to cause physical, psychiatric
and/or social harm. Binge drinking is drinking over twice the recommended level of alcohol per day,
in one session (>8 units for ♂ and >6 units for ♀). Harmful alcohol use is defined as drinking above
safe levels with evidence of alcohol-related problems (>50 units/week for ♂ and >35 units/week for
Pathophysiology/ aetiology of alcohol abuse?
Alcohol affects several neurotransmitter systems in the brain (e.g. its effect on GABA causes
anxiolytic and sedative effects).
The pleasurable and stimulant effects of alcohol are mediated by a dopaminergic pathway in
the brain. Repeated, excessive alcohol ingestion sensitizes this pathway and leads to the
development of dependence.
Long-term exposure to alcohol causes adaptive changes in several neurotransmitter systems,
including down-regulation of inhibitory neuronal GABA receptors and up-regulation of
excitatory glutamate receptors, so when alcohol is withdrawn, it results in central nervous
system hyper-excitability.
Patients with alcohol-use disorders often experience craving (a conscious desire or urge to
drink alcohol). This has been linked to dopaminergic, serotonergic, and opioid systems that
mediate positive reinforcement, and to the GABA, glutamatergic, and noradrenergic systems
that mediate withdrawal.
The social learning theory suggests that drinking behaviour is modelled on imitation of
relatives or friends. Operant conditioning states that positive or negative reinforcement from
the effects of drinking will either perpetuate or deter drinking habits, respectively
Epidemiology of Alcohol abuse
Roughly 25% of ♂ and 15% of ♀ drink over the recommended level in the UK.
Alcohol dependence affects 4% of people between the ages of 16 and 65 in England.
RFs for alcohol abuse
Male: Males are at increased risk of alcohol abuse and have increased metabolism
of alcohol, thus allowing them to have higher quantities.
adults :16.2% among 18–29 year olds; 9.7% among 30–44 year olds have alcoholrelated disorders.
Genetics: Monozygotic twins have higher concordance rates than dizygotic. Studies show
increased risk of dependence in relatives of those affected.
Pre-morbid antisocial behaviour has been found to predict alcoholism.
Lack of facia lflushing: The risk of alcoholism is ↓ in individuals who show alcohol-induced facial
flushing due to a mutation of gene coding for aldehyde dehydrogenase so that
it metabolizes acetaldehyde more slowly. Commoner in some East Asian
E.g. Financial problems, marital issues and certain occupations can increase
the risk.
Features of alcohol intoxication
Characterized by slurred speech, labile affect, impaired judgement and poor co-ordination.
In severe cases, there may be hypoglycaemia, stupor and coma.
Alcohol dependence (Edward and Gross Criteria - SAW DRINK) Features
- Subjective awareness of compulsion to drink.
- Avoidance or relief of withdrawal symptoms by further drinking (also known as relief drinking).
Withdrawal symptoms. - Drink-seeking behaviour predominates.
- Reinstatement of drinking after attempted abstinence.
- Increased tolerance to alcohol.
- Narrowing of drinking repertoire (i.e. a stereotyped pattern of drinking – individuals have fixed
as opposed to variable times for drinking, with reduced influence from environmental cues)
Alcohol withdrawal features
Symptoms such as malaise, tremor, nausea, insomnia, transient hallucinations and autonomic
hyperactivity occur at 6–12 hours after abstinence. Peak incidence of seizures at 36 hours.
The severe end of the spectrum of withdrawal is also termed delirium tremens and the peak
incidence is at 72 hours
What are the long term medical effects of alcohol abuse?
hepat carcinoma
Peptic ulcer disease
oesophageal carcinoma
anaemia (megaloblastic)
fetal alcoholsyndrome
What are the long term psychiatric effects of alcohol abuse?
Morbid jealousy
Self harm
mood disorders
anxiety disorders
Alcohol- related dementia
delirium tremens
Social effects of alcohol abuse
Domestic violence
Drink driving
Employment difficulties
Financial problems
ICD-10 criteria for alcohol intoxication (General criteria for acute intoxication)
(1) clear
evidence of psychoactive substance use at high
dose levels; (2) disturbance in consciousness,
cognition, perception or behaviour; (3) not accounted
for by medical or mental disorder.
ICD-10 criteria for alcohol intoxication (Evidence of dysfunctional behaviour)
argumentativeness, aggression, labile mood,
impaired attention/concentration, interference with
personal functioning. One of following signs:
unsteady gait, difficulty standing, slurred speech,
nystagmus, flushing, ↓consciousness, conjunctival
ICD-10 Criteria for alcohol withdrawal
A. General criteria for a withdrawal
state met: (1) clear evidence of
recent cessation or reduction of
substance after prolonged or
high level usage; (2) not
accounted for by medical or
mental disorder.
B. Any three of the following:
tremor, sweating,
nausea/vomiting, tachycardia/↑
BP, headache, psychomotor
agitation, insomnia, malaise,
transient hallucinations, grand
mal convulsions
Key facts of delirium tremens
This withdrawal delirium develops between 24 hours and one week after alcohol cessation.
Peak incidence of delirium tremens is at 72 hours.
Physical illness is a predisposing factor.
Dehydration and electrolytic disturbances are a feature.
It is characterized by:
Cognitive impairment
Vivid perceptual abnormalities (hallucinations and/or illusions)
Paranoid delusions
Marked tremor
Autonomic arousal (e.g. tachycardia, fever, pupillary dilatation and increased
Medical treatment can be with large doses of benzodiazepines (e.g. chlordiazepoxide),
haloperidol for any psychotic features, and intravenous Pabrinex.
What are the peripheral stigmata of chronic liver disease in alcoholics?
(a) palmar erythema; (b)
Dupuytren’s contracture; (c) spider naevi; (d) gynaecomastia. Other features include clubbing,
caput medusa and oesophageal varices.
CAGE questionnaire
C – Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
A – Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
G – Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
E – Do you ever have a drink early in the morning to steady your nerves or wake you up?
(Eye opener)
MSE for alcohol intoxication
& Behaviour
Poor co-ordination, secondary injuries
(e.g. lacerations), smell of alcohol.
Speech Slurred.
Mood May be elevated or depressed. Labile
Thought Variable. Disinhibited.
Perception No abnormalities.
Cognition Impaired judgement, reduced
Insight Poor.
MSE of alcohol withdrawal
& Behaviour
Agitated, sweaty, tremor.
May have seizures.
Speech Confused.
Mood Anxious.
Thought Paranoid delusions.
Perception Visual hallucinations,
Cognition Delirium, inattention.
Insight Poor.
Investigations for alcohol abuse
Bloods including: blood alcohol level, FBC (anaemia), U&Es (dehydration, ↓ urea),
LFTs including gamma GT (may be ↑), blood alcohol concentration, MCV
(macrocytosis), vitamin B12/folate/TFTs (alternative causes of ↑MCV), amylase
(pancreatitis), hepatitis serology, glucose (hypoglycaemia).
Alcohol questionnaires: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Severity
of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ), FAST screening tool (4 items,
designed for busy settings).
CT head (if head injury is suspected).
ECG (for arrhythmias)
DDs for Alcohol abuse
Psychiatric disorders:
Mood disorders (including bipolar).
Anxiety disorders.
Medical disorders:
Head injury.
Cerebral tumour.
Cerebrovascular accident (e.g. stroke).
Key facts Neuropsychiatric complications (Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff’s
Wernicke’s encephalopathy: An acute encephalopathy due to thiamine deficiency,
presenting with delirium, nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, hypothermia and ataxia. Requires
urgent treatment and may progress to Korsakoff’s psychosis (AKA amnesic syndrome).
Treated with parenteral thiamine.
Korsakoff’s psychosis: Profound, irreversible short-term memory loss with confabulation (the
unconscious filling of gaps in memory with imaginary events) and disorientation to time.
Biological management of alcohol abuse
- Chlordiazepoxide detox regime + thiamine
- Disulfiram/ Naltrexone/ Acamprosate
- Treatment of medical and psychiatric complications
Psychological management of alcohol abuse
Motivational interviewing (+CBT)
Social Network and environment based therapies
Social management of alcohol abuse
Family involvement
FACTS for alcohol misuse and driving
It is the patient’s responsibility to contact the DVLA if there is alcohol misuse or dependence.
If at follow-up, you find that the patient has not informed the DVLA, consider first contacting
your Medical Defence Union for advice, inform the person in writing of your intended actions
so as to give them another opportunity, and if this does not work then contact the DVLA
Alcohol withdrawal
An alcohol detoxification regime offers controlled withdrawal, and can be carried out in the
community or as an inpatient in more severe cases, in order to achieve abstinence. Inpatient
detoxification is recommended in patients at risk of suicide, those with poor social support or
those with a history of severe withdrawal reactions.
High dose benzodiazepines (commonly chlordiazepoxide) are given initially, and the dose is
tapered down over 5–9 days (see Table 7.2.2).
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is also given in order to prevent Wernicke’s encephalopathy. This can
be given orally (200–300 mg daily in divided doses) or intravenously (in the form of Pabrinex)
For alcohol dependance (long term) management:
Pharmacological therapies include:
1. Disulfiram: Works by causing a build-up of acetaldehyde on consumption of alcohol,
causing unpleasant symptoms e.g. anxiety, flushing and headache.
2. Acamprosate: Reduces craving by enhancing GABA transmission.
3. Naltrexone: Blocks opioid receptors (antagonist) in the body, thus reducing the
pleasurable effects of alcohol.
Motivational interviewing guides the person into wanting to change (Fig. 7.2.4). Motivational
interviewing is most effective during the pre-contemplation and contemplation phases.
CBT can be effective in managing alcohol problems and focuses specifically on alcoholrelated beliefs and behaviours.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a popular supportive programme for patients who accept that
they have a drinking problem. It is a 12-step approach that utilizes psychosocial techniques in
order to change behaviour (e.g. social support networks, rewards). Each new member is
assigned a ‘sponsor’ (a supervisor recovering from alcoholism).
Features of wernicke’s encephalopathy
- Confusion
- Oculomotor disturbances (disturbances of eye movements)
- Ataxia (difficulties with coordinated movements
Features of Korsakoffs syndrome
Memory impairment (retrograde and anterograde)
Behavioural changes