AO3 for 2,1
1570 Elizabeth was excommunicated by Pope Pius V and labelled a heretic for her protestant agenda
made her a target for secretly practising catholics in England - seen as an enemy
made a secret spy network with loyal ministers in order to uncover any secret plots to replace her with MQOS
quotes that show polonius as foolish
this is the very ecstasy of love
go we to the king
analyse this is the very ecstasy of love
presents Polonius as foolish as he believes that Hamlet’s madness is due to Ophelia ignoring him - dramatic irony
why does Shakespeare present Polonius as foolish
it mocks the spy network as it is what he stands for
quote that show Polonius as being representative of the spy network
put on him/whatever forgeries you please
what does reynaldo say in response to Polonius’ request?
as gaming my lord
analyse put on him/whatever forgeries you please
shows Polonius as being controlling and scheming as his actions reflect the pigeon stool and double bluffing techniques used by William Cecil and Walsingham
what does reyanldo’s name mean?
fox like
analyse as gaming my lord
Reynaldo fears that if he uncovers stuff on Laertes it will ruin his reputation which is ironic as there are no repurcussions for him (double standards)