Actions Flashcards
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Head extension Ipsilateral (same side) head rotation
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Head extension at the
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
Ipsilateral (same side) head rotation
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Head extension Ipsilateral (same side) head lateral flexion
Anterior Scalene (Scalenus anterior)
Neck flexion, Ipsilateral (same side) neck lateral flexion, Contralateral (opposite side) neck rotation, Elevates 1st & 2nd ribs
Middle Scalene (Scalenus Medius)
Ipsilateral (same side) neck lateral flexion, Elevates 1st & 2nd ribs
Posterior Scalene (Scalenus posterior)
Ipsilateral (same side) neck lateral flexion, Elevates 1st & 2nd ribs
External Intercostals
Elevates the ribs, aiding in normal inspiration
Internal Intercostals
Depresses the ribs, aiding in forced expiration
Depresses the ribs, aiding in normal inspiration
Transversus Thoracis
Draws the ribs downward, aiding in expiration
Expands the thoracic
cavity; Compresses the
abdominal cavity
Upper - Elevates & upwardly rotates scap (during abduction of humerus above horizontal – lower also contributes) Middle - retracts scap Lower - Depresses scap Bilateral conctraction- extension of neck Uni contraction - laterally flexes head
Lattisimus Dorsi
Adduction of GH Joint
Medial (internal) Rot
Extension of shoulder
from flexed position
Levator Scapulae
Elevates the scapula (medially and upward)
Laterally flexes the neck
Rhomboids (major and minor)
Retraction of scapula
elevates the scapula
Serratus posterior superior
Elevates ribs II to V
Serratus posterior inferior
Depresses ribs IX to XII and may prevent lower ribs from being elevated when the diaphragm contracts Draws the lower ribs backward and downward
Splenius Capitis
Bilateral -
supports the head in the erect position, draw head
backwards, extending neck
Unilateral -
draw & rotate head to one side (turn face to same side)
Splenius Cervicis
Bilateral -
supports the head in the erect position, extend neck
Unilateral -
draw head to one side & slightly rotates it, turning face to same side
Cervicis -
extends, laterally flexes, & aids in rotation of the neck
Thoracis -
extends, laterally flexes, aids in rotation of spine
Lumborum -
extends & laterally flexes & aids in rotation of spine, can depress the ribs
Capitis - Bilateral - extend the head Unilateral - bends the head and turns it to face the same side Cevicis - extends and laterally flexes the spine Thoracis - extends and laterally flexes the spine, aids in compression of the ribs
Capitis - extends the head Cervicis - extends the head Thoracis - extends the spine
Semispinalis (all 3)
Bilateral - extend the
vertebral column, drawing head directly backwards
Unilateral -
draws the head to one side & rotates it so that the face is turned to the opposite side
Stabilises the vertebrae in local movements if the vertebral column Bilateral - extend vertebral column Unilateral - laterally flexes and contralaterally rotates vertebral column
Extend and rotate the vertebral column (control of posture)
Postural muscles that stabilise adjoining vertebrae during movements of vertebral column Trunk extension (control of posture)
Postural muscles that stabilise adjoining vertebrae during movements of vertebral column Trunk lateral (side) flexion (control of posture)
Levatores costarum (Breves & Longi)
Contraction elevates
thoracic cage
Pectoralis Major
Flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of arm at GH joint Clavicular head - flexion of extended arm Sternocostal head - extension of flexed arm
Pecotralis Minor
Depresses the scapula (pulls tip of shoulder down) Protracts the scapula Assists in forced inspiration (elevates ribs)
Serratus Anterior
Protracts scapula Upward rotation of scapula (glenoid cavity moves superiorly) Holds scapula close to thoracic the thoracic wall. Elevates ribs when scapula is fixed
Depresses the clavicle down and forward
All heads - abduct the shoulder Anterior - Flexion, Horizontal adduction, Medial rotation of humerus Middle - Abduction of humerus after initial 15° Posterior - Extension, Horizontal Abduction (from 90° back), Lateral rotation
Teres Major
Medial (internal) Rot of humerus
Adduction of GH Joint
Assists in extension of the already flexed shoulder (not hyper extension)
Abduction of Glenohumeral joint (1st 15˚ when arm is
adducted at side).
Stabilise head of Humerus in Glenoid Cavity
Lateral (external) rotation of the arm at the GH joint
Stabilises head of Humerus in Glenoid Cavity
Medial (internal) rotation of the humerus at the GH joint
Prevents anterior displacement of the humerus/ Stabilises head of Humerus in Glenoid Cavity.
Teres Minor
Lateral (external) rotation of the arm at the GH joint
Stabilises head of Humerus in Glenoid Cavity
Assists in adduction of the shoulder
Assists in extension of shoulder (until neutral) when arm is in flexion
Biceps Brachii
Flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint
Supination of the forearm
Accessory flexor of the arm at the glenohumeral joint
Flexion of the arm at the glenohumeral joint, adduction of arm
Flexion at the elbow (forearm flexion)
Triceps Brachii
Extension at the elbow
Long head can also extend and adduct the arm at the shoulder joint
Assists in elbow extension
Abduction of the ulna in
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Wrist flexion and ulnar deviation
Palmaris Longus
Flexes wrist joint; (because the palmar aponeurosis anchors skin of the hand, contraction of the muscle resists shearing forces when gripping)
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Wrist flexion and radial
Pronator Teres
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Wrist and finger flexion Flexes the proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring, and little finger Flexes metacarpophalangeal joints of the same fingers Flexes wrist joint
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Flexes all the interphalangeal joints (distal and proximal), of the index, middle, ring and little fingers. Flexes metacarpophalangeal joints of the same fingers. Flexes wrist joint
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexes the interphalangeal joint and the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb