Action Theory Flashcards
what are the key beliefs?
-we shape society through our actions and interactions
-voluntaristic actions (free will)
-bottom-up approach
-micro scale research
who came up with symbolic interactionism?
what is symbolic interactionism?
we attach symbols an symbolic meanings to human behaviour
analyse symbolic interactionism?
-actions are driven by symbols
-people attach meaning to these symbols and act accordingly
-meanings are not fixed but they change based on interactions over time.
why does mead say we use symbols rather than instincts like animals?
-unlike animals, our behaviour is not fixed with pre-programmed instincts
-before we respond, we attach learnt meanings that are developed through day-to-day interactions
what is the AO2 for symbolic interactionism?
we do this by ‘taking the role of the other.’
-we put ourselves in the shoes of others and react
-this is how we shape society
what is the AO3(a) for symbolic interactionism?
-human behaviour is studied on a micro-scale
-to find a true understanding (Verstehen)
-gained through empathy
what did Cooley come up with as an extension of symbolic interactionism?
-looking glass self
-our self concept comes from how others see us, so we begin to see ourselves as others see us (mirror image)
what did Mead say that links to the mirror image ideology?
‘I and Me’
-we act with the me (we think about how others perceive us)
what is a label?
when a judgement/assumption is made about an individual, based on stereotypes, and then attached to that individual
what is the order of the self-fulfilling prophecy?
-label is attached
-individual treated accordingly
-label is internalised
-self-fulfilling prophecy, become label
-label controls identity and becomes the master status
what topics link with the self-fulfilling prophecy?
-crime and deviance
what are some evaluation points against the self-fulfilling prophecy?
-contradiction= if we have free-will, why do we internalise/become the label
-self-refuting prophecy
-power of interaction, don’t have free-will of others
-lacks usefulness, creates doubt and loses credibility of theory, goes against core beliefs/foundations
who came up with Dramaturgical Model?
what is the Dramaturgical Model?
the idea that you control the way others see you, so behaviour differs around different people
-we are actors, with scripts and props to convince our audience of our role
-we are only our own true self when we are alone
what is a quote that links with the dramaturgical model?
‘one person in their time plays many parts.’
what is the AO2 for the dramaturgical model?
Impression Management
=techniques to control how others see us
-still relevant now (social media)
what is the AO3(a) to the dramaturgical model?
-creates public persona
-something we manipulate
-manage it to create the ‘best version of ourselves.’
-we are totally in control of the ‘ME.’
what is the evaluation of the dramaturgical model?
-don’t under-estimate the social structures and how they control us
-Feminists= patriarchal structures decide and influence the ‘persona’
-need to control the ME or there will be consequences if you don’t
what is the solution for the dramaturgical model?
have free-will to react as an individual, but institutions still control us