Act 1 scene 3 Flashcards
His ship cannot be lost. It could be tossed around in a storm. This shows us that which is powers are limited. They cannot kill the sailor but can only torture him. They need an instrument of death to have them wreak havoc, which is where Macbeth fits in
Though his bark cannot be lost , Yet it shall be tempest-tost
First appearance of Macbeth, weather is bad but day has been good because the battle has been won, echoes the words of the witches and points to Macbeth identification with the evil world of the witches
So foul and fair day I have not seen
Aware witches are unnatural
Live you? Or are you aught /that man may question?
Past – he is already thane of Glamis present – we know he is about to become thane of Cawdor but Macbeth does not know future - they are saying he will be king – plants the seed of expectation in Macbeth
All hail Macbeth hail to the saint of Glamis
All hail Macbeth hail to the thane of cowdor
All Macbeth that shall be king here after
Banco asks Macbeth why he is so afraid of the prophecies? Perhaps Macbeth immediately realises that for this to happen he will have to harm Duncan, he does not presume that Duncan will die of natural causes.
Why do you start, and seem to fear, things that o sounds so fair?
Which is prophecy to Banko – means that you won’t be as important as Macbeth, won’t be a king you’ll be greater than him because you will be a better person
Lesser than Macbeth, and greater
You won’t be happy because you haven’t become king, but you will be happier because it suggests that when Macbeth becomes king, it won’t bring him happiness
Not so happy, yet much happier
Your children or your children’s children will be kings, but you won’t
Though shall get kings, though thou be none
Important quote because it introduces the idea of clothing imagery
Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?
Banko Warren Macbeth not to trust the witches, he believes they tell you things, maybe true things to win you over to the dark side, as soon as you have been told these things they will betray you. They have told Macbeth he would be thane of Cawdor, but I trying to win him over to Darkside with a promise he will be king.
But tis strange:
And often times, to win us to our harm. The instruments of darkness tell us truth, win us with hottest trifles, to betrays in deepest consequence.
Macbeth imagines murdering Duncan, even the idea of killing Duncan makes him feel horrific, makes his hair stand on end, makes his heartbeat so fast it hits off his ribs, killing Duncan would be committing the ultimate deed against nature.
Why do I yield to that suggestion? Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated hearth knock at my ribs against the use of nature
Macbeth decides not to act, not to harm Duncan, he is going to wait and see if it is possible for him to become king without doing anything. Maybe I can become king without having to commit a crime.
If chance will have me king, Why chance may crown me, without a stir