R v Larsonneur
D deported from UK to Ireland, sent back to UK, arrested for being an immigrant
R v Pagett [1983] (Causation)
Pregnant gf, human shield. Wouldn’t have died but for the fact he used her as a shield, factual causation
R v White [1910] (Causation)
D put cyanide in mother’s drink, she died of a heart attack before she has the drink. Not factually cause of death
R v Blaue [1975] (Causation)
(Legal Causation (Thin Skull Rule)) Couldn’t have a blood transfusion as its against her religion. D was liable as he gave her initial injury to make her need a transfusion
R v Cheshire [1991] (Causation)
(Legal Causation (Chain of Causation (An Act of 3rd Party))) D shot victim in thigh and stomach. Had to get tracheotomy, had complications not seen by doctors , died
R v Roberts [1971] (Causation)
(Legal Causation (Chain of Causation (Victims own act))) Girl jumped from car to escape from sexual advances. Reasonable, foreseeable action taken
R v Williams [1992] (Causation)
(Legal Causation (Chain of Causation (Victims own act))) man jumped from car to escape from wallet being stolen. Unreasonable, unforeseeable action taken