Acute asthma Flashcards
Acute asthma management
O2 + 5mg nebulised salbutamol
IV 100mg hydrocortisone or 50mg PO pred
If escalating:
Nebulised ipratroprium bromide 500micrograms / 6hours
IV mag sulf 2g over 20 mins
5 of salbutamol, 50 of pred, 500micograms of ipratropium bromide
If they are responding to asthma treatment?
Give nebulised salbutamol over 4-6 hours
Give pred 50mg for 5-7 days
Aim for PEFR over 75 percent of predicted
If they are not responding to treatment
ITU & intubation
IV Aminophylline
Things to check before discharge for acute asthma
Why did they get the asthma attack? What was the trigger?
Give PEF meter
Check inhaler technique
Make GP appt for within 2 days of discharge
Arrange 4 week respiratory follow up