Activities Flashcards
What is an activity rule?
Activities are structured as a series of steps which are executed in sequence. Each step references a method, or another activity, or can contain plain java code.
create and send emails
create a new case instance
set the status of the case instance
Examples where activities must be used
- To perform Case related functions such as creating a case instance, routing the case, or updating the work status, as part of certain operations such as parsing an input file.
- To send requests to external systems or to receive requests from external systems.
- To perform functions such as writing to a log file or to the history database.
Local Variables
Local variables section identifies scalar variables, and they are stored as fields in the java class that PRPC generates to implement the activity. hey are often used to pass information from step to step. We can reference the properties listed here as Local keyword (Local.PropertyName) in the Steps tab for any processing.
Primary Pages
A Primary page is a clipboard page which has the same class as the “Applies To” class of the activity and is designated when the activity is called. This page is the default location of properties referenced with a dot and no preceding page name. For greater clarity, we can reference a property on the primary page using the keyword “Primary” followed by a dot and the property name.
Step pages
When a Branch or Call instruction executes as defined in a step in the Steps tab, the page in the Step Page column of the step becomes the primary page of the called activity. If the Step Page column is blank, the primary page of the current activity becomes the primary page of the called or branched-to activity. That is, the primary page of an activity becomes the step page of each step, except for steps where the Step Page column is not blank. The step page becomes the primary page for the duration of this step’s execution.
Parameter Pages
A parameter page contains parameter names and values, as listed in the parameters tab. It has no name or associated class, and is not visible through the Clipboard tool. However, we can display the contents of the parameter page with the Tracer tool.
For Each Page
As we iterate through the loop, we can select the “For Each Page” option to sequence through all pages of a specified class or classes and perform a method or instruction for each page. Leave the Step Page field blank. Each time the step repeats, the step’s page changes internally automatically
For Each Embedded Page
Use the “For Each Embedded Page” option to apply a method or instruction to each embedded page in a Page List or Page Group property. Identify the property containing the embedded pages in the Step Page field. For the optional Valid Classes (“Only loop for certain classes” as shown below) parameter for these two “Repeat” conditions, we can enter a class or classes. We can click the “Add Row” icon to add more than one class. When valid classes are populated, iteration processing only processes pages of the valid class list and the ones derived from them and skips over the pages of classes that are not in the list.
For Each Element in a Value List
We can select the “For Each Element in a Value List” option to repeat the step for each element in a Value List property. When we select this iteration form, a Property Name field appears. Identify the Value List property in the Property Name field.
For Each Element in a Value Group
We can select the “For Each Element in a Value Group” option to repeat the step for each element in a Value Group property. When we select this iteration form, a Property Name field appears. Identify the Value Group property in the Property Name field.
For Loop
We select the “For Loop” option to repeat the step a number of times determined by the values of integer constants or integer properties. Enter integer constant values or integer property references for the Start, Stop, and Increment fields. The Increment must be a positive integer.
used to set the value of one or more properties. If this is the only step, we would be using a data transform rule instead of activity rule. When setting the properties, we can use any of the symbolic indexes that we had described earlier in this lesson.
used to find and execute another activity. After the called activity completes, the calling activity resumes processing.
creates a blank clipboard page of a class specified.
used to delete one or more named pages from the clipboard. If no page is specified, the page referenced by the step page will be removed.
used to invoke a Data Transform rule directly from a step.
A full list of the methods provided is available in Developer Help.
method allows a reference to a Data Transform rule which is applied to the destination page before copying data from the source page
method also allows a reference to a Data Transform rule in the target class or any of its parents to be applied to the page when changing its class.