AD4 - Category Management in Procurement & Supply Flashcards
What 3 names are referred to when considering managing an organisations spend with 3rd parties?
Strategic Sourcing
When considering complexity of the spend, risk and market difficulty, what approaches can be taken?
Low: Purchasing is dictated by organisational strategy and cost savings are usually the measurable.
Medium: Procurement contributes to organisational strategy with a proactive approach considering WLC.
High: Comprehensive approach which drives organisational strategy
What steps are involved in purchasing?
- Plan approach to market and evaluation
- Approach market and select supplier
- Negotiate and award contract
What steps are involved in procurement?
- Specify requirements
- Plan approach to market and evaluation
- Approach market and select supplier
- Negotiate and award contract
- Manage contract and relationship
What steps are involved in strategic sourcing?
- Initiate project
- Identify needs and analyse market
- Specify requirements
- Plan approach to market and evaluation
- Approach market and select supplier
- Negotiate and award contract
- Manage contract and relationship
- Review
What 5 approaches to strategy did Henry Mintzberg identify?
- Plan: Strategy is a plan that delivers an objective
- Ploy: Strategy is an intended plan that influences a competitive situation
- Pattern: Strategy is an unintended plan that arises from consistent successful behaviour
- Position: Strategy is the position that an organisation takes within the market place
- Perspective: Strategy arises from an organisations culture and belief about itself
What 4 elements are identified by the supply management guide to strategic sourcing that strategic sourcing addresses?
- Demand Management: Matching supply and demand to minimise waste in the supply chain
- Supplier Management: Proactive management of supplier relationships to secure long-term competitive advantage
- Total Cost of Ownership: Understanding the TCO to maximise value from the supply chain
- Sustainability: Ensuring that supply chain activities support the long-term operation of the organisation and the environment it operates within.
Strategic sourcing may allocate elements of the supply chain to individuals. What elements are there?
Internal stakeholders Business units Customers Locations End products Services Projects Goods Services Supplier markets Risk/value based allocation
How could you segment up business requirements?
Indirect - organisational expenditure which can’t be linked to the end product delivered to customers
Direct - expenditure within an organisation which is directly attributable to the end product
Capital - one time costs incurred in purchasing assets. It is accounted differently to operational expenditure as they contribute to the organisations long-term value.
What is a Pareto analysis?
Categories are split up based on spend with the supplier to understand how much time should be spent there.
Category A: 80% of the spend in 20% of the categories of goods/services, strategic sourcing activities should be taken here
Category B: 15% of the spend between 20% and 50% of the categories of spend
Category C: 5% of spend is with the remaining 50% of categories
What floors are there in a Pareto analysis when using it to consider how much time should be spent on a category?
This analysis is limited because:
- Fails to consider market risk
- Fails to consider the value delivered by the expenditure
- Fails to consider the value category management could deliver
What is the Kraljics matrix?
- High Supply Market Difficulty, High Profit Impact: Strategic (Both parties need each other and are mutually dependent, quadrant sometimes referred to as relationship)
- High Supply Market Difficulty, Low Profit Impact: Bottleneck (Procurement seek long term contracts or to pay premium prices to ensure supply, sometimes referred to as critical)
- Low Supply Market Difficulty, High Profit Impact: Leverage (Buying power should be used to get the best price and most advantageous terms)
- Low Supply Market Difficulty, Low Profit Impact: Routine (Seeking efficient buying processes, sometimes referred to as Tactical, non-critical or acquisition)
What tools could you use to manage a market spend?
Starting with the lowest spend, risk and market complexity:
- Purchasing (Reactive sourcing)
- Procurement (Tactical sourcing)
- Strategic Procurement
- Strategic Sourcing
- Category Management
CIPS suggest strategic procurement has 4 phases, what are these?
- Planning: required to ensure organisational goals are understood and taken into account. Phase will include agreeing scope, governance and setting up the team.
- Formalisation: Involves sourcing activity including developing the business requirements, understanding the market, mapping the supply chain, tendering, contract negotiation.
- Implementation: Once contract placed implementation with the supplier will be required involving contract management and supplier relationship management
- Evaluation: Monitoring performance, reviewing and learning from the project.
What steps are in the CIPS supply and purchasing model?
- Organisations vision, mission and values
- Organisations overall strategy
- Strategic sourcing analysis
- Proactive demand management
- Acquisition pre-contract
- Acquisition post-contract
- Renew or end contractual relationship
What 3 elements should a supply chain strategy be made up of?
- Purchasing and Supply Management: considers objectives, activities and policies
- Operations: covers management of efficient processes, application of lean principles and inventory management
- Distribution: includes service levels, fulfilment and delivery
What steps are in the “Develop the sourcing strategy” step of AT Kearneys model for strategic procurement?
- Profile the category: spend analysis, need analysis, supply market analysis. This is a time consuming research step of data gathering internally and externally.
- Selecting sourcing strategy: deciding the way in which to approach the market. Also identified 6 levers which can be used to drive cost out or deliver value (best price evaluation, volume concentration, product specification improvement, joint process improvement, relationship restructuring and global sourcing.
What steps are in the “Implementing strategy and identifying potential suppliers” step of AT Kearneys model for strategic procurement?
- Generate supplier portfolio: identify all suppliers capable of meeting the business requirement. Selection criteria is set up to develop a short-list of suppliers.
- Select implementation path: having identified potential suppliers, step four involves engaging with the market using requests for proposals or tenders and identifying a shortlist of suppliers to take through to the next stage.
- Negotiate and select suppliers: the negotiation strategy will determine the number of suppliers involved in this step. This step is about ensuring you obtain the best outcome for your organisation. The more time spent preparing, the more confident and successful you will be.
What steps are in the “Implementing contract and looking forward to future strategic sourcing” step of AT Kearneys model for strategic procurement?
- Integrate suppliers: implementing the contract and embedding the relationship
- Benchmark supply market: transition from old to new supplier and implementing new processes and procedures and performance measures. Conduct a lessons learnt for next time.
What are the 7 steps in AT Kearneys model for strategic procurement?
- Profile Category
- Selecting sourcing strategy
- Generate supplier portfolio
- Select implementation path
- Negotiate and select suppliers
- Integrate suppliers
- Benchmark supply market
What steps and phases are in the CIPS category management model?
Phase 1 - Kick Off
Step 1 - initiate and prepare
Phase 2 - Prepare and Strategy
Step 2 - identifying opportunities prioritising opportunities
Step 3 - prepare / present strategy
Phase 3 - Deliver Strategy
Step 4 - implementing changes
Phase 4 - Align and Improve
Step 5 - maintain
Step 6 - improve and enhance
What technical skills are required at the “Profile the category” stage of AT Kearneys strategic sourcing model
Spend analysis
Supply market analysis
Market knowledge
What technical skills are required at the “Select sourcing strategy” stage of AT Kearneys strategic sourcing model
Demand analysis and management
Strategy development
Value generation
What technical skills are required at the “Generate supplier portfolio” stage of AT Kearneys strategic sourcing model
Supplier analysis
Whole life costing
Low cost country sourcing