ACS Flashcards
ACS - definition
Refers to a spectrum of acute myocardial ischaemia and/or infarction. Decreased blood flow in the coronary arteries such that part of the heart muscle is unable to function properly or dies. 3 conditions:
- unstable angina
Stable vs Unstable Angina
- Stable angina = at least 70% stenosis; chest pain only on exertion (supplies tissue at rest but heart needs to work harder on exertion)
- Unstable angina = usually rupture of plaque with thrombosis -> subendocardial ischaemia. Pain at REST
ACS - cardiac tissue involvement
- UA = subendocardial ischaemia
- NSTEMI = subendocardial infarction (20-40 min after onset)
- STEMI = transmural infaction (3-6 h after onset)
Cardiac biomarkers and ECG changes
UA - no changes in cardiac markers
- ECG may be normal or have changes (ST depression, T wave inversion
NSTEMI - elevated cardiac markers
- ECG changes: ST depression, T wave inversion
STEMI - elevated cardiac biomarkers
- ECG changes: ST elevation of at least 1 mm in 2 or more contiguous leads, may have new LBBB or pathological Q waves
Cardiac biomarkers in ACS
- Troponins (I and T): increase 3-12h from onset, peak at about 24-48 h and overall last 10-14 days
- CK-MB: rises after 3 h, peaks at about 24 h and lasts up to 72 h (more useful to determine re-infarction)
- myoglobin: first one to rise so useful for rapid Dx
ACS - risk factors
- Increasing age
- Gender (male for STEMI, female for UA)
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Hypertension
- Hx of coronary artery disease
- Hyperlipidaemia
- Obesity
- Inflammatory conditions e.g. RA
What is type 2 MI and some causes?
MI not due to atheroma
- Supply and demand mismatch – cardiac muscle not receiving enough oxygen, often due to subendothelial tissue hypoxia – better prognosis than type 1 MI. Causes:
- Anaemia
- Hypoxia
- Shock
- Tachyarrhythmia
- Bradyarrhythmia
What is type 3 MI?
Type 3 MI: sudden cardiac death due to thromboembolism (no time to measure cardiac enzyme therefore classified as type 3 MI as unknown if they had previous atheroma)
UA - presentation
- increasing frequency of chest pain (several times a day, instead of occasionally)
- increasing severity of chest pain (decreasing levels of activity needed to trigger pain and may occur at rest)
- retrosternal pressure or heaviness radiating to jaw, arm, or neck that is improved by nitrates
- dyspnoea
- 4th heart sound (Indicates reduced myocardial relaxation due to ischaemia)
Acute MI - presentation
- central crushing chest pain (sensation of tightness, heaviness, aching, burning, pressure, or squeezing)
- diaphoresis, pallor
- dyspnoea
- N and/or V
- dizziness or light-headedness
- weakness and anxious
- tachycardia
- may have S3 or S4 heart sounds
Rarer causes of MI
- Aortic dissection – tearing pain that radiates to the back, different bp in the different arms, widening of mediastinum, risk of pericardial effusion and tamponade; worst at onset, then lingering pain with time
- Coronary artery spasm
- Oesophageal rupture - excessive retching, vomiting
- Pericarditis – saddle shaped ST elevation, relieved by learning forward; can have viral prodrome
ACS - investigations
- cardiac biomarkers (tropinin, CK-MB +/- myoglobin)
- FBC (normal or low Hb)
- U+Es / electrolytes (usually normal)
- blood glucose
- lipid profile (normal or high total cholesterol and LDL)
- coagulation profile (should be normal)
- CXR (excludes HF, PE, aortic dissection, etc)
- consider echo (regional wall motion abnormalities)
ACS - criteria for hospital admission
Suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS), who:
- Have current chest pain
- Have signs of complications (such as PE)
- Are pain-free, but have had chest pain in the last 12 hours and have an abnormal ECG
- A recent history of ACS, and they develop further chest pain.
Stable angina - treatment
not ACS
(The first-line investigation recommended by NICE is contrast-enhanced CT coronary angiogram)
- GTN spray (for use before performing activities known to cause symptoms of angina)
- BB or CCB
OR either one of:
a long-acting nitrate (isosorbide mononitrate)
Ranolazine - antiplatelet treatment (low dose aspirin - 75 mg daily)
- statins
What to give to people with angina and:
- stroke
- diabetes
clopidogrel instead of aspirin
(long term ischaemic stroke Rx also includes warfarin)
consider adding ACEi
ACS - immediate management
- IF SATS < 94%: Supplemental Oxygen - use a simple face mask. Adjust the flow rate to 5–10 L/min to achieve a target SpO2 of 94–98%.
- Treat pain with sublingual glyceryl trinitrate (GTN spray) and/or opioid (for example IV diamorphine 2.5 mg to 5.0 mg); also consider metoclopramide
- Give aspirin 300 mg*. Send a written record with the person that aspirin has been given.
- Take a resting 12-lead ECG. Send the results to the hospital
*chew for 30 seconds, then swallow
UA - further management (after MONA)
- antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel or prasugrel or ticagrelor)
- BB or CCB
- anticoagulant (heparin -unfractionated- or a low molecular weight heparin, or fondaparinux sodium)
- glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (eptifibatide) for high risk pts
- consider ACEi if HTN persists after BB
- chest pain not resolved: consider IV nitrates
NSTEMI - further management (after MONA)
- antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel or prasugrel or ticagrelor)
- BB or CCB
Assess need for invasive or conservative approach - risk stratification tool (such as GRACE) is used to decide upon further management. If a patient is considered high-risk or is clinically unstable then coronary angiography will be performed during the admission.
- Invasive:
PCI + anticoagulant (heparin -unfractionated- or a low molecular weight heparin, or fondaparinux sodium)
+/- glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (eptifibatide) - conservative = anticoagulation only
STEMI - definitive management (haemodynamically stable)
PCI - gold standard
- performed within 90 min of diagnosis
- should also receive anticoagulant -> either heparin (unfractionated) or a LMWH (e.g. enoxaparin sodium) or bivalirudin to prevent clotting during the procedure
- no-reflow or a thrombotic complication -> glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (eptifibatide)
> 90 min –> thrombolytic therapy
- alteplase or reteplase
- PCI after thrombolysis recommended in high-risk pts
- anticoagulation
For both cases (additional Rx):
aspirin, antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel or prasugrel or ticagrelor), BB, statin, ezetimibe (if require additional lowering of LDL after statin)
STEMI - definitive management (haemodynamically unstable)
1st line- PCI
2nd line - coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
+ anticoagulation
+ aspirin
+ antiplatelet
- no-reflow or a thrombotic complication -> glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (eptifibatide)
What is PCI?
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI or angioplasty with stent)
- A catheter is fed via radial or femoral artery to the coronary artery for angiogram to locate the thrombus
- A deflated balloon attached to a catheter (a balloon catheter) is passed over a guide-wire into the narrowed vessel and then inflated to a fixed size.
- The balloon forces expansion of the blood vessel and the surrounding muscular wall, allowing an improved blood flow.
- A stent may be inserted at the time of ballooning to ensure the vessel remains open, and the balloon is then deflated and withdrawn.
ACS - lifestyle measures (2ary prevention)
Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme - exercise,
education, relaxation and emotional support
In addition to adequate control of HTN, DM, and hyperlipidaemia, risk-factor intervention includes:
- smoking cessation
- regular physical activity with 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 times/week
- a healthy diet (low salt intake, decreased intake of saturated fats, regular intake of fruit and vegetables)
- weight reduction
ACS - long term management (2ary prevention)
- low dose aspirin continued indefinitely (75 mg daily)
- clopidogrel (or alternative) for 12 months
- BB
- statin
- ACEi
Consider angiotensin II antagonist eg valsartan if intolerant to ACEi; consider aldosterone antagonist and anticoagulants (for high risk or recurrence only)
(remember CRABS = clopidogrel, ramipril, aspirin, BB, statin)
Other causes of acute chest pain (NICE)
- pulmonary embolism
- tension pneumothorax
- sudden-onset cardiac arrhythmia
- cardiac tamponade
- aortic dissection
- ruptured oesophagus
MI - complications
- complication of Rx: bleeding (eg intracranial hrg,
- complication of Rx: thrombocytopenia
- congestive HF
- ventricular arrhythmias eg VT and VF*
- BBB, heart block
- acute mitral regurgitation (from rupture of papillary muscle)
- VSD (from septal rupture)
- acute pericardial tamponade (from ventricular free wall rupture)
- post-infarction pericarditis (Dressler’s syndrome)
- recurrent ischaemia and infarction
- cardiac arrest
*VF is the most common cause of death following MI
Anterior MI’s show most in which leads? Which artery is affected?
Left anterior decending
Inferior MI’s show most in which leads? Which artery is affected?
Right coronary
How do posterior MI’s present on an ECG?
Tall R waves in V1-V2
Possible ST depression (not elevation) in V1-V4 (reciprocal change)
Lateral MI’s show most in which leads? Which artery is affected?
I, aVL, V5, V6
Left circumflex artery
Within 48 hours of an MI a patient presents with signs of LVF, dropping BP and a new murmur, what is most likely diagnosis?
Papillary muscle rupture / MR
or ventricular septal rupture
What are the criteria for PCI in suspected ACS? (3 things on ECG and time criteria)
- ST elevation (2mm in anterior leads, 1mm in I,II,III,avF)
- Any new LBBB
- Posterior changes (ST depression + big R waves in V1-V3)
- Must be within 12 hours of symptom onset
What is the grace score?
Estimates admission-6 month mortality for patients with ACS. Based on: age heart rate systolic blood pressure renal function congestive heart failure ST-segment deviation cardiac arrest elevated biomarkers
6 Month Estimated Mortality eg
1 to 69 Points = less than 1%
- Low risk <1.5%
- High risk >9%
Primary prevention of CVD
Lifestyle factors:
- smoking
- alcohol
- diet
- physical activity
- weight management
Lipid modification therapy (offered when CV risk > 10%)
- 1st line: atorvastatin 20 mg
- 2nd line: Ezetimibe
- drug for prevention
- drug for relief
- prevention: BB eg bisoprolol*
- relief: short acting nitrate eg GNT
- 2nd line - CCB (verapamil or diltiazem)
3rd line - long acting nitrates (Nicorandil or Ivabradine/Ranolazine)