Act 4 Flashcards
S1 By your patience,
I may not…
suffer you to visit them.
The King hath strictly charged the contrary.
S1 The Lord protect him from that…
kingly title!
Hath he set bounds between their love and me?
I am their mother. Who shall bar me from them?
S1 I am their father’s…
mother. I will see them.
S1 Their aunt I am in…
law, in love their mother.
S1 Come, madam, you must straight to
There to be crownèd Richard’s royal queen.
S1 O Dorset, speak not to me…
Get thee gone.
Death and destruction dogs thee at thy heels.
S1 Go, hie thee, hie thee from this slaughterhouse…
Lest thou increase the number of the dead
And make me die the thrall of Margaret’s curse,
Nor mother, wife, nor England’s counted queen.
S1 O ill-dispersing wind of misery!
O my…
accursèd womb, the bed of death!
A cockatrice hast thou hatched to the world,
Whose unavoided eye is murderous
S1 O, would to God that the inclusive verge…
Of golden metal that must round my brow
Were red-hot steel to sear me to the brains!
S1 Anointed let me be with deadly venom…
And die ere men can say “God save the Queen.”
S1 When he that is my husband now
Came to me as I followed…
Henry’s corse,
When scarce the blood was well washed from his
S1 Within so small a time my woman’s heart…
Grossly grew captive to his honey words
S1 For never yet one hour in his bed…
Did I enjoy the golden dew of sleep,
But with his timorous dreams was still awaked
S1 Besides, he hates me for my father Warwick…
And will, no doubt, shortly be rid of me.
S1 I to my grave, where peace and…
rest lie with me.
Eighty-odd years of sorrow have I seen,
And each hour’s joy wracked with a week of teen.
S1 Pity, you ancient stones, those tender…
Whom envy hath immured within your walls—
S1 Rough cradle for such little pretty ones.
Rude ragged nurse, old sullen playfellow
For tender princes, use my babies well.
So foolish sorrows bids your stones farewell.
S2 Give me thy hand–Thus high, by thy advice…
And thy assistance is King Richard seated.
S2 But shall we wear these…
glories for a day,
Or shall they last and we rejoice in them?
S2 Ha! Am I king?..
’Tis so—but Edward lives.
S2 O bitter consequence
That Edward…
still should live “true noble prince”!
Cousin, thou wast not wont to be so dull.