Acute Bony Stress Reaction Flashcards
Mainly happens to the pars interarticularitis
- lamina between teh inferior and superior articular processes
- lateral border of the lamina to the upper border
- junctional border of vertical lamina and horizontal peduncle
bending force is greatest at this point
typically caused by repetitive hyperextension with rotation
- gymnastics, fast bowling, tennis
Stress reaction eventually develops into a fracture - need to diagnose stress reaction early in order to prevent a fracture
Subjective History
young athlete participating in high risk activities
localised unilateral back pain
may describe specific hyperextension incident or be progressive onset
pain generally intermittent though persistent
usually describe an increased training load
relief with rest and avoiding activity
be aware of RED-S potential
Physical Examination
Findings non-specific need to be considered alongside subjective history
unilateral leg pain reproduced with extension and ipsilateral side flexion
sensitive to posterior closing combined movements
tender on palpation
tender with PAIVM - likely to have a muscle spasm
need to consider their history
Rehab Overview
Early Stage
- weeks 0-8
- fracture healing
- completely unload
Middle Stage
- week 9-16
- protected reloading
- need to be pain free on clinical testing
late Stage
- week 17 onwards
- transition to full function
Psychological Function
maladaptive beliefs - okay to continue training
need to address other external influencers - coach, parents
everyone needs to be aware of cause, course of rehab and how to progress to eventual RTS
General Function
Early Rehab
- cease activities that load the posterior arch
- allow for general, non-provocative physical activity
- diet advice for good bone health
Middle Rehab
- jogging
- body weight LL exercise
- sports specific rehab
- technique modification
Late Rehab
- running
- progression to sport specific drills
- monitored RTS
Tissue Sensitivity
pathology very important - need initial rest from adverse loading
carefully monitor symptoms throughout progression
if conservative treatment fails = surgical referral
Local Function - movement
not in the early phase! not really a priority maybe begin in middle phase some flexion general mobility exercises don't do joint manipulation
Local Function - muscle performance
begin in early phase independent flexion and rotation/SG easy unilateral extension and rotation control exercises gradually progress to harder exercises later stages focus on hgih load control
Remote Function
promote hip and thoracic spine extension and rotation
- being early
- don’t extend/rotate the lumbar spine
use thoracic and hip movement independent from lumbar spine - early - funcional load middle - body weight - late - high load focus on independent extension