Acute Complication of DM, insulin deficiency; Hypoglycaemia;DKA , Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemia Non-Ketoic Coma Flashcards
What sort of factors can lead to fluctuations in serum glucose levels and subsequent changes in cell metabolism thought the body?
variations in diet/physical activity
presence of infections
alcohol use
complications may be acute (hypoglycaemia) or chronic
Two acute complications of DM:
Pathophysiology; Hypoglycaemia:
precipitated excess of insulin = deficit glucose blood
usually occur TI, quite suddenly, following strenuous exercise, error in dosage, vomiting/skipping meal after taking insulin
many individuals recognise own response
lack glucose quickly effects nervous system, -
neurons cannot use fats/protein as energy source
SnS; Hypoglycaemia:
related to impaired neurofunction from lack of glucose
poor concentration
slurred speech
lack coordiantion and staggering gait; sometimes assumed to be intoxicated
SnS; Hypoglycaemia:
related to hypoglycaemic state stimulating SNS
pale, moist skin,
SnS; Hypoglycaemia: if hypoglycaemia remains untreated
seizures, and death will follow
Tx; Hypoglycaemia:
can be life threatening if not treated promptly
immediate administration CONCENTRATED CARBOHYDRATE
sweetened fruit juice, candy,
if persons unconscious, glucose, glucagon, may be given parenterally (usually IV)
What does DKA result from?
insufficient insulin = high blood glucose and mobilisation of lipids
more common TI
Pathophysiology; DKA:
ketoacidosis develops over a few days
may be initiated by infection or stress =
^demand for insulin in body
may also result error dosage or overindulgence in food or alcohol
related dehydration, metabolic acidosis, electrolyte imbalances
Dry rough oral mucossa
Warm, dry skin
Pulse rapid but weak and thready
Low BP as vascular volume decreases
Oliguria (decreased urine output) indicates compensation mechanism to conserve fluid intake
Ketoacidosis leads to the following:
Rapid, deep reps(kussmall reps)
Acetone breath ( sweet, fruity smell)
Lethargy decreased responsiveness indicates depression CN owning to acidosis and decreased blood flow
Metabolic acidosis develops as ketoacids bond w bicarbonate ions in the buffer = what reactions?
decreased bicarbonate levels and decreased serum pH
as dehydration progresses, renal compensation decreases, acidosis becomes decompensated
decreased serum pH
Electrolyte imbalance inc. Na+, K+,Cl- and has what following signs?
abdo cramps
nausea and vomiting
lethargy and weakness
If DKA remains untreated…
CNS depression develops owning to acidosis and dehydration = coma
admin insulin
replacement fluid and electrolytes
serum K+ levels may decrease when insulin administered - insulin promotes transport of K+ into cells
bicarbonate administration to reverse acidosis
specific tx to resolve causative factor of episode
Pathophysiology; Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemia Non-Ketoic Coma
freq TII
often elderly w infection
one who has overindulged in carbs - more insulin than anticipated
hyeorglycaemia and dehydration develop due to relative insulin deficits but sufficient insulin avlaible to prevent ketones acidosis
SnS, Dx, Tx; Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemia Non-Ketoic Coma
severe cellular dehydration = neuro deccas
muscle weakness
difficulties with speech
abnormal reflexes
as sufficient insulin to avaliable to prevent ketoacidosis is difficult dingoes initially