Action Potentials II Flashcards
Driving force of an ion =
- |membrane potential (Vm) – Equilibrium potential (Ex)|
(Absolute value)
How do voltage-gated Na+ channels and voltage-gated K+ channels differ?
- They are both activated during depolarization of the membrane.
- Na+ channels quickly inactivate.
- K+ channels remain open as long as the membrane is depolarized.
Toxins can affect ion channel function: Tetrodotoxin (TTX) blocks Na+ channels
What effect does TTX have on action potentials?
What effect does TTX have on the resting membrane potential?
- Found in the puffer fish (fugu)
What effect does TTX have on action potentials? - No depolarization
What effect does TTX have on the resting membrane potential? - No effect, it would stay at rest
Tetraethlammonium (TEA)
Blocks voltage-gated K+ channels
What effect does TEA have on action potentials?
What effect does TEA have on the resting membrane potential?
What effect does TEA have on action potentials?
- Rapid depolarization, longer-lasting (no undershoot or relative refractory)
What effect does TEA have on the resting membrane potential?
- No effect on resting membrane potential
What happens to the resting potential and shape of the action potential if you lower the external concentration of Na+?
- It is slower
- Eq of Na is lowered,driving force is less than it used to be. The peak of the graph will also be lwer because it is the peak of the new ENa.
How does an action potential propagate down an axon?
An action potential can be represented by an influx of positive charge
- What happens immediately in front of this
region (AP)?
-> positive current spreading carries the next portion to depolarization (opens voltage-gated Na+ channels) - Can action potentials “turn back” on themselves?
-> K+ ions are repolarizing the membrane, and Na+ channels are inactive. AKA: one direction
What happens to the resting potential and shape of the action potential ifyou increase the external concentration of K+?
- Ek moves up because there is now more K outside of the cell. Driving force is lower and will only bring K+ down to the new Ek
- Undershoot doesn’t become more negative than Ek.
Action potentials depend on two types of current flow:
Passive and Active
Passive current flow:
AP’s decay with distance
- conduction by neurons in the absence of action potentials. It is like conduction of electricity in a wire.
1) Inject current through an electrode.
2) Measure the membrane potential at
various points along the axon.
3) As the distance from the electrode
increases, the amplitude of the
potential change diminishes.
4) Current leaks out of the membrane
What happens if the current injection is above threshold?
- No decay, and yes to an AP
Action potential propagation also depends on …
- active current flow through ion channels
- Yet, need both active and passive current to depolarize voltage-gated Na+ and propogate.
Differences between Active and Passive Currents
- Passive current flow: decays over distances.
Depolarizing current passively flows down the axon away from the site where the action potential is occurring. - Active current flow: current flow through ion channels. When the depolarization reaches threshold, Na+ channels open and an action potential is initiated.
- An action potential requires the coordinated action of these two types of current.
- This explains how action potentials can travel long distances.
Conduction velocity:
- The speed at which action potentials are propagated down an axon.
Ways to increase conduction velocity (1):
- Increasing the diameter of the axon
decreases the resistance to passive
current flow.
This is why giant axons have evolved in
invertebrates, such as the squid.
Rapidly conducting axons in all animals
tend to be larger than slowly conducting
Large axons are less leaky
Ways to increase conduction velocity:
- oligodendrocytes in CNS, Schwann cells in PNS
- Reduces leak of current across membrane (insulation)
- Present only in vertebrates
Decrease leaks
Myelin greatly…
- speeds up action potential conduction.
- Unmyelinated axons conduct action potentials at about 0.5 to 10 meters per second.
- Myelinated axons can conduct action potentials at up to 150 meters per second.
Action potentials skip from…
- node to node down the axon.
- Generating an action potential through activation of sodium channels etc takes time.
- In myelinated axons, this process takes place only at the nodes of Ranvier.
- Action potential generation is “saltatory” – it jumps from node to node.
There are less ion channels in axons that are myelinated
What are the changes in permeability of the membrane during an action potential?
Hodgkin, Huxley, Katz
- Found using current-clamp technique
- Measuring the membrane potential of the cell through current flowing through ion channels
- Put an electrode in the cell, and watch to see what happens
Voltage-clamp technique
- An electrode measures the membrane potential in the axon and is connected to an amplifier
- The amplifier compares the actual membrane potential to the desired membrane potential.
- Acts like a thermostat: The amplifier then injects current through an electrode back into the axon.
Voltage-clamp technique benefits:
1) Holds the membrane potential constant
2) Provides an exact measure of the current required to do so
What ionic currents are associated with the action potential?
We already know the answer!
The action potential is the result of an inward flow of Na+ ions followed by an outward flow of K+ ions.
What happens if you hyperpolarize the membrane?
- “Desired” membrane potential = -130mV
- Measure the current flowing in and out of
the cell. - Brief capacitive current = nearly instantaneous
results from the redistribution of charge across the membrane - But other than that, there is very little current.
What happens if you depolarize the membrane?
- “Desired” membrane potential = 0mV
- Measure the current.
- The response has two phases:
A rapidly rising inward current
A slowly rising outward current
For inward/outward current graphs
- green= inward
- blue= outward
- Eq is found through loss of bump in transition from inward to outward
How would you test that the late outward current is due to K+?
- Tetraethylammonium (TEA) blocks voltage-gated K+ channels.