addiction Flashcards
what is ao1 for risk factor - genetic vuln
inherit predisposition to being addict
influences addiction bc genetic mechanism means have lower level of d2 receptor which linked to addiction.
gene environment interaction
what is ao3 for genetic vulnerability
research support- Kendler+prescott cocaine use higher in mz (54%) than dz(42%) cocaine dependancy higher in mz (35%) dz (0%)
- x not full explanation- diathesis stress model- for addiction to develop, alongside diathesis (genetic) you also need a stressor (e.g. chronic stress)
what is ao1 for risk factor stress
increase risk due to inability to cope or maladaptive thinking/coping.
stress maintain addiction as stress of quitting cause stress so maintains addiction
what is ao3 for stress risk factor
- supporting research- Tavolocci- students had high stress level more likely begin alcohol abuse/ smoke regularly. shows may turn to substance as way or relieving and then= habit
- x cause+effect? e.g gambling may be what caused stress eg risk of losing assets. stress a by product or causal factor??
what is ao1 for personality risk factor
personality resource model suggests addictive havit as fulfils certain purpose related to personality type
antisocial personality disorder (APD) seen in some addicts. behave criminally to satisfy own desires and also impulsive so may break from social norms
what is ao3 for personality risk factor
-supporting evidence 0 Bahlmabb et al - 18 alcohol dependants with APD developed APD 4 year prior to addiction. shows APD link which may explain why addicts don’t think action thoroughly (e.g. taking drug)
xmost treatment take nomothetic approach (drugs) idiographic more suitable? impulsive people can be treated by focus on personality trait in client led therapy so can adopt way to effectively treat addiction
what is ao1 for family influence risk factor
people seek parental approval. SLT shows reinforcement plays role as adults=role model. if they drink, indirectly influences those around to drink. alcohol everyday feature of life, more inclined to drink
what is ao3 for family influence risk factors
- supporting evidence - Dunn + Goldmann when measured expectancies of 7-18 yr olds, mirrored those of adults. adult in child enviro influence attitudes
- x deterministic - ignores cog nfluences (e.g. should i take this drug)
what is ao1 for peers risk factor
SLT impplies attitudes/experimentation increases risk. Many addicts blame inititation and maintenance on peer pressure. O’Connell propose 3 elements for alcohol/at risk peers:
Association, experienced peers give opportunities, overestimate how much others drink
what is ao3 for peers risk factors
x contradicting research- Kobus literature review finding peer influences more subtle than thought, Psych processes (e.g media) need more research to understand influence of them
x other influencing factors- e.g. deprivation areas of deprivation see more betting shops so more available to gamble. gambling due to need for escape (n.reinforcement)
what is ao1 for theory of planned behaviour
personal beliefs refers to our attitudes to whats fav and unfav behaviour, subjective norms= is addictive behaviour (dis)approved via behvaiours/opinions.
perceived behavioural control= more control=stronger intentions
person’s self efficacy impacted by time, available support and internal ability
what is ao3 for theory of planned behaviour
-research support- Haggr found all 3 predicted limited drinking to guidelines. supports their role
- real life app- used in health psychology- by practitioners to predict benefits of addictive behaviour
-x may not actually predict behavioural change Miller and Howell found intentions and 3 factors linked but prediction of gambling behaviour not found.
what is ao1 for drug therapy
aversives= paired with unpleasant consequence via CC- disulfiram taken= hangover within minutes
agonists- activate neuron receptor, similar effect to substance controlling withdrawal
antagonists block neuron receptor so can’t produce normal effects
opioids=antagonists e.g. naltrexone. enhance GABA release in mesolimbic pathway and reduce dop release in NA which is linked to less gambling
NRT operate neurochemically. activate nAChRs in mesolimbic pathway and stimulate dop release in NA
what is ao3 for drug therapy
-research support NRT- Stead NRT users 70% mroe likely smoke free 6mths later. BUT side effects e,g sleep disturbance and dizziness
x not most effectove- McCelan 69% methadone only group removed as took heroine but meth and psych intervention better
xnot always suitable e.g methadone to pregnant? baby addicted.
ao1 for aversion therapy (psych interventions)
based on cc.
smoking= told puff every 6 sec so feel nauseous then associates unpleasantness with smoking
drinking= given emetic to elicit vomit but given alcohol before vomit. Repetition causes conditioned response to expect nausea
ao3 for aversive therapy (psych intervention)
x low adherence- disturbing so discourages
x contradicting research- Hajek + Stead meta analysis found research didn’t use double blind trial so hard to know effectiveness
ao1 for covert sensitisation
nicotine addict
client relaxes, therapist reads script of client imagining them smoking as need to imagine unpleasant consequences. intention to deter
more graphic = more effective
ao3 for covert sensitisation (psych intervention)
- research support- found 40% had cs for alcohol addiction end up abstaining compared to 0% control
x low adherence rate- requires high motivation to imagine scenarios
ao1 for CBT (psych interventions)
involves identify + deconstruct beliefs to reduce craving. assumes addiction mainted by irrational thought
cognitive reconstruction= therapist educates on belief
functional analysis= identify high risk situation and identify thoughts before, during after
assertiveness= confront interpersonal conflicts and develop social skill to refuse alcohol
ao3 for CBT (psych intervention)
- research support- Petry et al- ppts gambling addiction, had 8 sessions, lasted 12 mths
x contradicting research - Collishaw meta analysis 11 studies CBT effective 3 mths but no control difference 9-12 mths.
x low adherence- motivation. 5x more adherence than other therapies.
ao1 proschaka 6 stage model
quitting= cyclical cycle
precontemplation - dont think change in near future - CONVINCE THEM TO CHANGE
contemplation - think change near future, aware of need but costs SEE PROS OF OVERCOMING preparation- they’ll change in next mth and know benefits outweigh costs CONSTRUCT PLAN action=smth done in past 6 mths and develop coping strategies
maintenance - changed for more than 6 mths RELAPSE PREVENTION termination- not suitable for all but when abstinence is auto
ao3 for proschaka 6 stage model
supporting evidence- Velcer meta analysis found 22-26% success rate quitting smoking - shows favourable over alternatives
-practical value- URICA developed scales ot measure patient current stage to target specific intervention
x model is arbitary- difference between stages based off random choice. One day changes stage e.g plan to stop 30 days = preparation 31 days = contemplation better stages may be precontemplation then all others as 1
ao1 for learning theory of gambling addiction
v.reinforcement - others rewarded for gambling triggers desire for same reinforcement
p.reinforcement - winning money creates buzz bc is exciting n.reinforcement - way to escape
continuous reinforcement schedule- reward correct response but reward stops when target behaviour disappears (extinction)
partial reinforcement schedule- some bets rewarded so unpredictable but still enough to maintain addiction type of v.reinforcement
when behaviour reinforced intermittently and ocne established, more resistant to extinction. gambler believes eventually win if persist
ao3 for learning theory of gambling
-explains why most gamblers cant stop- shows conditioning auto so gambler learn to be addict, conscious desire to stop conflicts with conditioning process to keep gambling BUT doesnt explain all gambling- explains when no delay between placing bet and outcome but not when slight delay
-research support- found high frequency gamblers more likely to place bet in last 2 mins due to built excitement supporting p.reinforcement - BUT study has methodological shortcomings as only observed by 1 observer-
ao1 explanation for nic addiction- learning theory
OC role in early addiction
nic powerful reinforcer due to physiological effect on DRS- stimulates dop to be released in NA so mild euphoria
n.reinforcement- cessation of nico=acute withdrawal symptoms
cue reactivity= pleasurable effect of smoking is p.reinforcer as intrinsically rewarding other stimuli sec reinforcers as produce similar repsonse to nic itself
ao3 explanation for nic addiction - LT
- real world app- James Smith ppts with aversion therapy 52% still abstained from nic after aversive shock showing can help save resources. Hajeck Stead found aversion short lived
-research support- Levin et alrats lick nic linked waterpsout substantially more over 24 sessions. shows OC
-some say people say right to use non humans to study humans bc according to behaviourists conditioning mechanisms are same BUT this is reductionist as more complex in humans due to cog factors e.g. humans think bout reinforcers in way mammals dont
ao1 explanations for nic addiction (brain neurochemsitry)
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAchR) is activated by acetylcholine (Ach) or nicotine, shuts down=neuron=desensitised leading to downregulation. Nicotine creates a pleasurable effect.
dopamine rewards system= nicotine activating the system to create pleasure (e.g euphoria and lower anxiety) and these effects then become associated with smoking.
mesolimbic pathway- ncRs stimulated by nicotine and dopamine is transmitted along t to NA so more dopamine is released to the frontal cortex.
mesocortical pathway= dopamine is transmitted via this to the frontal cortex. Withdrawal= don’t smoke for prolonged periods= nicotine disappears from body so nAchRs are functional again and dopamine neurotransmitter is resensitised.
Continuous nicotine exposure causes a permanent change in neurochemistry which builds tolerance.
ao3 for brain neurochemistry
real world app- led to development of NRT (e.g patches) which bind to nAChRs to mimic nic to satisfy cravings BUT bio deterministic suggests addiction inevitable in any smoker but not true
- x withdrawal symptoms not fully explained - Gilbert= ppts score high on personality dimension of neuroticism had worse withdrawal- persons withdrawal depends on enviro and personality
ao1 for cog theory of gambling addiction
gamblers = distorted expectations believe benefits outweigh costs. overestimate chances of winning and selectively remember what supports it
Rickwood proposed 4 categories: skill + judgement (overestimate influence on random events), personal traits (greater probability of winning) selective recall (only remember wins) faulty perceptions (gamblers fallacy loses always followed by win).
expect to achieve desired outcome so set up self-fulfilling prophecy and behave in way confirming this
ao3 for cog theory of gambling addiction
-research support- used modified stroop task finding gamblers took longer with gambling related words shows bias to pay attention
further support= Griffiths dound regular gamblers 6x irrational verbalisation than occasional smokers and overestimated their skills
x used thinking aloud research- Dickenson and O’connor argue cut remarks not reflect gambler’s belief of chance and skill= misleading impression
x environmentally reductionist- cog biases only proximate cause but go back in causation chain to find ultimate explanation may be biological