Adaptations, interdependance and competition Flashcards
Define the term population
The total number of all the organisms of the same species that live in a particular geographical area.
What is a community?
A group of 2 or more populations of different species that live in the same geographical area.
What are abiotic factors in the environment?
All of the non living parts of the environment Light intensity Water / Moisture level pH of soil Mineral content of soil Wind intensity Wind direction Temperature Carbon dioxide / Oxygen levels
What is interspecific competition in a community?
The competition between different species.
Eg squirrels and birds competing for nuts and seeds
What is intraspecific competition in a community?
The competition between organisms of the same species
eg kangaroos competing for mates or trees competing for nutrients
What are the two types of competition between species of plants and or animals?
Intra- same species
Inter - different species
What do animals compete for?
What do plants compete for?
What is meant by the term interdependence?
All of the organisms in a community depend upon each other, changing one or more factors within that community can cause unforseen damage.
Explain the term stable community
Two or more populations where there is interdependence and all of the species are in balance with each other. The predator and prey numbers cycle but always remain within a stable number range.
Explain the predator prey cycle and the effect it has within a stable community
As the numbers of predators increase the number of prey will decrease because they are being eaten. This in turn leads to a fall in the number of predators as they do not have enough to eat. Thus the numbers of prey will then start to increase. Interdependence means that although the numbers cycle - go up and down - they remain within a stable number range.
What are biotic factors in the environment?
The living factors
Food / Prey
Disease from pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses
Explain how the introduction of the grey squirrel to the UK has affected the native red squirrel.
The grey squirrel was introduced in the 1870’s and has outcompeted the red squirrel which is now in rapid decline.
The greys are larger and store more fat so they can survive winters better
The greys produce larger litters so there are more of them.
The greys carry a pox virus which has killed huge numbers of red squirrel populations
What is an adaptation in Biology.
It is a factor which gives an advantage to an organism
structurally - way it is formed.
behaviourally - how it acts in certain situations
functionally - a process it has developed
Give an example of a structural adaptation and explain it’s importance to the organism
- A polar bear has thick white fur, this is to keep it warm in the arctic and to camouflage it on the ice.
- A giraffe has a tall neck, this is to enable them to reach the higher leaves in tall trees that other species cannot get to eat.
- A hoverfly mimics a wasp by having yellow and black stripes, this means that some predators avoid them thinking they are wasps and would sting them.
Give an example of a behavioural adaptation and explain it’s importance to the organism
- A hedgehog rolls into a ball if it feels under threat, this makes it more difficult for a predator to eat it as it is protected by its spines.
- Crows have learned to use sticks to poke holes to find food.
- Bears hibernating for the winter
- Birds migrating to different climates at different times of year to find the optimum environment
Give an example of a functional adaptation and explain it’s importance to the organism
- A cobra producing venom, this enables it to kill it’s prey.
- Belladonna (deadly nightshade plant) producing poison to stop it being eaten.
- Plants which produce hormones in their roots and shoots enabling them to grow towards water or light
Describe an extreme environment
One which is very challenging for organisms to live in, it may be extremely hot or cold, highly acidic or alkaline, or even under greater than usual pressure in the depths of the sea.
Eg polar regions or deep sea hydrothermal vents
Give some examples of how animals have adapted to live in polar regions
- A polar bear has a thick layer of fat and thick fur to insulate it against cold. It also has a smaller head proportionally and small ears to prevent heat loss. Strong claws help it grip the ice and hunt seals.
- Emperor penguins also have a thick fat layer. The males carry the eggs on their feet to prevent them from freezing. They huddle together in groups to keep warm.
Describe the conditions in a deep sea hydrothermal vent and the extromophile which can exist there
A small gap or fissure on the bottom of the sea with volcanic activity below them. The vents are under extreme pressure from all of the water above and around them. Their plumes are super heated but only metres away the sea temperatures are almost freezing.There is no light there at all.
Bacteria have been discovered which feed on the sulfurous chemicals released by the vents, which are toxic to most other life forms. Pompeii worms are another species which have adapted to live in them.
What is an extremophile?
An organism which can survive and exists in an extreme environment. They always have specific adaptations which enable them to do this.
eg a Pompeii worm found in deep sea vents on the sea floor has adapted to be able to live in temperatures up to 110 degrees C