quotes in 1,2 that show the corruption of the kingdom under its new rulers
it’s an unweeded garden which grows things that are gross and rank in nature
Too too sullied flesh
it’s an unweeded garden which grows things that are gross and rank in nature
Semantic field of corruption and decay
Hamlet acknowledging the corruption of the kingdom sets him apart from the rest of society and puts him in a role of seeking personal vengeance and thus a hero
Analyse too too sullied flesh
Depicts hamlets melancholic grief that leads him to despair
AO3 Gertrude
Gertrude is comparable to MQOS who was widely resented for her duplicitous marriage and nature surrounding her late husbands death. She failed to observe a proper mourning period and got married with the man who allegedly murdered her husband.
How does Hamlet show resentment to the marriage
Most wicked speed to post/ such dexterity in incestuous sheets
Most wicked speed to post/ such dexterity in incestuous sheets
The sibilants emphasises Hamlets anger and disgust towards the marriage
What rhythm is hamlets speech in
Quote which shows hamlets soliloquy is in verse
Most stale, flat and unprofitable
analyse Most stale, flat and unprofitable
The caesura highlights hamlets anger and frustration showing that his speech is not pre rehearsed
Why is hamlet’s soliloquy in verse
The uncontrolled and fragmented nature contrasts and juxtaposes with Claudius iambic pentameter, it shows his genuine display of grief and emotions towards his fathers death which is not planned
Quotes hamlet uses to describe his father as being like a deity
No more than like my father/ than I am to Hercules
Hyperion to a satyr
Analyse No more than like my father/ than I to Hercules
Hamlet expresses how he believes he is also not good enough to be king (inferiority complex) as he makes his father appear deity like
Hyperion to a satyr
Compared Claudius with old hamlet to present Claudius as not being good enough to fulfill the role
A satyr is a lustful half man half goat which reflects Claudius sexual appetite and also criticises Gertrude’s decision to marry him
Quotes hamlet uses to describe Gertrude
A beast that wants discourse of reason/ would’ve mourned for longer
Frailty thy name is woman
Analyse a beast that wants discourse for reason would’ve mourned longer
Compares his mother to being beastial and animalistic. Believes that she is driven by primal sexual instincts and lacks proper control
Analyse frailty thy name is a woman
Again hamlet indicates how his mother is easily gives into and obeys sexual appetite