Act 2 Flashcards
Speaking of how he cannot sleep and yet he is tired
A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep
He tells Banquo that if he sticks with him, there will be something in it for him
If you shall cleave to my consent, when ‘tis, it shall make honour for you
He ha a vision of a dagger in his soliloquy. It is pointing towards Duncan’s room with its hilt ready for Macbeth’s hand. The dagger is being used as a symbol for the murder that is about to occur.
Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?
He is saying Duncan should not listen to the bell because it is going to send him to heaven or hell because it is the sign for Macbeth to go and commit the murder
Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to Heaven, or to Hell.
Lady Macbeth
She speaks of why she couldn’t commit the murder- Duncan looked too much like her father. This shows a small shred of her humanity but also makes her a hypocrite.
Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t.
Lady Macbeth
She is trying to convince Macbeth that he cannot think he is being possessed or done wrongly by God because it will drive them mad
These deeds must not be thought after these ways: so, it will make us mad.
He thought he heard a voice speaking of sleep and murdering it in all of its innocence.
Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!’
He thought he heard a voice cursing him and saying he will never sleep again
Macbeth shall sleep no more!
He is asking if all the water in the ocean could possibly wash Duncan’s blood off of his hands
Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?
Lady Macbeth
She is trying to tell Macbeth that a little water will wash away the guilt of the murder and the murder itself
A little water clears us of this deed: how easy is it then!
He would rather be unconscious than know he has killed the King
To know my deed, ‘twere best not know myself.
He speaks of how the night was hard with the weather being bad and strange things happening
The night has been unruly
Sort of a reflection of the Kings murder and the chaos it will bring
Strange screams of death
Finds his voice after they find Duncan dead and starts rambling. He says that he would’ve lived a great life had he died
Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessèd time
He killed the chamberlains and regrets the rage that caused him to do so
O, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them
He speaks of how it is no longer safe and whoever murdered the King might be after them next so they must get away.
This murderous shaft that’s shot hath not yet lighted, and our safest way is to avoid the aim
He hopes things will be better now, and that they don’t get any worse
Lest our old robes sit easier than our new