Act 2 Flashcards
A2S1 And more in peace my soul…
shall part to heaven
Since I have made my friends at peace on earth
A2S1 And what you do…
do it unfeignedly
A2S1 God punish me
With hate…
in those where I expect most love….this do I beg of God,
When I am cold in love to you or yours.
A2S1 ’Tis death to me…
to be at enmity;
I hate it, and desire all good men’s love.
A2S1 Who knows not that the…
gentle Duke is dead?
You do him injury to scorn his corse.
A2S1 But for my brother, not a man would speak…
Nor I, ungracious, speak unto myself
For him, poor soul.
A2S1 Marked you not
How that the guilty kindred…
of the Queen
Looked pale when they did hear of Clarence’ death?
A2S2 And when my uncle told me so, he wept,…
And pitied me, and kindly kissed my cheek,
Bade me rely on him as on my father,
And he would love me dearly as a child.
A2S2 Ah, that deceit should steal such gentle shape…
And with a virtuous visor hide deep vice.
A2S2 He is my son, ay, and therein my shame…
Yet from my dugs he drew not this deceit
A2S2 Edward, my lord, thy son, our king, is dead. Why grow…
…the branches when the root is gone?
Why wither not the leaves that want their sap?
A2S2 But now two mirrors of his princely semblance…
Are cracked in pieces by malignant death,
And I, for comfort, have but one false glass
That grieves me when I see my shame in him
A2S2 She for an Edward weeps, and so do I…
I for a Clarence weep; so doth not she.
These babes for Clarence weep, and so do I;
I for an Edward weep; so do not they
A2S2 Comfort, dear mother. God is…
much displeased
That you take with unthankfulness His doing.
A2S2 Drown desperate sorrow…
in dead Edward’s grave
And plant your joys in living Edward’s throne.