Acronyms & Mneumonics Flashcards
inducers: increase clearance, decrease plasma drug level –> dose increases may be required
Carbamazepine, tobacco smoke, barbituates, ethanol, phenytoin, rifampin
Most vascular to least vascular
CREST syndrome
Seen in Sclerodema
CREST syndrome:
1) Calcinosis
2) Raynaud’s
3) Esophageal hypomotility
4) Sclerodactyly
5) Telangiectasis (T- spider veins and bleeding in mucosa)
Excessive fibrosis, and micro vascular involvement in organs: think pulmonary hypertension, blood pressure hypertension membrane bleeding, and kidney issues
These are anterior pituitary hormones, it’s also called Adenohypophysis!!!!!
- Follicule-stimulating
- Luteinizing hormone
- Adrenocorticotropic
- Thyroid
- Prolactin
- Growth
(Posterior pituitary hormones: ADH and Oxytocin)
5 risk factors for difficult mask airway
No teeth
Elderly > 55 years
VACTERL Association
V = Vertebral defects
A = imperforated Anus
C = Cardiac anomalies
T = Tracheoesophageal fistula
E = Esophageal atresia
R = Renal dysplasia
L = Limb anomalies
CHARGE Association
C = Coloboma (a hole in one of the eye structure)
H = Heart defects
A = Choanal atresia (back of nasal passage is obstructed)
R = Retardation of growth and development
G = Genitourinary problems
E = Ear anomalies.
C = Cardiac defects
A = Abnormal face
T = Thymic hypoplasia
C = Cleft palate
H = hypocalcemia, due to hypoparathyroidism
22 = 22q11.2 gene deletion, the cause of the syndrome
Conditions that increase the risk of torsades de pointes:
P = phenothiazides
O = Other meds: methadone, droperidol, amiodarone with hypokalemia
I = intracranial bleed
N = no known cause
T = type 1 antiarrhythmics
E = Electrolyte disturbances: low potassium, calcium, or magnesium
S = Syndromes: Romano-ward, Timothy.
HELLP syndrome
H = Hemolysis;
EL = Elevated Liver enzymes;
LP = Low Platelet count.
It develops in 5 to 10% of those with preeclampsia.
These patients experience epigastric pain and upper abdominal tenderness. Treatment, like for preeclampsia, is delivery of the fetus.
Closing Volume is the point at which dynamic compression of the airways begins. Said another way, it’s the volume above residual volume where the small airways begin to close during expiration.
L = Left ventricular failure
O = Obesity
S = Smoking
E = Extreme age
P = Pregnancy
Drugs that can exacerbate Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:
P = Pregnancy
I = Infection
S = Surgery
S = Stress
E = Enalapril
D = D-penicillamine
C = Captopril
H = Hydralazine
I = Isoniazid
M = Methyldopa
P = Procainamide
Landmarks for femoral nerve block:
S = Sartorius muscle;
A = Adductor longus muscle;
IL = Inguinal Ligament.
V = Vein;
A = Artery;
N = Nerve;
From medial to Lateral.
Possible causes of a non-anion gap acidosis:
H = Hypoaldosteronism;
A = Acetazolamide;
R = Renal tubular acidosis;
D = Diarrhea;
U = Ureterosigmoid fistula;
P = Pancreatic fistula.
Large volume resuscitation with NaCl solutions can cause a non-gap metabolic acidosis with hyperchloremia (think trauma).
Foolish People Try Climbing Long Slopes After Christmas Some People Have Fallen.
Foolish = Fibrinogen - 1.
People = Prothrombin - 2.
Try = Tissue factor - 3. Not made in liver
Climbing = Calcium ions - 4. Not made in liver
Long = Labile factor - 5.
Slopes = Stable factor - 7.
After = Antihemophilic - 8. Not made in liver
Christmas = Christmas - 9.
Some = Stuart-Prower - 10.
People = Plasma Thromboplastin antecedent - 11.
Have = Hageman factor - 12.
Fallen = Fibrin stabilizing factor - 13.
I invariably get lazy on Fridays
6 terminal branches of the lumbar plexus L1-L4
Lateral femoral cutaneous