Acute Renal Failure - AKI Flashcards
AKI definition
1) Abrupt (w/in 48 hrs) absolute increase in serum creatinine of >0.3 mg/dl from baseline.
2) a percentage in crease in serum concentration of >50%
3) oliguria of
Azotemia definition
High level of nitrogenous waste products in the blood due to failure of kidney’s excretory ability
Pre-renal azotemia hallmarks
Renal vasoconstriction and increased Na absorption
- volume depletion, heart failure, sepsis/peripheral vasodilation
Etiologies of pre-renal azotemia (4 main ones)
1) Loss of intravascular body fluids:
- hemorrhage, GI losses, sweating, renal losses
2) Sequestration of fluids outside of vasculature
- burns, ascites, pancreatitis, crush injuries
3) Decreased renal perfusion from vasodilation (sepsis, antihypertensives)
4) heart failure
Clinical signs of volume depletion
postural hypotension
decreased skin turgor
dry mucous membranes
decreased axillary sweat
Clinical signs of pre-renal azotemia
- very low urine sodium (increased filtration fraction) due to increased aldosterone (true or effective volume depletion)
- elevated BUN/Cr ratio (normal is 10-15:1)
- Increased urine osmolality (>400 mOsm/L) and specific gravity.
Hepatorenal syndrome
Form of pre-renal azotemia in patients with severe liver disease, caused by marked vasoconstriction of renal arteries (unknown etiology)
Meds NOT to give in pre-renal azotemia
NSAIDs/aspirin and ARB’s/ACE I’s.
- NSAIDs decrease prostaglandin –> vasoconstriction
- ACE I’s inhibit constrictive action on eferrent arterioles which is necessary to maintain glomerular capillary ultrafiltration pressure in the presence of markedly reduced perfusion.
What is retrograde pyelography?
Injecting contrast into the bladder and back up ureters to show blockage
Clinical signs of post-renal azotemia
Note: exclude blockage in EVERY case!
- high sodium excretion (decreased sodium reabsorption)
- anuria (if complete blockage. If partial blockage may get a range)
- NOTE: Unilateral obstruction does not cause progressive severe AKI. Must be BILATERAL
- hydropnephrotic kidney (dilation on ultrasound)
5 causes of hospital acquired AKI
Decreased renal perfusion (44%) Meds Contrast Post-op sepsis
AKI Stage I
Increase of serum creatinine by 0.3 mg/dL or 150-200% from baseline; urine output 6 hours
AKI Stage II
- Cr increase 200-300% Baseline
- Urine output 12 hrs
Over 300% increase in Cr from baseline or >4.0
urine output 24 hrs or anuria for 12 hrs
Urinary findings in ATN
- high urinary Na and FeNa (>1%)
- Unchanged BUN/cr ratio
- fixed urine osmolarity (300) and specific gravity (1.010)
Nephrotoxins in ATN
HgCl2, uranyl nitrate, gentamicin, cisplatinum, cyclosporin, certain antibiotics (aminoglycosides, vancomycin, cephalosporins), non-traumatic rhabdo, ethylyne glycol.
Why is GFR reduced in ATN?
- Vasoconstriction
- back leak of tubular fluid
- intratubular obstruction
- altered glomerular permeability