Act Two, Scene One Flashcards
Antonio: Yet another important female who could change the whole story but obvs will not be featured other than in name
“Keep in Tunis and let Sebastian wake.”
Antonio: You’re letting a great opportunity slide by
“Noble Sebastian, thou let’st thy fortune sleep - die rather.”
Antonio: Who needs friends when you got dolla
“My brother’s servants were then my fellows; now they are my men.”
Antonio: IDGAF
“Twenty consciences that stand ‘twixt me and Millaine, candied be they, and melt ere they molest!”
Sebastian: “But, for your conscience?”
Antonio: “ Ay, sir: where lies that?”
Sebastian: You’re basically a pro at this
“You did supplant your brother Prospero”
Sebastian: I’ll just copy you that can only go well for me
“Thy case, dear friend, shall be my precedent”
Sebastian: You don’t need to pay $$$ anymore I’ll just love you
“One stroke shall free thee from the tribute which thou payest, and I the king shall love thee.”
Ariel: I be creeping and saw you in danger bae
“[to Gonzalo:] My master, through his art, forsees the danger that you, his friend are in, and sends me forth (for else his project dies) to keep them living”