Acute Coronary syndromes Flashcards
Main point of this whole packet?
Don’t treat unless you need to?
What is angina pectoris defined as?
Acute ischemic chest pain with either rest pain or a crescendo pattern of pain on minimal exertion, associated with ECG changes of ischemia
What are the ECG changes of ischemia?
ST elevation or Depression
T inversion
What accompanies plaque rupture?
Bleeding into plaque
On the TIMI risk score chart a score of 6 or 7 increase risk of death, MI, or recurrent severe ischemia requiring revascularization @14 days by what percent?
Global ST elevation is indicative of what?
Global T wave inversion indicative of what?
Intercranial hemorrhage
Initial management of acute ST segment elevation MI?
Thrombolytic if no cath lab
Emergency cath/PTCA/stent
What is involved in invasive therapeutic strategies?
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Coronary artery bypass grafting
reserved for recurrent ischemia
What is involved in conservative treatment?
Medical therapy
What are nitrates used for in ACS control?
Angina control
with what are Nitrates contraindicated with?
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
RV infarction
What will you see with a right ventricular infarction?
Clear lungs
When do you not want to use beta blockers?
Severe bronchospasm
Suspected coronary spasm
What type of beta blocker do you not want to give?
One with intrinsic sympathomimetic actvity