Actin Flashcards
Actin General
G-actin poly’s into actin filaments: F-actin to microfilaments (cytoskeleton) and thin filaments (M contract)
Function of Actin
Cell surface shape and motility, cell division and cytokinesis, Lamellipodia, filipodia, phagocytic cups, microvilli, stereocilia
Muscle contraction; vesicle and organelle mvmt
Describe F-actin
Flexible, thin, double helix, dynamic (remodeling). Polarity: (+)= fast growth (-) = slow growth
Actin capping
Actin ATP cap: stable, slowly hydro after poly, when ADP reaches end = dissoc
lvl of ATP G-actin = Rate elong/short
Increased concentration of ATP G-actin = monomers added to both ends
Decreased ATP G-actin = monomers at pos end and off neg end= treadmilling: length stable
NB: Treadmill F-actin vs Dynamic instability of MTs
Actin Polymerisation
Nucleation occurs at PM
Increased density at cell periphery = cell cortex (beneath PM) = actin filament; determines cell shape and motility
Ext signals regulate nucleation of actin filaments at PM therefore rapid changes in shape and stiffness in response to enviroment
Actin Nucleation 1
ARP 2/3 stim nucleation of G-actin: binding to form dimers and trimers (nucleus) therefore initiating polymerization.
Elongation begins: actin monomers added to nucleus or existing filament with increased affinity; ultimately form double helix (F-actin)
Monomers need bound ATP to fil/nuc
Profilin exhanges ADP for ATP, readying monomer for attach
F-actin Elongation
ARP complex binds/nucleates filamets ore efficiently when bound to side of pre-existing actin filaments (branched network)
ARP complex found at leading edge of migrating cells
Actin nucleation 2
Formins nucleate growth of straight and unbranched actin filaments
Crosslinking by other proteins to parallel bundles
Actin binding proteins/ Actin related proteins
Control filament assembly, growth, branching, capping and disassembly
- Cross linkers (filamin, fimbrin, villin)
- Severing proteins (Gelsolin, cofilin)
Modifications of fila elongation
Thymosin - Binds G-actin, prevents F-actin assembly
Profilin - binds G-actin, promotes pos end growth (ADP to ATP)
Cofilin - Promotes disassembly at pos end
Gelsolin - Caps pos end (prevents growth)
Regulation of actin filament organisation
- Pool of ATP-actin with profilin
- Signals activate WASP/Sar proteins
- WASP/SAR act ARP2/3 complex to initiate new filaments as branches of old
- Elongation
- Growing pushes membrane forward
- Cap proteins terms elongation
- ATP hydro and Pi dissociation
- ADF/Cofilin severs and depoly ADP-actin filaments
- LIM-Kinase inhibits ADF/cofilin
- Profilin catalyzes exchange of ADP for ATP
Myosin Motor Proteins
Myosin 1 - Protrusion actin rich structures (microvilli)
Myosin 2 - Contractile (M and non M)
Myosin 5 - Vesicle and organelle transport
Acting Organization w/in Cell
Bundles and weblike org, initiated by nuc protein, stab by crosslinking proteins
Stress fibers - Contractile bundle
Cell cortex - gel like network
Filopodia - tight parallel bundles
Actin crosslinking proteins
alpha actin, fimbrin, villin - parallel cables
spectrin, filamin - webs/gels
alpha action - loose bundles, stress, contract
Fimbrin - tight bundles, microvilli, non contract
Actin stress fibers and focal adhesions
Stress fibers = contractile bundles of actin filament which cross link by alpha actin
Connected to ECM at focal adhesions via integrin allowing cell to push actin network forward = mvmt
Fimbrin and Villin cross link, increased SA for absorb
Packed F-actin, non motile, Haricells ear, epididymis
Filamin - 3D cross links under PM = supp
Spectrin - 2D web (held by short actin filaments) under PM. To PM by ankyrin binding to band 3 (integral prot) allowing cell to deform and spring back (caps for RBC)
Adherens Junction
C-C contact by cadherins (attach of actin bundles) form continuous belt of actin filaments around each epi cell
Actin cytoskeleton attach to membrane
Dystrophin: anchors actin cytoskeleton to sarcolemma in skl M
Vinculin: attaches actin cyto to membrane in focal adhesion
Actin polymerization and locomotion
RhoGTPase act ARP2/3 (poly at leading edge) and cofilin (depoly at trailing and reorg’s leading edge)
- Actin poly and branches (ARP 3/2) at lead pushes cell forward stretching actin complexes
- Contraction (myosin motor proteins) at rear propel body to relax tension
- New focal contacts (integrins bound to ECM) are made at front, old disassemble
- Repeat
Contractile assembly of actin and myosin non-M
- Contract stress fibers - tension cell pulls off ECM
- Contract adhesion belt - alters shape of epi sheets
- Cytokinesis - actin filaments and myosin 2 form contractile ring under PM pinching cell in two
Myosin 2 in M
Contractile activity in M and nonM. 2 ATPase heads, tail to tail interactions - large bipolar thick filaments
Actin Thin Filament
F-actin capped at pos and neg end
Interacts with tropomyosin and troponin complex
Muscle Filament
Thick= myosin with cross bridges
Thin = actin
Sacromere = Z to Z, M line down mid = myosin
F-actin capped = stable, cap Z pos end at Z disk, Tropomodulin in neg end
Z disk = cap Z and alpha actin
Muscle contraction
N sig - act pot in M cell membrane - T-tubules (memb invag) - gap jx - sarcoplasmic reticulum - Ca release
Ca binds to troponin C, lifts toponin 1 form actin - displaces tropomyosin - myosin head binds and pulls Z disk closer = contraction
Sliding filament mvmt
Myosin to pos end, ATP drives myosin power stroke, Ca influx frees myosin binding site on actin
Wiskott Aldrich syndroe
X-linked immuno def, mutated WASP in haemotopoicitic cells. Fail of actin nucleation and disrupts signal path. Death before adult w/o bm transplant
Drugs Inhibiting actin
Cytochalasins - binds pos end filament blocking depoly
Phalloidin - binds pos end actin blocks depoly
Latrunculin - soaks free monomers
Rigor Mortis
No ATP so myosin can’t release actin therefore Ca cant be returned to SarcoRetic
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Mut=actin at bind to Z-disk - defective transmission of force in cardiac myocytes - early heart fail
Syms develop gradually - fatigue, weak, palpatations, PE and sudden death
Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
AD, myosin 2 mut, tropomyosin and troponin
Sudden death in athletes
Asym/mildly sym - dysponea, angina, palpatations, syncope, fatigue, fatal cardiac arrest