actions and callouts Flashcards
normal takeoff
“clear left”
clear right
“runway xx confirmed
“runway xx confirmed
lp “your controls
rp “my controls
“power set
“power set
“pos rate
“gear up
“press nav, vs, auto pilot, flaps 0 after takeoff checklist
“flaps 0 selected
visual approach
leaving 200 - “flaps 20” then 180
leaving 180 - “flaps 30 gear down” then 160
“three green”
leaving 160 - “flaps 45 before landing checklist”
-leaving 200
“flaps 20”
-then 180
“course alive”
“(app type) displayed”
“set missed approach altitude”
-leaving 180 (1 dot or 5nm)
“flaps 30 gear down
-then 160
“three green”
-prior to faf and leaving 160
“flaps 45 before landing checklist
non prec dda using vs
-leaving 200
“flaps 20”
-then 180
“course alive”
“set minimums”
leaving 180 5 nm prior to faf
“flaps 30 gear down
-then 160
“three green”
-leaving 160 and prior to FAF
“faps 45 before landing checklist
established on VDA and below MAA
“set missed approach altitude
app to mda
-leaving 200
“flaps 20”
-then 180
“course alive”
“(app type) displayed”
leaving 180 5 nm prior to faf
“flaps 30 gear down
-then 160
“three green”
-leaving 160 and prior to FAF
“faps 45 before landing checklist
“set next altitude” or “set MDA”
prob cat C if able
1.7 or expanded circling 2.7
max 30 degrees bank
begin circling
“leaving MDA
300’ afe -
“300 stable
other than mda final callouts
100 above
-go around
runway xx oclock
approach lights continue
-runway xx oclock
-go around
mda final callouts
100 above
minimums set missed app alt
-go around
runway xx oclock
approach lights continue
-runway xx oclock
-go around
missed approach
“go around set power”
(toga - advance to about n1 as required)
PM “power set”
“flaps 20
“flaps 20 selected
“positive rate
“gear up, set missed approach alt
vref+10 to Vfe
“nav sourse, nav, bug vref+10
1,000’ afe
“flaps 0, after takeoff checklist
landing callouts
“two deployed
-a speed above 60 to give pf enough time to get tr’s to idle prior to 60
flaps fail app
“flaps fail approach qrc
“gear down
“3 green
“flaps fail landing qrc
v1 cut
“engine failure
“positive rate
“gear up heading 1/2 bank flight level change bug v2
-maintain alt and acc to vfto
“flap 0
“flaps 0 selected
-maintain vfto to esa
“inflight engine shutdown qrc
oei go around
“go around, power set
target n1
-adjust n1
-command bars
“flaps 20
“flaps 20 selected
“positive rate
“gear up
“nav source nav flight level change bug vac
“hdg 1/2 bank flight level change bug vac
“set missed approach altitiude
-maintain altitude
-vfto -5
“flaps 0 after takeoff checklist
“flaps 0 selected
general rule for turning off 1/2 bank
172 kias
flaps 0 is vref + 40 min maneuvering speed for > 15degree bank