Acronyms Flashcards
Look for; Deformities Contusions Abrasions Punctures Penetrations Bruises Lacerations Swelling
Feel for;
Crepitus- a grating, crackling, or popping sound under the skin (two bones rubbing against each other)
Part of the secondary survey to learn about patient.
S- Signs/Symptoms A- Allergies M- Medications P- Past history L- Last oral intake and output E- Events leading up to incident
O- Onset: sudden, gradual P- Provoke: makes it worse or better Q- Quality: allow patient to describe pain R- Region, radiate S- Severity: 0-10 T- Time: Start, last normal
National Occupational Competency Profiles
Defines scope of practice
Possible causes for altered mental status, and can cause changes in consciousness.
A- Alcohol E- Epilepsy I- Insulin O- Overdose U- Uremia: high level of urea in blood T- Trauma I- Infection P- Psychiatric S- Stroke
Critical Incident Stress
Signs and symptoms: guilt, poor concentration, unusual behaviour, increased or decreased appetite, anger, uncharacteristic-excessive humour or silence, nightmares, anxiety, loss of sexual desire, isolation, insomnia, depression, confusion, lowered attention span, etc.
S- Scene, is it safe
P- Patients, how many
E- Environment, what is happening around the scene, weather
R- Resources, ask for backup (police, fire, emt, hazmat, poison control)
M- Mechanism, cause