Activator Lab Stuff Flashcards
Leg check
Pressure tests
Stress tests
Isolation tests
Leg check
Start by identifying the patients short leg
The short leg will be referred to as
PD leg - pelvic deficiency
Pressure tests
Used when the patients legs are unbalanced
Apply pressure in the LOC
A positive response or yes is the legs will balance
Stress tests
Used when legs are balanced
Apply stress in the line of subluxation
A positive or yes is the PD leg will draw short
Isolation tests
A form of stress test
An active motion by your patient
We are limited on these with pediatrics because they must follow instructions
Begin analysis
At the pelvis
Opposite PD leg
OPD leg
Start on OPD side - looking for AS ilia
Unbalanced patient so start with pressure test in an inferior line over the SI joint - legs balance - AS
Correction AS ilia
SCP - ischial tuberosity
LOD - P-A and S-I or just AI
PI-ILIA, PD side - balanced patient
Apply stress in an inferior line over SI joint
PD leg draw short
Correction of PI ilia
SCP - inferior PSIS
LOD - P-A and I-S or just AS
PI-ILIA, PD side - unbalanced patient
Apply pressure in a superior line over the SI joint
Positive response is for legs to balance
Pt balanced
Apply stress over the SI joint medially
PD leg draws short
Correction of IN ilia
SCP - medial PSIS
LOD - M-L or just L
Pt balanced
Apply stress over the SI joint laterally
Positive is PD leg draw short
Correction of EX ilia
SCP - lateral PSIS
LOD - L-M or just M
Normally utilize isolation tests
Use motion palpation to identify the fix as in full spine
C2-L5 corrections
SCP - inferior spinous process
CP - use your pinky or index finger under the activator tip
LOD - I-S and P-A or just SA
Stress test L-M on the side opposite the laterality
PD leg will pull short if subluxated
Correction C1
SCP - lateral TP
CP - use your pinky under the activator tip