ACS/MI Flashcards
What are the major criterion in the ARC-HBR scoring?
- Anticipated use of long-term OAC
- Severe or ESRD (eGFR < 30ml/min)
- Hb <11g/dL
- Spontaneous bleeding requiring hospitalisation or transfusion in past 6 months, or at any time if recurrent
- Moderate to severe baseline thrombocytopenia (<100x109)
- Chronic bleeding conditions
- Liver cirrhosis w portal HTN
- Active malignancy in past 12 months (excl nonmelanoma skin cancer)
- Prev spontaneous ICH (any time)
- Prev traumatic ICH (past 12 months)
- Mod-severe stroke (past 6 months)
- Nondeferrable major surgery w DAPT
- Recent major surgery or major trauma within 30d before PCI
What are the minor criterion in the ARC-HBR scoring?
- Age ≥ 75yo
- Moderate CKD (eGFR 30-59 ml/min)
- Hb 11-12.9g/dL (M), 11-11.9g/dL (W)
- Spontaneous bleeding requiring hospitalisation or transfusion in past 12 months not meeting major criteria
- Long-term use of PO NSAID or steroids
- Any ischemic stroke at any time not meeting the major criterion
How is the ARC-HBR score interpreted?
1 major or 2 minor criterion is considered high bleeding risk
Consider stopping P2Y12i after 3 months if patient has high bleeding risk
(high bleed risk should not completely deter you from giving DAPT)