Act 2 Scene 3 Flashcards
No, it’s me! I’m in the kitchen!
It’s a pretty colour. Will ya paint ours next?
I still don’t quite know why I’m painting this one. Some misdirection for Kitty Sunderson.
You’re home early… and I like it.
I took the afternoon off. Mildred’s out. Norma’s at the office. Let’s have a drink.
Are we medicating or celebrating?
It was a very good day.
Well, hot dog! That is cause to celebrate! How come?
There’s a drunken lout in the Swiss embassy.
There are probably several.
… So guess who’s moving to Geneva?
You. Us! No, that makes no sense. Who?
Barbara Goddamn Grant!
Oh, Bob! But how? Isn’t she still under investigation?
… Even Barbara Grant deserves a better class of accuser.
You’re so charitable.
And then there’s this other fellow, Truett Sharpe (cut)
Limp handshakes and ascots!
He got rid of the ascots, still has the limp handshake. Truett just became engaged. To his Colombia housekeeper.
What a conveniently-timed and utterly implausible romance.
… And lo and behold, he remembered.
You are very attractive right now.
… Barbara Grant will be off the hook and on her way to Geneva, may that bitch fall off an Alp.
Holy cow, the girls are gonna love this.
I said I’d take care of it. I took care of it.
Yes you did. Look at you. You’e so handy. Wanna go next door and play handyman?
I should finish up in the kitchen.
Oh, come on, babe. What’s the use in hiding the fact that we’re deviants if we never… deviate?
Good afternoon, sir. (EX Theo)
Oh my God. Bob, what’re we gonna do?
What’d he want?
Better come out here, Millie.
Trashing documents?
Has Norma been covering for people by disposing of their complaints?
I haven’t the foggiest. Ask Norma.
She must have. No one else could have done it.
Then ask her.
It doesn’t matter whether she was willing or not. The damage is the same.
It matters to me. Her motives here matter.
All I care about is how we stay here.
Bob, what’s happening?
Operator, Department of State switchboard.
… Not just for Barbara Grant, but possibly others as well.
Bob Martindale’s office, please.
But they can’t just disappear! It’s the State Department! Nothing there disappears unless we make it disappear!
Shhh! Hi Shirley, it’s Jim Baxter. Is Norma around? Oh. When was that?
Brace yourself, babe.
Oh, Shirley, there she is, I forgot she had the beauty parlor today. Bye!
I’m not moving to New York, and neither is Jimmy.
Damn right I’m not. I saw City Across the River, those kids come to school with switchblades.
… You’d never stand for it if they were doing this to Black people (cut)
Oh, for Christ’s sake.
Well, what if we said the same thing?
We’d be lynched.
Well I’ve been speaking with Barbara Grant (cut)
Goddamn it. Can we please push that slut off a mountain?
… Why not just admit it?
Why not just go to jail? Why not just get beaten to death in some alley? You have cracked your crock, Norma.
Then we’d best work quickly. Millie, go get your purse.
Norma, you’re my wife. I need you. Don’t do this.
You already know them, Bob.
Millie. Don’t.
I feel sick.
We’ve got to fix this, Bob.
What she said, isn’t true, Jim. I want the life I have with you, any life, no matter what the (cut) - IKTB, YFHTTM. TWWHTFT. INBN, SU, SM. SNUTSHFH.
I know that, baby, you don’t have to tell me. That’s why we have to fix this. I’m not blaming Norma, she’s upset, she’s misguided. She needs us to save her from herself.
There’s nothing I can say, her mind’s made up.
Baby, this is not the time to be reticent.
I’m not, but I don’t see what I can do to change anything.
Maybe Mildred, but she’ll just do what Norma wants, don’t you think?
Bob, listen to yourself, you’re smarter than this.
I don’t know how to fix this, Jim.
Well, you’d better fucking think of something!
I don’t know how to fight this!
You would let everything we’ve worked to build for the last four years fall to ruin (overlap) because those goddamn dykes decide they don’t wanna play the game anymore? It doesn’t work like that, Bob!
What would you have me do?
Then we’ll leave them. We’ll divorce them and find another couple (cut)
… We’ve just got to find a way to close ranks and keep each other safe until it’s over.
This isn’t going to end, Bob. Not ever.
Don’t say that. things will get better with time.
How can it, Bob? Our own government is telling people, by official order, to despise us. To find us and remove us from society. I look at my students, spot the latents every year, buffing their fingernails and cutting pictures of Monty Clift out of magazines, and I’m so afraid. If it’s this bad for us, what’s it gonna be like for them?
What do we do?
We have to remind the girls of why we’re the better option. How they’re protected, what they’d really lose… I say it’s time we acted like men and got some control over our fucking wives.