ACT IV Flashcards
Bosola: “Nobly”
Nobly; I’ll describe her/ She’s sad, as one long used to’t, and she seems/ Rather to welcome the end of misery/ Than shun it: a behaviour so noble/ As gives a majesty to adversity”
Duchess: “why”
“why dost thou wrap thy poisoned pills/ In gold and sugar?”
Duchess: “You”
“You are very cold/ I fear you are not well after your travel”
Duchess: “If”
“If they would bind me to that lifeless trunk/ And let me freeze to death”
Duchess: “Portia”
“Portia, I’ll new kindle thy coals again/ And revive the rare and almost dead example/ Of a loving wife”
Duchess: “my”
“my curse hath a great way to go/ Plagues, that make lanes through largest families/ Consume them”
Ferdinand: “Damn”
“Damn her, that body of hers/ While that my blood ran pure in’t, was more worth/ Than that which thou woulds’t comfort, called a soul”
Duchess: “The”
“The robin red-breast and the nightingale/ Never live long in cages”
Bosola: “Thou”
Thou art a box of worm-seed, at best, but a salvatory of green mummy. What’s this flesh? A little cruded milk, fantastical puff paste: out bodies are weaker that those paper prisons boys use to keep flies in”
Duchess: “I”
“I am Duchess of Malfi still”
Bosola: “Sin”
“Sin their conception, their birth, weeping;/ Their life a general mist of error/ Their death a hideous storm of terror”
Duchess: “To”
“To our next neighbours? They are mad folks”
Duchess: “Pull”
“Pull, and pull strongly, for your able strength/ Must pull down heaven upon me”
Executioner: “She”
“She bites and scratches”
Bosola: “But”
“But blood flies upwards and bedews the heavens”
Ferdinand: “Had”
‘Had she continued widow - to have gained/ An infinite mass of treasure by her death”
Bosola: “hollow”
“hollow graves/ Rotten, and rotting others”
Bosola: “We”
“We seem to sweat in ice, and freeze in fire”
Bosola: “Return”
“Return fair soul from darkness, and lead mine/ Out of this sensible hell!”