act 4 macbeth Flashcards
what is an apparition
something that the witches call out of the cauldron
who is the thane of fife
what is the 1st apparition
armed head- macduff
most significant thing that is thrown by the witches into the cauldron
“finger of birth-strangled babe ditch delivered by a drab”
finger of a baby strangled by a prostitute
“something wicked this way comes”
what is the wicked thing?
in scene 1, macbeth goes on a tirade against the witches saying that he doesn’t care __________
as long as he gets an ______
what happens to the world as long as he gets an answer
2nd apparition
bloody child
castle of king
Dunsinane Hill
Dunsinane hill is surrounded by
Great Birnam wood
3rd appartition
child crowned- Malcom- crown on head, tree in hand
2 things that make macbeth feel indestructible
witches say that he can’t be harmed by someone born by a woman
he cannot die until the woods around the castle move.
4th apparition
8 kings + banquo
who are the 8 kings
banquo’s ancestors
what is the 8th king holding
glass (mirror)
“infected by the air whereon they ride, and damned all those that trust them!”
to who?
macbeth to lennox
irony- macbeth trusts the witchse
Edge of the sword means
to kill
"From this moment the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand. And eve now, to crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done!" speaker? meaning? theme? hand=? heart=?
macbeth he is going to kill macduff's family. thoughts v.s. action hand- action heart= thoughts
ross tries to defend who
lady macduff thinks that macduff is a
macduff doesn’t act with wisdom as he leaves
his family behind
“he wants the natural touch. for the poor wren,
the most diminutive of birds will fight,her young ones in her nest, agasint the owl.”
to who?
lady macduff to ross
bird imagery
wren- macduff
owl- macbeth
son is _____ and wise about how many honest men there are in the world
“fathered he is, and yet he’s fatherless”
lady macduff about macduff’s son
give a detailed death count
- -macdonwald killed by MB in battle
- -thane of cawdor executed for being a traitor (duncan’s orders)
- -Duncan killed by macbeth for his crown
- -2 guards by macbeth for cover up
- -banquo by murderes hired by MB
- -(fleance escapes= death was ordered)
- -lady macduff
- -macduff’s children
pet name for lady macduff to her son
"each new morn New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows" speaker? to who? FL?
macduff to malcolm
dramatic ironic because he is talking about widows and he has just become one but he doesn’t know it yet
“he hath not touched you yet”
to who?
malcolm to macduff
dramatic irony because we know macduff’s family is dead
who should kill macbeth
"to offer up a weak, poor, innocent lamb to appease an angry god" speaker lamb god
malcolm to macduff
"Through all things foul would wear the brows of grace, yet grace must still looks so" speaker to who? theme?
malcolm to macduff
appearnace v.s. reality
“it weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash is added to her wounds. I think withal”
to who?
malcolm to macduff
“that, when they shall be opened, black Macbeth
will seem as pure as snow”
to who
malcolm to macduff
what are malcolm’s two mentioned sins
lust. greed/ avarice
"and yet seem cold- the time you may so hoodwink we have willing dames enought" speaker to who meaning
macduff to malcom saying there are enough girls to satisfy his lust
“all these are portable, with other graces weighed”
speaker? to who?
macduff to malcom say9ing that it is possible to get malcolm the riches that he desires.
list some kingly graces
justice, temperance, stableness, mercy, bounty devotion, patience, courage, fortitude
“it cannot be called our mother, but our grave”
saying that scotland isnt our motherland but a grave
daramtic irony that some graves are macduff’s family and ross is having a hard time telling macduff
edward the confessor had a
healing touch
who was this play written for
king james I
“no, they were well at peace when I did leave ‘eM”
to who
ross to macduff
dramatic irony- ross having hard time telling macduff about his family
"let's make us medicines of our great revenge to cure this deadly grief" spekaer? medicins? grieF?
medicine-malcolm and macduff
"o hell-kite! all? what , all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop?"" speaker? chickens? dam? kite?
chickens-macduff’s kids
“be thus the whetstone of your sword. Let grief convert toanger; blunt not the heart, enrage it”
malcolm to macduff
how does macduff react to his family’s death
macduff is going to seek revenge, convert grief into anger
"”angels are bright still, though the brightest fell”
malcolm to macduff
“that , when they shall be opened, black maccbeth will seem as pure as snow”