ACT II Flashcards
Bosola: “Whereas”
“Whereas before she looked like a nutmeg grater, after she resembled an abortive hedgehog”
Bosola: “Man”
“Man stands amazed to see his deformity/ In any creature but himself”
Bosola: “continually”
“continually we bear about us/ A rotten and dead body, we delight/ To hide it in rich tissue”
Bosola: “she”
“she pukes, her stomach seethes…/She wanes i’th’cheek, and waxes fat i’th’flank”
Antonio: “You”
“You would look up to heaven, but I think/ The devil that rules i’th’air stands in your light”
Bosola: “Search”
“Search the heads of the greatest rivers in the world, you shall find them but bubbles of water”
Duchess: “This”
“This green fruit and my stomach are not friends./ how they swell me!”
Bosola: “some”
“some of you give entertainment for pure love; but more, for precious reward”
Antonio: “She’s”
“She’s exposed/ Unto the worst of torture, pain and fear”
Bosola: “Now”
“Now all the court’s asleep, I thought the devil/ Had the least to do here”
Antonio: “Are”
“Are drowned in blood”
Cardinal: “Thou”
“Thou art a witty false one…you have approved/ Those giddy and wild turnings in yourself”
Ferdinand: “she’s”
“she’s loose i’th’hilts/ Grown a notorious strumpet!”
Ferdinand: “Root”
“Root up her goodly forests, blast her meads”
Ferdinand: “To”
“To purge infected blood, such blood as hers”
Cardinal: “Cursed”
“Cursed Creature!”
Ferdinand: “Foolish”
“Foolish men,/ That e’er will trust their honour in a bark/ Made of so slight weak bullrush as is woman/ Apt every minute to sink it!”
Ferdinand: “To” x2
“To see her in the shameful act of sin…/Happily with some strong-thighed bargeman”
Cardinal: “You”
“You fly beyond your reason”
Ferdinand: “‘Tis”
“‘Tis not your whore’s milk that shall quench my wild-fire/ But your whore’s blood!”
Cardinal: “there”
“there is not in nature/ A thing that makes man so deformed, so beastly/ As doth intemperate anger”
Ferdinand: “Till”
“Till I know who leaps my sister, I’ll not stir”