Adaption to Pregnancy Flashcards
Define : Antepartum, Intrapartum, Postpartum
Antepartum - time between conception and labor, time period where the woman is pregnant
Intrapartum - time from onset of labor until the birth of the baby and the placenta
Postpartum - time from birth until the woman’s body returns to essentially the prepregant condition (12 weeks)
What is considered Early terms, full term, late term and post term?
Early term: extending from
37 0/7 weeks - 38 6/7 weeks
Full term:
39 0/7 weeks - 40 6/7 weeks
Late term:
41 0/7 feels - 41 6/7 weeks
42 0/7 weeks and beyond
Preterm labor: labor that occurs after 20 weeks before 37 weeks complete gestation
What is the definition of abortion and stillbirth?
abortion : Birth that occurs BEFORE 20 weeks gestation of a baby less than 500 g (miscarriage counts too) , if induced: therapeutic abortion
Stillbrith: fetus dead AFTER 20 weeks gestation
Gravidity vs Parity
Gravidity : The total number of times a patient has been pregnant, including current pregnancy
NULLgravida - NEVER been pregnant
PRIMIgravida - pregnant for the first time
MULTIgravida- on their 2nd or any # after that pregnancy
Parity - description of pregnancy outcomes. more specific : # of pregnancies that survived after 20th week, regardless if the baby died or not
NULLIpara - miscarriage, patient has not given birth at more than 20 weeks, but was pregnant
PRIMIpara - one birth at more than 20 weeks, regardless if the baby was alive or dead
MULTIpara - 2 or more births at more than 20 week gestation
GRAND MULTIpara - patient who has given birth 5 or more times
What does the parity notiation (description of pregnancy outcomes) acronym TPAL stand for?
T - number of term births the woman has experiences ( babies born at 37 0/7 week’s)
P - number of preterm babies (birth after 20 week’s)
A - number of abortions
L - # of living children
solve this: Angela is pregnant for the first time, what does that look with GPAL
p is the t so number of births is 0 cause ashes still print
solve this: Bobby is having her 3rd pregnancy and she gives birth to pre term twins, her second pregnancy ended as an abortion, what does this look like with GPAL
G3 P1-1-1-3
G: three pregnancies - G3
T: one child carried to term - P1
P: one preterm preg. (the twins) - 1
A: one abortion - 1
L: three living kids now - 3
What are the 6 presumptive signs of pregnancy? (could also indicate something else)
- breast/chest changes
- amenorrhea - absence of menstration
- nausea/vomiting
- urinary frequency
- fatigue
- quickening (early featal movements)
What are the 8 probable signs of pregnancy?
- Goodell’s Sign - a probable sign of pregnancy, characterized by softening of the cervix
- Chadwick’s sign - early sign of pregnancy. bluish discoloration of cervix, vagna and vulva
- Hagars sign - softening of cervical isthmus
- positive pregnancy test
- Braxton hicks ctx
- Increase in uterine size
- Increase in abdominal size
What are the positive signs of pregnancy?
- Ausculation of fetal heart tones
- palpation of the entire fetal body by a HC provider
- palpation of fetal movements by HC provider
- Visualization of the following through ultra sound: gestational sac, embryo, fetus
What is the importance of hCG?
It is the biologic marker for pregnancy
helps the egg adhere to the uterine wall
IN BLOOD: pregnancy detected earlier, like 6 days post conception and 20 past LMP
URINE - detected 1 to 2 days after missed period
BEST TIME TO TEST AT HOME: first morning urine (FMU)
When does hcG peak? what else shows this same pattern in pregnancy?
peaks at 60 to 70 days of gestation
what is gestation?
the action of developing in the womb
How does the uterus change size during the weeks?
7 weeks - hens egg
9 weeks - tennis ball
10 weeks - orange
12 weeks - grapefruit
at belly button at 20 weeks , pushing diaphragm at 38
how is uteroplacental blood flow relate to uterus size
as uterus size increases, so does blood flow
Quickening vs Braxton Hicks vs Lightening/ Fetal Drop
Quickening - 17 to 18 weeks for MULTIparous people, but lasts longer for NULLIpara ppl, 20 weeks
- feels like a flutter
Braxton Hicks Contrations
- Irregular painless
- occur throughout pregnancy
- promote uterine blood flow
- cease when walking
- confused with true labor
Lightening/Fetal Drop
- descent of fetus into the pelvis during the third trimester
NULLIparous - two weeks before labor
MULTIparous - start of labor
At what weeks does the baby start to move?
20 weeks
When is the uterus a pelvic organ vs. an abdominal organ?
it is a pelvic organ , but after 20 week sit becomes abdominal
just above symphysis pubis at 12 weeks
between pubic one and umbilicus at 16 weeks
Vaginal, Cervical and Ovarian changes during pregnancy
Chadwicks signs
Leukorrhea - white gray mucoid discharge creating a faint musty odor at occurs during an increase in estrogen production
cervical changes:
Goodells sign - softening of the cervix that occurs by week 6
development of the mucus plug (operculum) - keeps the contents of the uterus from spilling out after conception
ovarian changes:
no more ovum production
- hCG maintains the corpus lutes
- the corpus lute secretes progesterone which is the hormone of pregnancy in uterus until placenta production is sufficient
When is lactation produced? when is colostrum expressed?
They start when estrogen drops after birth ; some colostrum could be expressed as early as 16 weeks
What is venacaval compression?
It is the compression of the vena cava when dying flat on the back. This decreases cardiac output and causes supine hypotension (decrease in O2 and nutrients going to your body)
so lay in an L shape, BEST position
What could the causes of size < dates or size > dates ?