Acronyms Flashcards
Full ADIRS Alignment required when? (GAGCCFI)
G PS Unavailable & navaids poor
A laska
G PS Unavailable & flight > 3hrs
C rew Change
C lass II Navigation
F irst Flight
I nternational
Alternate required when? (TheMainRunwaySucksDon’tStopFlying & 123 & 3585)
Takeoff Alternate
M arginal Weather – within 100’ & 1/2 of minimums
R NAV/GPS is only approach available
S upplemental & Offline Charter
Drift Down Method 2 Dispatch - Obstr. Clearance, 2000 & 5
S evere Icing
F lag flights > 6hrs flight time/only 1 runway
1 hour +/- ETA
2 000’ Ceiling
3 SM Visibility
+ 1,500 above CAT I Mins (Flag)
+ 2SM above CAT I Mins (Flag)
3585 can’t be dispatched internationally
S upplemental Crew Change
H our after release (1 Hour)
A lternate needed
F uel added > 1,000 / no AWP / +/-400 of release
T akeoff Alternate needed
Me L added or removed
Miles for reroute 100 more than filed
CA signs release the replace by new CA
Unpressurized Areas (RATGEAR)
R adome
A C Packs
T ail Cone
Gear doors
Commercial Pushbutton (GETCCD)
G alley
E ntertainment other than live TV
T oilets and water
C argo lights
C abin lights
D rain masts x 2
Emergency power items available after landing (MAV)
M ove outflow valve
A PU Fire Protection
V HF 1
APU Master Switch On (EFFFE)
E CB power and self test
F lap opens
F uel valve opens (LP)
F uel pump on
Engine Fire Pushbutton (21212)
2 – Silence CRC and Arm Squibs
1 – Hydraulic pump valve shuts off
2 – Fuel valve shuts off and FADEC de-powers
1 – IDG de-powers
2 – ENG Bleed closes and pack flow valve closes
APU Fire Pushbutton (20212)
2 – Silence CRC and Arm Squib
0 – nothing on hydraulics
2 – Fuel valve closes and pump shuts off
1 – APU generator de-powers
2 – APU bleed and cross bleed close
Engine Bleed Fault (LOOSA)
L eak
O ver Pressure
O ver Temp
S tarting engine with valve open
A PU bleed open with valve open
Speedbrakes Inhibited (SEAFAT)
S EC 1 & 3 Faults
E levator L or R fault
A lpha Protection active
F laps Full
A lpha Floor active
T hrust Levers > MCT
Wingtip Brakes (ROAM)
R unaway of surface
O ver speed of mechanism
A symmetry
M ovement of surface uncommanded
Normal Law Protection Parameters (BYPALS)
Bank - 67 / 45 / 40 / 33
Yaw - Damping & Turn Coordination
Pitch - Flaps 0/3: +25 -30 Flaps Full: +20 -25 All Conf -15
Load - +2.5G -1G (Clean) +2G -0G (Slat/Flap)
Speed - VMO+6, VMO+16, VMO+30
Alternate Law Protection Parameters (BYPALS)
Bank - None
Yaw - Damping ONLY
Pitch - None
Load - Same as normal
Speed - Stability (Varies)
Direct Law Protection Parameters (BYPALS)
Bank - Mechanical Rudder
Yaw - None
Pitch - None
AOA - None
Load - None
Speed - None
Alpha Protection Parameters (BASAP)
B ank
A P disconnect
S peed brakes retract
A OA instead of load
P itch up trim inhibit
High Speed VMAX Protection Parameters (BASN)
B ank
A P disconnect
S eeks wings level
N ose up movement
ELAC (Elevator Aileron Computer) Duties (PAR AAA)
P itch
A bnormal attitudes
R oll
A utopilot acquisition
A ctivates protections
A ileron droop (5º with flaps down)
SEC (Spoiler Elevator Computer) Duties (PAR SS)
P itch
A bnormal attitudes
R oll
S polier
S peedbrakes
FAC (Flight Augmentation Computer) Duties (B SWFT RATTY)
B eta target
“S peed” (Flaps 2 – Full from 2,000agl to 100 agl)
W ind shear reactive to 1,300agl
F light envelope protections
T ail:
R udder limiting
A alternate law yaw
T rim for THS
T urn coordination
Y aw damping
ADR Data Produced (BOATS)
B arometric altitude
O verspeed warning
T emperature
S peed/Mach
IR Data Produced (FAT HAAG)
F light path vector
A ircraft position
T rack
H eading
A ttitude
A cceleration
G round Speed