Acute/Chronic Respiratory Failure Flashcards
What is type I respiratory failure?
pO2<8kPa with a normal or low pCO2
What are the causes of type I respiratory failure?
- Low inspired o2 - EG high altitudes
- V/Q mismatch
- Diffusion barrier impairment - Thicker in fibrosis, longer in pulmonary oedema, lower SA in emphysema
What is V in V/Q mismatch?
How do you work out V?
Amount of air reaching alveoli in a given amount of time RR x (tidal volume - anatomical dead space)
What is Q in V/Q mismatch?
Flow of blood through the pulmonary capillaries surrounding the alveoli
What does V/Q<1 mean?
What happens as a consequence?
There is inadequate ventilation of some alveoli (shunt)
Pulmonary capillary pO2 will be low, so vasoconstriction of pulmonary arterioles occur.
What conditions cause V/Q<1?
Early asthma and COPD
RDS in newborns
Anatomical shunts (V/Q=0) - Blood supply goes from artery to veins without passing capillaries
What does V/Q>1 mean?
Poor perfusion to a lung segment (anatomical dead space)
Alveolar pCO2 will be low, so bronchoconstriction occurs
What conditions cause V/Q>1?
Pulmonary embolism (V/Q=infinity) Cardiovascular shock
Why is CO2 normal in type I respiratory failure?
- CO2 is more soluble than O2 in blood
2. CO2 does not need a carrier molecule
What is type II respiratory failure?
pO2<8kPa and a high PCO2>6.5kPa
What are the causes of type II respiratory failure?
- Respiratory centre depression in head injury/drug overdose
- Airway obstruction - very severe acute asthma
- Respiratory muscle weakness
- Mechanical problems eg scoliosis
- Hard to ventilate lungs eg COPD
What happens in acute type II respiratory failure?
Severe hypoxia and hypercapnia which is life threatening
What happens in chronic type II respiratory failure?
Compensatory mechanisms develop which allow better toleration of hypercapnia and hypoxia
What investigations would you do if a patient presents with respiratory failure?
Bloods - aBG, FBC, U+E, LFT, CRP
Radiology - CXR
Microbiology - Blood and sputum cultures if febrile
What is the immediate management of type I respiratory failure?
- Treat underlying cause
- Give oxygen (24-60%) by facemask
- Assisted ventilation if PO2<8kPa despite 60% O2