Acronym Flashcards
What does AARMR stand for
American association of residential mortgage regulators
What does ABA/AfBA stand for
Affiliated business arrangement disclosure
What does AIR stand for
Appraisal independence requirement
Memory trick ALIENS for application
Address, loan amount, income, estimated value, name, SSN
What does AML stand for
Anti money laundering
What does APOR stand for
Average prime offer rate
What does APR stand for
Annual percentage rate
What does ATR stand for
Ability to repay
What does AUS stand for
Automated underwriting system
What does BPO stand for
Brokers price opinion
What does BSA stand for
Bank secrecy act
What does CCPA stand for
Consumer credit protection act
What does CD stand for
Closing disclosure
What does CDOs stand for
Collateralized debt obligations
What does CE stand for
Continuing education
What does CFPB stand for
Consumer financial protection bureau
What does CHARM stand for
Consumer handbook on adjustable rate mortgages
What does CLTV/TLTV stand for
Combined loan to value
Total loan to value
What does CMIR stand for
Currency monetary instruments report
What does CMO stand for
Collateralized mortgage obligations
What does CO stand for
Certificate of occupancy
What does C/O stand for
Cash out
What does COE stand for
Certificate of eligibility
What does COFI stand for
Cost of funds index
What does CRA stand for
Credit reporting agency
What does CRV stand for
Certificate of reasonable value
What does CSBS stand for
Conference of state bank supervisors
What does CTR stand for
Currency transaction report
What does DO stand for
Desktop originator
What does DTI stand for
Debt to income
What does DU stand for
Desktop underwriter
What does ECOA stand for
Equal credit opportunity act
What does EEM stand for
Energy efficient mortgage
What does E-Sign stand for
Electronic signatures in global and National commerce
What does FACTA stand for
Fair and accurate credit transactions act
What does FBAR stand for
Foreign bank and financial accounts report
What does FCC stand for
Federal communications commission
What does FCRA stand for
Fair credit reporting act
What does FEMA stand for
Federal emergency management agency
What does FHA stand for
Fair housing administration
Fair housing act
What does FHA HECM stand for
FHA home equity conversion mortgage
What does FHFA stand for
Federal housing finance agency
What does FHLMC (Freddie Mac) stand for
Federal home loan mortgage corporation
What does FinCEN stand for
Financial crimes enforcement network
What does FNMA (Fannie Mae) stand for
Federal national mortgage association
What does FTC stand for
Federal trade commission
What does GEM stand for
Growing equity mortgage
What does GFE stand for
Good faith estimate
What does GLBA stand for
Gramm-leach bliley act
What does GMi stand for
Gross monthly income
What does GMK stand for
General mortgage knowledge
What does GNMA (Ginnie Mae) stand for
Government national mortgage association
What does GNND stand for
Good neighbor next door
What does GOM stand for
Graduated payment mortgage
What does GSE stand for
Government sponsored enterprise
What does HCLTV/HTLTV stand for
High combined loan to value
High total loan to value
What does HEL stand for
Home equity loan
What does HELOC stand for
Home equity line of credit
What does HERA stand for
Housing and economic recovery act
What does HLTK stand for
Home loan toolkit
What does HMDA stand for
Home mortgage disclosure act
What does HOEPA stand for
Home ownership equity protection act
What does HOI stand for
Homeowners insurance
What does HPA stand for
Homeowners protection act
What does HPML stand for
Higher priced mortgage loan
What does HUD stand for
Housing and urban development
What does I/O stand for
Interest only
What does KBYO stand for
Know before you owe
What does L/AR stand for
Loan application register
What does LPA stand for
Loan product advisor
What does LE stand for
Loan estimate
What does LES stand for
Leave and earnings statement
What does LIBOR stand for
London interbank offered rate
What does L K O stand for
Loan originator
What does LTV stand for
Loan to value
What does MAP stand for
Mortgage acts and practices
What does MBS stand for
Mortgage backed securities
What does MCR stand for
Mortgage call report
What does MDIA stand for
Mortgage disclosure improvement act
What does MIP stand for
Mortgage insurance premium
What does MLO stand for
Mortgage loan originator
What does MSDS stand for
Mortgage servicing disclosure statement
What does MU stand for
Mortgage uniform (form)
What does NFIP stand for
National flood insurance program
What does NMLS stand for
Nationwide multistage licensing system
What does NTS stand for
Notice of transfer statement
What does PE stand for
Pre licensing education
What does PL stand for
Principal limit
What does PMI stand for
Private mortgage insurance
What does PITi stand for
Principal interest taxes insurance
What does QM stand for
Qualified mortgage
What does RESPA stand for
Real estate settlement procedures act
What does R/T stand for
Rate and term
What does SAFE stand for
Secure and fair enforcement
What does SAR stand for
Suspicious activity report
What does SEC stand for
Securities and exchange commission
What does SFHA stand for
Special flood hazard area
What does SFHGLP stand for
Single family housing guaranteed loan program
What does SRR stand for
State regulatory registry
What does T-Bill stand for
(United States) treasury Bill
What does TCPA stand for
Telephone consumer protection act
What does TIL stand for
Truth in lending
What does TILA stand for
Truth in lending act
What does TIP stand for
Total interest percentage
What does TOTAL stand for
Technology open to approved lenders
What does TRID stand for
TILA RESPA integrated disclosure
What does UDAAP stand for
Unfair deceptive or abusing acts or practices
What does URLA stand for
Uniform residential loan application
What does US patriot stand for
United and strengthening American by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism
What does USC stand for
Uniform state content
What does USDA stand for
United states department of agriculture
What does USPAP stand for
Uniform standards of professional appraisal practices
What does UST stand for
Uniform state test
What does VA stand for
Veterans administration
What does VOE stand for
Verification of employment